“You Are Destined to Live in the Palace!”

“You Are Destined to Live in the Palace!”

This is a season of great transition and movement. It’s important that we allow the process to take place for the Lord to shut doors, change relationships, and shift the things in which we’ve been involved. The Lord is truly doing a new thing, both individually, and as the Body of Christ (Isaiah 43:18-19).

So many times we try to take old habits, mindsets, and garments into new seasons. It doesn’t work. What has worked in previous seasons will not work where God is taking His people. In the spirit I’ve seen many stuck in mud, and others with strings attached to them trying to pull the weights of last season into the new. It’s time to get unstuck, and stop looking back over your shoulder.

We are moving into a season of the “greater”! We will have greater visitations, greater dreams, greater glory, and greater miracles – the greater! Ephesians 3:20 (TPT) says, “Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for His miraculous power constantly energizes you.”

It’s important we prepare our hearts and minds to receive and inhabit what the Lord is releasing. So often we can reject the things of God because they don’t look like or didn’t go down like we thought they should. We must set in our hearts to be those who will be led by His Spirit. We can’t bow to our flesh or our fears. Fear will always keep us out of the promises of God.

“The mature children of God are those who are moved by the impulses of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 8:14 TPT)

When we allow the Holy Spirit to lead our lives, He will always take us to places that require greater risk and faith. Romans 8:5 (TPT) says, “Those who are motivated by the flesh only pursue what benefits themselves. But those who live by the impulses of the Holy Spirit are motivated to pursue spiritual realities.” When we press past our fears and securities, we’ll experience and encounter greater realms of glory – this is the season of the greater!

Crippling Fear

As I was meditating on this season, the Lord reminded me of the story of Mephibosheth. Mephibosheth is first mentioned in 2 Samuel 4:4. When he was five years old, Saul and his father Johnathan were killed in battle. His nurse picked him up to flee because they feared David would kill the rest of the family. In the chaos the nurse dropped Mephibosheth, and he became disabled and couldn’t walk anymore.

Giving into fear will cause us to run from promise. They didn’t know that David had made an oath to Saul that he would not kill off his descendants (1 Samuel 24). Instead of waiting to see what would happen when David became king, fear led to the flight of Mephibosheth, which caused him to become lame.

How many of you have become crippled because of fear? Fear has a way of paralyzing and crippling us so we can’t walk in promise.

From Lo Debar to the Palace

Mephibosheth ended up exiling himself to a place called Lo Debar (2 Samuel 9:4). In the Hebrew, “Lo Debar” means “without pasture.” In Biblical times it was considered a low place. Mephibosheth was royalty yet he was living in a place of constriction and desolation – what a contradiction. Mephibosheth had every right to be at the palace, but he allowed fear to keep him in an isolated and constricted place.

In 2 Samuel 9, David asked if there were any decedents left of Saul. He found out Mephibosheth was left. David called for him to come to the palace. Mephibosheth feared what David had to say, but David said: “‘Don’t be afraid… for I will surely show you kindness for the sake of your father Jonathan. I will restore to you all the land that belonged to your grandfather Saul, and you will always eat at my table.’ Mephibosheth bowed down and said, ‘What is your servant, that you should notice a dead dog like me?’…Then Ziba said to the king, ‘Your servant will do whatever my lord the king commands his servant to do.’ So Mephibosheth ate at David’s table like one of the king’s sons” (2 Samuel 9:7-8, 11).

Mephibosheth lost his identity as a royal, he saw himself as a dead dog. King David is a type and shadow of Christ. David restored to Mephibosheth his identity and what was his. Christ wants to do that for you. When we forget who we are, we can’t walk in what is ours. Our inheritance and position in Christ comes from who we are in Him. It says in verse 11 (above) that Mephibosheth ate at David’s table like one of the king’s sons.

I want to remind you, you are a King’s kid. You are seated in Christ in royalty. It’s time to stop living in Lo Debar. The Father is calling you out of Lo Debar to the palace to restore what is rightfully yours. You were never meant to live in Lo Debar. You were always destined for the palace.

April 10, 2019

Intro from Jennifer LeClaire:

Madeline James is a rising voice in the Ignite Prophetic Network and in the Body of Christ. It’s been my joy to watch her grow in her gift over the past few years. She is pressing into intimacy and holiness to release a pure prophetic flow in this season.As a Millennial prophetic voice, she is modeling the way for others, especially young women, to step out in faith and prophesy with boldness.

