
Releasing the Authority of the Kingdom Through Your Words, Prayers, and Declarations

Planting the Heavens: Releasing the Authority of the Kingdom Through Your Words, Prayers, and Declarations

By Tim Sheets
208 pages

The words we speak in prayer are like spiritual seeds. In the same way that planting seeds in the ground produces a harvest, you can learn to pray in a way that plants the blessings of heaven here on Earth.

Tim Sheets shares a revelatory new message that will take your prayer life to powerful new dimensions. Grasp the impact of your declarations and discover the power of praying the words that Heaven longs to hear!

Get ready to:

  • Pray with authority: learn how your prayers and proclamations are supernatural forces in the unseen realm
  • Pray with confidence: bring your words into agreement with God
  • Pray with expectation: partner with Heaven to transform your life, family, church and region for the Kingdom of God.
    Learn how to activate God’s timeless strategy for victory, blessing, and revival by planting the Heavens with seeds of prayer!

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