Each year, Jennifer LeClaire Ministries impacts millions of people around the world.None of this is possible without partners like you.
We believe by becoming a partner with JLM you will share in three powerful anointings with us: breakthrough prayer, prophetic intercession and a “collective” anointing that breaks yokes.
Partnership implies people joining forces to accomplish a specific goal. In this case, you’re partnering with me to take the gospel to hurting women, to stoke the fames of revival in the nations, and to produce equipping media materials that are encouraging nearly every country in the world.
We see the power of partnership throughout Scripture. Just look at Mark 6:7—Jesus sent his 12 disciples out two by two with authority over demonic spirits! The result of this partnership is clearly seen in Mark 6:12-13: “So they went out and preached that men should repent. And they cast out many demons and anointed with oil many who were sick and healed them.” And we know that Paul the apostle depended on churches to partner with him in his travels.