Her voice will refresh and inspire you. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

Jennifer LeClaire
Founder of Jennifer LeClaire Ministries

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“You Are Destined to Live in the Palace!”
Madeline James, Lexington, KY

Time to Get Unstuck and Stop Looking Over Your Shoulder

This is a season of great transition and movement. It’s important that we allow the process to take place for the Lord to shut doors, change relationships, and shift the things in which we’ve been involved. The Lord is truly doing a new thing, both individually, and as the Body of Christ (Isaiah 43:18-19).

So many times we try to take old habits, mindsets, and garments into new seasons. It doesn’t work. What has worked in previous seasons will not work where God is taking His people. In the spirit I’ve seen many stuck in mud, and others with strings attached to them trying to pull the weights of last season into the new. It’s time to get unstuck, and stop looking back over your shoulder.

We are moving into a season of the “greater”! We will have greater visitations, greater dreams, greater glory, and greater miracles – the greater! Ephesians 3:20 (TPT) says, “Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for His miraculous power constantly energizes you.”

It’s important we prepare our hearts and minds to receive and inhabit what the Lord is releasing. So often we can reject the things of God because they don’t look like or didn’t go down like we thought they should. We must set in our hearts to be those who will be led by His Spirit. We can’t bow to our flesh or our fears. Fear will always keep us out of the promises of God.

“The mature children of God are those who are moved by the impulses of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 8:14 TPT)

When we allow the Holy Spirit to lead our lives, He will always take us to places that require greater risk and faith. Romans 8:5 (TPT) says, “Those who are motivated by the flesh only pursue what benefits themselves. But those who live by the impulses of the Holy Spirit are motivated to pursue spiritual realities.” When we press past our fears and securities, we’ll experience and encounter greater realms of glory – this is the season of the greater!

Crippling Fear

As I was meditating on this season, the Lord reminded me of the story of Mephibosheth. Mephibosheth is first mentioned in 2 Samuel 4:4. When he was five years old, Saul and his father Johnathan were killed in battle. His nurse picked him up to flee because they feared David would kill the rest of the family. In the chaos the nurse dropped Mephibosheth, and he became disabled and couldn’t walk anymore.

Giving into fear will cause us to run from promise. They didn’t know that David had made an oath to Saul that he would not kill off his descendants (1 Samuel 24). Instead of waiting to see what would happen when David became king, fear led to the flight of Mephibosheth, which caused him to become lame.

How many of you have become crippled because of fear? Fear has a way of paralyzing and crippling us so we can’t walk in promise.

From Lo Debar to the Palace

Mephibosheth ended up exiling himself to a place called Lo Debar (2 Samuel 9:4). In the Hebrew, “Lo Debar” means “without pasture.” In Biblical times it was considered a low place. Mephibosheth was royalty yet he was living in a place of constriction and desolation – what a contradiction. Mephibosheth had every right to be at the palace, but he allowed fear to keep him in an isolated and constricted place.

In 2 Samuel 9, David asked if there were any decedents left of Saul. He found out Mephibosheth was left. David called for him to come to the palace. Mephibosheth feared what David had to say, but David said: “‘Don’t be afraid… for I will surely show you kindness for the sake of your father Jonathan. I will restore to you all the land that belonged to your grandfather Saul, and you will always eat at my table.’ Mephibosheth bowed down and said, ‘What is your servant, that you should notice a dead dog like me?’…Then Ziba said to the king, ‘Your servant will do whatever my lord the king commands his servant to do.’ So Mephibosheth ate at David’s table like one of the king’s sons” (2 Samuel 9:7-8, 11).

Mephibosheth lost his identity as a royal, he saw himself as a dead dog. King David is a type and shadow of Christ. David restored to Mephibosheth his identity and what was his. Christ wants to do that for you. When we forget who we are, we can’t walk in what is ours. Our inheritance and position in Christ comes from who we are in Him. It says in verse 11 (above) that Mephibosheth ate at David’s table like one of the king’s sons.

I want to remind you, you are a King’s kid. You are seated in Christ in royalty. It’s time to stop living in Lo Debar. The Father is calling you out of Lo Debar to the palace to restore what is rightfully yours. You were never meant to live in Lo Debar. You were always destined for the palace.

Madeline James
Madeline James Ministry

Email: nabispen@gmail.com
Website: www.nabispen.com

Madeline James is an emerging prophetic writer and voice who desires to release the heart of the Father, and be a tuning fork for the Body of Christ. She operates in the seer and revelatory realm. Her heart is to release revelation and wisdom that will help propel and push the Body of Christ forward. Madeline is the author of Rooted In Love, Declaring Your Morning, co-author of Emerge, and the blogger of the prophetic blog Nabi’s Pen. She resides in Lexington, KY. with her husband Richie and their two daughters.


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