
When Jesus was born in Bethlehem three wise men came from the east to Jerusalem looking for the King of Glory. They saw His star in the east and they came to worship Immanuel, God with us (Matthew 2:1-2).

There’s something notable about this passage of Scripture. These wise men traveled from a mighty long way to seek Jesus, to worship Him and to bring Him gifts. In other words, these wise men didn’t seek Jesus for what He could for them, for He was only a baby in a manger. These wise men weren’t trying to win the favor of man, for they denied King Herod’s request to report back to him the location of the Child. No, these wise men sought the Lord and found Him – and they were filled with joy.

What about you? Are you a modern-day magi? Are you a wise man or woman?

People in today’s modern world don’t have to travel across national borders to seek the King of Glory. They don’t need to follow a star in the sky. All we have to do is pick up our Bibles, praise His holy name, hunger and thirst after righteousness, seek and we will find.

That’s what a modern-day magi does. Jesus is closer than you think. He wants to give you a spirit of wisdom and understanding in the knowledge of Him. Look for the King of Glory today and worship Him in spirit and in truth.

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