Angels on Assignment Again: God’s Real Life Guardians of Saints at Work in the World Today- Kindle

Scripture tells us of a day when angels God’s holy messengers will ascend upon the earth like never before like a fire igniting everything they touch. From time immemorial, testimonies of these messengers and their amazing intervention have maintained global attention, and every world religion has its own way of identifying and confirming their continual influence. At this moment, the wind of a new Great Awakening is blowing throughout every culture of the US, as well as many countries abroad. People are sensing something they can t explain, but it s a movement of God they cannot disregard. Leaders of both genders and of every generation whose appearance, character, and approach defy all the ecclesiastical norms of the otherwise exhausted Church are rising up from the most unexpected of places to harness this spiritual power and preach the Gospel with a fresh passion the world hasn t witnessed since the martyrs of old. In such a crucially important time, it is necessary to understand the role angels will play in the days ahead. In Angels on Assignment Again, readers will discover: The history of angelic beliefs from one culture/religion to another, and the specific identities they ve been given throughout time How, when, where, and why these celestial beings have visited our planet in recent days How to discern a holy visitation from an unholy manifestation based on the authority of Scripture Upcoming movements of the Holy Spirit, and the role of angels within them How angels are a sign of the end times, and what that means for us here on earth How to safely pray specific prayers of angelic intervention in our lives from provision to revelation and beyond.

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Scripture tells us of a day when angels God's holy messengers will ascend upon the earth like never before like a fire igniting everything they touch. From time immemorial, testimonies of these messengers and their amazing intervention have maintained global attention, and every world religion has its own way of identifying and confirming their continual influence. At this moment, the wind of a new Great Awakening is blowing throughout every culture of the US, as well as many countries abroad. People are sensing something they can t explain, but it s a movement of God they cannot disregard. Leaders of both genders and of every generation whose appearance, character, and approach defy all the ecclesiastical norms of the otherwise exhausted Church are rising up from the most unexpected of places to harness this spiritual power and preach the Gospel with a fresh passion the world hasn t witnessed since the martyrs of old. In such a crucially important time, it is necessary to understand the role angels will play in the days ahead. In Angels on Assignment Again, readers will discover: The history of angelic beliefs from one culture/religion to another, and the specific identities they ve been given throughout time How, when, where, and why these celestial beings have visited our planet in recent days How to discern a holy visitation from an unholy manifestation based on the authority of Scripture Upcoming movements of the Holy Spirit, and the role of angels within them How angels are a sign of the end times, and what that means for us here on earth How to safely pray specific prayers of angelic intervention in our lives from provision to revelation and beyond.

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