Your Role Is Essential — Prayer Always Precedes Revival!

Your Role Is Essential — Prayer Always Precedes Revival!

Lessons from Church History: Prayer Precedes Revival

There are numerous examples from church history that point to the importance of prayer preceding revival. But I want to highlight one in particular:

Outer Hebrides Revival:

A revival took place in 1949 in the village of Barvas on the largest island of the Outer Hebrides off the northwest coast of Scotland. While many are aware of the impact of pastor/evangelist Duncan Campbell during this outpouring, this revival was precipitated by the faithful prayer warriors who paved the way before and during that mighty move of God’s presence.

Behind the scenes labored two elderly sisters: Peggy Smith, who was 84 years old and blind; and her sister, Christine Smith, 82 years old and almost doubled over with arthritis. They were unable to attend regular church services, but for months they prayed in their home for God to send revival to Barvas. These two relentless intercessors prayed by name for the people in each cottage along their village streets. They reminded God of His Word in Isaiah 44:3: “I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground” (kjv). They cried this prophetic promise to the Lord day and night.

Across the village, independent of the Smith sisters, seven young men met three nights a week in a barn to pray for revival. They made a covenant with God and one another, according to Isaiah 62:6-7, that they would give Him no rest until He sent revival their way. Month after month they prevailed in prayer.

One night in particular they prayed with fervency Psalm 24:3-5: “Who all ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart…He shall receive the blessing…from the God of his salvation” (kjv). Instantly, it seemed, the barn was filed with the glory of God and the young men praying from the Psalms fell prostrate on the floor. An awesome awareness of God overcame them and they were drenched with supernatural power they had never known before.

At that very time, the Lord gave one of the Smith sisters a vision. Peggy Smith saw the churches crowded with people, and hundreds being swept into the Kingdom of God. They sent word to their pastor that they had “broken through” and that heaven was about to descend on earth.

And so it did. The whole region seemed saturated with God. Wherever people were—in the work place, in their homes or on the roads—they were overwhelmed by the presence of almighty God. Water ended soaked the dry ground as Holy Spirit conviction was poured out in those days. A stream of blessing flowed that brought hundreds to salvation during the days of that historic visitation.

Now It’s Our Turn: Prayer Precedes Revival

The Lord has highlighted the importance of prayer and fasting in this season to leaders, prophets, and intercessors all over the globe. And now it’s our turn to take up the cry before the Lord, calling on him in repentance and asking for His revival to rain upon the dry ground of our hearts and land.

Years ago, I had an encounter with the Lord at Longview Lake in south Kansas City, MO (this is detailed in the last chapter of my book The Prophetic Intercessor) in which I declared into the heavens the great move of God on the earth. “Open be the way! Open be the way! Open be the way for the beginning of a great visitation.” It is once again time for us to declare the beginning of a great visitation.

A ground swell of the Holy Spirit is igniting prayer across the globe to open up the way for a heavy rain. Your prayers for this revival will help to open up the way, resulting in:

  1. The Fear of the Lord will be unfolded—a people of purity and passion will arise.
  2. A great wave of the Spirit will come releasing a movement of power evangelism.

As you pray, I encourage you to do the two things God ever requires: To believe Him, and to do whatever little thing He commands you to do.

May Revival Come Forth Resulting in the Great Harvest!

James W. Goll

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