10 Characteristics of (so-called) Christian Cults

10 Characteristics of (so-called) Christian Cults

5. They claim their religious community (or church) is the only true church

This is perhaps the greatest initial red flag.

When any church or group—especially those without a historic footprint from the first few centuries of Christianity— claim to be the only true church it has to demonstrate delusion and deception with the founders of said religious group, since Jesus has been building His true church for more than 2000 years since His resurrection!

6. No regard for church history

Along with the previous point / religious cults often have a twisted view regarding church history that cannot be backed up by respectable, mainstream historic, Christian scholarship.

7. False doctrine

Invariably, most cults not only have aberrant mind control practices but also espouse some form of heretical doctrines regarding salvation, the deity of Christ , The Person of the Holy Spirit, the existence of hell and other primary biblical doctrines.

I.E. many cults like the Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that Jesus is a created being and not God the Son – they believe the Holy Spirit is a force and not the third person of the Triune God, that lost souls are annihilated in hell, and that salvation is by good works (witnessing and going door to door to be one of the chosen few that go to heaven).

8. The leader is idolized

Often the leader of a religious cult—whether deceased or living—is almost worshipped and idolized as a great prophet or saint.

9. Numerous ex members have shared traumatic stories of abuse

Common with most religious cults, there are numerous testimonies available on social media, YouTube, and on the printed page with testimonies from ex members regarding mind control, social isolation, mental and or spiritual abuse social isolation and other manipulative practices resulting in traumatic experiences.

10. Lack of financial transparency

Religious cults are wrapped in secrecy regarding their governance, membership records, leadership protocols and financial expenditures.

Many cults rarely divulge how their donations are spent. Most legitimate churches have annual business meetings that show committed members how their monies are spent.

In conclusion, my prayer is that this article results in more discernment for Christ followers so that many can help their friends and family and folks they happen to meet escape from the bondage of cults and come into the Spiritual freedom of the true Body of Christ.

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