California, Revolution, and the Angel of Innovation

California, Revolution, and the Angel of Innovation

God is about to amp up all those things again, from California. By Johnny Enlow I believe this May, a revolution comes of full age for the state of California and it is going to affect everybody, everywhere. California is the world’s catalytic leader for most...
The Spirit of Illegitimacy

The Spirit of Illegitimacy

The enemy wants to steal your identity. By Ryan Johnson  Learn how it is more than a relationship with Christ. Listen in as Jennifer interviews author Ryan Johnson about his new book ‘Illegitimacy: The Battle Over Your Identity.’   Are you following...
The Uprooting and Expulsion of Kingdoms of This World

The Uprooting and Expulsion of Kingdoms of This World

The advancement of the Kingdom of God and the taking of territory will be the result of encountering “Christ the Truth” and being set free. By Wayland Henderson Previously, I was teaching in my School of the Prophet’s class on the subject of the prophet’s role in...
Decrease Is the Formula For Increase

Decrease Is the Formula For Increase

Anything you strive to get, you strive to keep. By Anita Alexander What? Yep, you read that title right: Decrease is the formula for increase. We all want and desire to go to new levels, know the Lord more, experience Him in greater ways, see His power flow in greater...
Stop Carrying What I Never Intended for You to Carry!

Stop Carrying What I Never Intended for You to Carry!

Peace is a powerful weapon against the enemy. By Angela Stolba Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverancethe race marked out for...
God’s Revival Fire is Spreading Across the Nation

God’s Revival Fire is Spreading Across the Nation

I pray that fire begins to enter into your life and spreads from place to place. By Darren Canning The Great Lakes Revival Recently (as of late March), while I was ministering in Niagra Falls, the Lord started speaking to me about a Great Lakes Revival. During that...
A Corporate Offense Against the Church?

A Corporate Offense Against the Church?

Until you get rid of that chip on your shoulder and re-engage with the Body of Christ, you will be stunted in your growth and limited in your reach. Wanda Alger Yes, this is what the Lord showed me in prayer recently. There is a BITTER ROOT within the hearts of many...
Prayers That Produce Results

Prayers That Produce Results

When we lose our desire to pray we lose our focus. By Corey Bell Prophet Corey Bell is the husband to Jacquelyn D. Bell they both reside in Greenville N.C. Corey is a father of two children Shaziyah and Elijah Bell. Prophet Corey is an active prophet in his ministry...
I Am Breaking the Mold

I Am Breaking the Mold

Prepare for ministry not as usual! By Jamila Jordan Moody This morning as I rose from my rest, these words began to ring in my spirit, “I am breaking the mold.” I didn’t write down what I hearing right away as I was preparing myself together for work while locked in...
Birthing Your Dreams May Mean Shifting Your Direction

Birthing Your Dreams May Mean Shifting Your Direction

Sometimes a small shift makes all the difference. By Jennifer LeClaire I call them “baby dreams”—and these prophetic encounters have been a running theme in my life over the past decade. It seems God has been laboring with me to birth a new thing for nearly that long....
Call Them Home!

Call Them Home!

“They will hear My name in the rain.” By Christy Johnston I had a powerful encounter dream recently that has branded my heart in ways I was not expecting. In the dream, I was standing in a downpour of rain, when suddenly I saw Jesus standing directly in...
Stand Tall

Stand Tall

Some may say you’re not qualified, but God qualifies you. By Angela Stolba Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. | Ephesians 6:13 Stand tall, My...
Going Back To the Garden, It Is Ground Zero

Going Back To the Garden, It Is Ground Zero

If you give your work to the Lord, He will give cause your thinking to line up with His will. By Jo Ellen Stevens Proverbs 16:3 “Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established.”  Papa, we give all of the things that you have called...
A Life Unfiltered

A Life Unfiltered

Remove the filter and let love in. By Lori Suiter Filters. We all use them. I use them. Apps have made it very easy for us to show a perfected image of ourselves to the world. Now I’m not opposed to filters on pictures to enhance and smooth one bit, but the problem...
I Am Not Done With Syria!

I Am Not Done With Syria!

Do not fear for “vindication, shalom and celebration” are coming. By Hank Kunneman In light of the breaking news out of Syria regarding the missile strikes carried out by 3 nations – the US, UK and France – on 3 specific chemical sites, we wanted to bring...
The Wooing of the Wasted Ones

The Wooing of the Wasted Ones

What man deems waste, God deems worthy. By Dawn Hill A song of love sprung up from within me a few days ago as I laid crumpled in the floor, worshiping the Lord. There was an explosion happening in my spirit, and I found myself singing to Him, “I break myself at...
Leadership Ethics 101

Leadership Ethics 101

Protect your relationships they’re important. By Amanda Shiflett One of the worst things you can do as a ministry leader or Pastor is to post or FB Live about something that was discussed with you in private by one of your congregants, even if you are trying to...
A Season of Suddenlies Is Here!

A Season of Suddenlies Is Here!

Before He comes for us, He will manifest out of us! By Wayland Henderson I Thessalonians 5:1-3 1 Now you do not need to have anything written to you about times and dates, brothers, 2 for you yourselves know very well that the Day of the Lord will come like a thief in...