It’s A Season of Suddenlies

It’s A Season of Suddenlies

The suddenlies are upon us! By Christy Austin Last night, I was sitting in a rocking chair on our southern front porch and the Lord brought to fruition words He has been stirring in my Spirit the past few days. “The suddenlies are upon us.” Look for them this week....
The Lion of Judah Is About To Roar Over California Part 1

The Lion of Judah Is About To Roar Over California Part 1

The Lord is releasing His roar over California. By Lana Vawser The Lord has been speaking to me about California over the past few weeks and highlighting the need for increased intercession and declaration of the Word of God and His plans and purposes for her. As I...
The Lion of Judah Is About To Roar Over California Part 2

The Lion of Judah Is About To Roar Over California Part 2

The Lord is roaring over California. By Lana Vawser CALIFORNIA IS GOING TO SHAKE WITH THE FEAR OF GOD As He stepped in, in this vision, I saw the state of California beginning to shake. There was no part of the state that was left unshaken. It was the shaking of the...
Heavenly Wisdom and Keys Are Being Released

Heavenly Wisdom and Keys Are Being Released

You are now equipped to release and impart to others the same freedom that you have received. By Angela Stolba I will place on his shoulder the key to the house of David; what he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. | Isaiah 22:22 For the past...
Your Lazarus Moment Is Coming

Your Lazarus Moment Is Coming

Do not be afraid because what you see is not the end of your story. By Kathi Pelton The Spirit of the Lord showed me many people who were feeling dead inside or as if they’d been wrapped in grave clothes and put into a tomb. They cried out to Jesus but He didn’t come...
7 Ways to Shorten Your Seasons of Struggle

7 Ways to Shorten Your Seasons of Struggle

Don’t prolong your battles. By James Goll Seven Effective Spiritual Weapons You must know and speak the Word. I cannot emphasize enough the power and efficacy of Scripture. As Jesus did in the midst of His wilderness temptation, you must know and speak the Word...
Birthing Your Dreams May Mean Shifting Your Direction

Birthing Your Dreams May Mean Shifting Your Direction

Sometimes a small shift makes all the difference. By Jennifer LeClaire I call them “baby dreams”—and these prophetic encounters have been a running theme in my life over the past decade. It seems God has been laboring with me to birth a new thing for nearly that long....
His Resurrection Is My Resurrection

His Resurrection Is My Resurrection

How do you reflect on the significance of Jesus’ death and resurrection in your daily life? By Bill Johnson Bill Johnson reminds us that this powerful sacrifice is not a mere fact that we know to be saved, but a true, empowering reality that we live from...
A New Day Is Dawning

A New Day Is Dawning

He is doing a new thing! By Chimyra Yancy During my morning seek, before I started out with my daily routines, I spent time seeking the Father. After praying in the spirit for a few minutes, I began to see mountains being revealed as if the sun was beginning to rise....
Live In the Glory

Live In the Glory

Here are some misconceptions about accessing the glory realm. By Patricia King Are you following us on Facebook?
The Voice of the Lord Blesses

The Voice of the Lord Blesses

In this world you will face much darkness, but Jesus overcame this world and so can you. By Darren Canning Listening to God is our success in Christ. We have to lay down our right to make our own decisions-not because we must be subservient for subservient sakes, but...
High Altitude

High Altitude

He’s calling you to a higher place of rest! By Daneen Bottler As I was praying, the Lord showed me a vision of an eagle soaring over its territory. The Lord had me watch from the beginning as this majestic eagle took off from its perch on a tree and flew through...
The Fianciers Are Coming!

The Fianciers Are Coming!

In this season the Lord is aligning Finance Seers to ministries and businesses. By Monica Ramey Several months ago I attended a church service that had a wonderful woman of God ministering. Near the end of the service, she started moving prophetically. She gave the...
A New Era Has Begun For the Lord’s True Remnant Part 1

A New Era Has Begun For the Lord’s True Remnant Part 1

You will be stamped with His presence and His purpose on a different dimension in this season. By Amanda Shiflett For the true remnant of the Lord; for those who have been through the storm; for those who have felt shaken to the core in this last year, and even in...
This Is The Season of Heavenly Oil

This Is The Season of Heavenly Oil

Streams will flow from His heavenly throne. By Charlie Shamp God has approved you for a miracle; even the devil can’t stop it! I heard the Lord say, “This is the season of the heavenly oil. Son tell my church to ask me for it; yes, even decree and declare it! Streams...
Prophetic Update

Prophetic Update

Edification, exhortation, and comfort through the use of modern media production. By WVLR DT 48 Welcome to this week’s edition of PROPHETIC UPDATE! Each week, our team brings you a fresh word from the Lord. Are you following us on...
In My Hearing: A Word of Wisdom

In My Hearing: A Word of Wisdom

Here is what won’t be easy for the mockers though – the consequence of their mockery. By Jamila Jordan Moody “Be mindful not to cast dirt upon the ones who fought the battles you are enjoying the spoils of.” Real Talk It’s easy for some enjoying the spoils of...
Rise Up, Josephine!

Rise Up, Josephine!

Jehovah is about to pour out an INCREASE of GRACE upon the Josephines! By Anne Janssens  In a vision I saw a powerful woman warrior with a long SPEAR in hand. She stood with one foot firmly planted on top of a mountain and her other foot lifted up in the air as if she...
I Heard Him Say, “Speak Grace Grace To The Mountain.”

I Heard Him Say, “Speak Grace Grace To The Mountain.”

It’s not by might, power, but by His spirit. By Madeline James Recently, I was getting ready to head to bed and felt prompted to spend some time with the Lord. As I sat on the couch waiting on the Holy Spirt, I saw an inner vision. In the vision I saw this huge...