
50 Prayers to Break the Stronghold of Pornography and Sexual Sin

50 Prayers to Break the Stronghold of Pornography and Sexual Sin

Christians in bondage to sexual sin are usually either ashamed and guilt-ridden or so deceived that they justify their behavior. If you are reading this article, you are in the first camp. There is hope for you. You can break free!

Here are 50 prayers to help you break free.

Pray with me here.

In the name of Jesus, I break every sexual stronghold over my life.

I bind and cast out every spirit of lust and perversion in Jesus' name.

Lord, purify my mind from every sexual thought that is not of You.

I cancel every assignment of the enemy to entrap me in sexual sin in Jesus' name.

Holy Spirit, cleanse me from every impurity and sanctify my body, soul, and spirit.

I break every soul tie formed through sexual sin in the name of Jesus.

Lord, release Your fire to burn away every sexual desire that is contrary to Your will.

I declare that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and I will honor God with it.

Every demonic influence causing sexual immorality in my life, be destroyed by fire in Jesus' name.

I break the power of pornography over my life in Jesus' name.

Lord, renew my mind and fill me with pure thoughts.

I command every spirit of masturbation to leave my body now in Jesus' name.

I cover my mind, body, and spirit with the blood of Jesus.

Every sexual addiction, be broken by the power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus' name.

Lord, grant me the strength to resist temptation and flee from sexual immorality.

I break the chains of fornication and adultery in Jesus' name.

Every generational curse of sexual sin, be destroyed by the blood of Jesus.

Holy Spirit, empower me to walk in purity and holiness.

I declare that I am free from the bondage of sexual sin in Jesus' name.

Lord, restore my soul and heal me from the wounds of sexual sin.

I reject every evil influence and company that leads me into sexual sin in Jesus' name.

I declare my freedom from every spirit of seduction and Jezebel spirit in Jesus' name.

Every demonic stronghold of sexual sin, be pulled down in Jesus' name.

Lord, set a guard over my heart and mind to protect me from impure thoughts.

I break every covenant made with sexual sin, knowingly or unknowingly, in Jesus' name.

Father, help me to walk in the spirit and not fulfill the lust of the flesh.

I declare that my body is set apart for God and I will not defile it with sexual sin.

Lord, give me the grace to discipline my body and bring it into subjection.

I break the power of any sexual dreams and demonic covenants formed through them in Jesus' name.

I bind every marine spirit and spirit spouse that has come into my life through sexual sin in Jesus' name.

Lord, sanctify me wholly and keep my spirit, soul, and body blameless until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I declare that I am not a slave to sin but a servant of righteousness in Jesus' name.

Every evil altar raised against my sexual purity, be destroyed by fire in Jesus' name.

I renounce every hidden work of darkness and expose it to the light of Christ.

Lord, fill me with Your Spirit and let Your fruits be evident in my life, especially self-control.

I declare that I am free from the power of sin and death through Jesus Christ.

Father, cover me with Your wings and protect me from every temptation and attack of the enemy.

I break every ungodly relationship and friendship that leads me into sexual sin in Jesus' name.

Holy Spirit, fill me with Your power to live a holy and blameless life.

I declare that I am crucified with Christ and it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me.

Every spirit of lust, I command you to leave my life now in Jesus' name.

Lord, give me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me.

I declare that I am free from every stronghold of sexual sin in Jesus' name.

I plead the blood of Jesus over my mind, my body, and my emotions.

Father, help me to walk in the light as You are in the light, and have fellowship with one another.

I declare that I am more than a conqueror through Him who loved me and gave Himself for me.


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