Faith Moves are Needed Now

Faith Moves are Needed Now

On March 14, when I was visiting Israel and Jordan, God began to speak to me that He was going to move His people quickly because a shift was occurring in the heavenly realms, and we needed to cooperate by faith as He was getting ready to move people to change homes,...
Accurately Discerning God’s Timing

Accurately Discerning God’s Timing

When I choose the proper time, I will judge uprightly. Ps 75:2 NKJV It is time for You to act, O LORD, For they have regarded Your law as void. Ps 119:126 NKJV …until the Ancient of Days came, and a judgment was made in favor of the saints of the Most High, and...
Understanding The Father Heart of God

Understanding The Father Heart of God

Most of our understanding of Father God comes from our experiences with our earthly fathers. If we had a kind, loving earthly father, we tend to see our heavenly Father the same. But if our earthly father was distant, unkind, or absent, we have a harder time seeing...
Finding Prophetic Symbolism in Tattoos

Finding Prophetic Symbolism in Tattoos

God is speaking to you all the time. The more you understand His hidden voice, the better you will know your God-given destiny. As the Lord awakens our God-given creative spirit, we discover that He can speak through just about anything. There are so many ways to...
“Jesus is Ripping Off the Blanket of Darkness!”

“Jesus is Ripping Off the Blanket of Darkness!”

The Lord spoke to me, saying that many of His children are in a place called, “contradiction.” The place of contradiction is where everything looks opposite from what God has promised you. If that is you, I have good news for you: there is a DIVINE...
10 Signs of Prophetic Abuse and/or Manipulation

10 Signs of Prophetic Abuse and/or Manipulation

I have found the prophetic gift, including inspirational preaching, teaching, and prophetic words, to be the most edifying of all the gifts — as St Paul said in 1 Corinthians 14. However, with every true gift of God comes either a counterfeit and or an abuse. You can...
False Views of Love Diluting the Church’s Power

False Views of Love Diluting the Church’s Power

Years ago I was preaching a series of strong holiness messages in a particular church. After one of the meetings the pastor said something to me that I’ve never forgotten. “The Lord has dealt with me about preaching more on love than holiness,” he said. That statement...
‘France on Fire’ Prophecy Warns of Potential Terror

‘France on Fire’ Prophecy Warns of Potential Terror

When I stepped into France nine days ago, I heard the Lord say: “France on fire.” I had no frame of reference for what that could mean. Initially, I considered the positive side of this expression… being on fire for God. We are in talks to launch an Awakening House of...
Expect a Resurgence of the Inner Healing Prophets

Expect a Resurgence of the Inner Healing Prophets

As I began to pray into what the Lord would have me share pertaining to a Prayer for Life initiative that my dear friends, Nate and Christy Johnston, were spearheading, He brought back to memory a dream that I had on the night of November 14th, 2017. I dreamt that I...
Prophecy: Indonesia Is Crying Out for Healing

Prophecy: Indonesia Is Crying Out for Healing

During a recent trip to Indonesia, the Lord began to speak to me about this nation—world’s largest island country and the world’s fourth-most populous country and the one with the highest population of Muslims. I had the honor of ministering in a mega church in Bali,...
The Secret to Solomon’s Wisdom

The Secret to Solomon’s Wisdom

Most of us recognize King Solomon for his legendary wisdom, and we know God is the one who gave him the gift. What is often overlooked, however, is when God imparted that supernatural gift. In First Kings 3:5-15, we discover it actually happened in a dream. We...
Prophetic Word: A Season of Dreams and Visions

Prophetic Word: A Season of Dreams and Visions

Season of dreams and prophetic words We are entering into a time when the Lord is going to release deep revelation through dreams and visions. Powerful prophetic words are going to start flowing from Heaven. Let the prophet who has a dream recount the dream, but let...
Prophecy: Shaking the Tree of Leadership

Prophecy: Shaking the Tree of Leadership

Many years ago the Lord told me that, for me, self-promotion was illegal. I’ve wrestled with the implications of that word from Him ever since. For the sake of profitability for the publishers who produce my books, I’m required to do some promotion of my own, but...
Prophetic Dream of the Remnant Rising

Prophetic Dream of the Remnant Rising

I can remember it like it was yesterday. I heard a knock at my door very late at night. It was a young pastor friend of mine who was seeking shelter because the police were looking for him to arrest him. His crime: helping a young woman escape her Muslim parents who...
Jesus’ Names in Revelation: The Lion and the Lamb

Jesus’ Names in Revelation: The Lion and the Lamb

I Am the Lion and the Lamb “One of the most interesting contrasts of names in Revelation occurs in chapter five, where in the same context I am called both ‘the Lion of the tribe of Judah’ and ‘a Lamb’ (5:5-6). If this combination sounds paradoxical in English, it is...