Building Faith for Divine Turnarounds

Building Faith for Divine Turnarounds

We all encounter moments in life when we reach a breaking point. We've exhausted our resources, tried every solution, and still find ourselves stuck in a cycle of frustration and discouragement. It's in these times that we need something beyond human capability—a...
Pray for Oklahoma | Awakening Prayer Hubs

Pray for Oklahoma | Awakening Prayer Hubs

As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/5050. Known...
Pray for Ohio | Awakening Prayer Hubs

Pray for Ohio | Awakening Prayer Hubs

As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com/5050. Known...
Trump: Nebuchadezzar to Darius?

Trump: Nebuchadezzar to Darius?

On November 5, 2019, I wrote an article sharing a prophecy about Trump experiencing “Nebuchadnezzar moment.” At the time, this perspective was met with a lot of criticism, as you can imagine. Recently, it appears many now believe that Trump indeed had a...
50 Prayers to Break Anger Strongolds

50 Prayers to Break Anger Strongolds

If you are dealing with a stronghold of anger know this: Left unresolved, anger and its cousin rage can eat you alive from the inside and destroy relationships, careers and more. The enemy loves to provoke us to anger. We must not give place to the devil, but rather...
5 Keys to Break Lack Attacks

5 Keys to Break Lack Attacks

Many believers find themselves struggling with a sense of lack—whether it be financial, emotional, or spiritual. This pervasive feeling can become a stronghold, binding us in a cycle of scarcity and preventing us from experiencing the abundance that God promises. But...
7 Ways to Break Strongholds of Sickness

7 Ways to Break Strongholds of Sickness

It’s one thing when the enemy attacks your mind. It’s another thing when he attacks your body. But here’s the worst part: When he attacks your body, a mind attack comes with it. If there is a diagnosis, fearful imaginations hit your soul. If there’s pain, depressive...
6 Ways to Tear Down the Stronghold of Fear

6 Ways to Tear Down the Stronghold of Fear

Breaking the Stronghold of Fear: A Journey to Freedom As we follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit, we encounter obstacles that challenge our faith and hinder our progress. One of the most pervasive and crippling obstacles is the spirit of fear.  Fear can manifest...
Awakening Nations One Soul at a Time

Awakening Nations One Soul at a Time

I’m saved today thanks, in large part, to a great grandmother who prayed for me. I was on a highway to hell, but she wouldn’t let go of my soul in intercession. Thank God for harvest-minded intercessors like Mama Norris. The truth is, the intercession of the saints...
50 Prayers Every Watchman Should Pray

50 Prayers Every Watchman Should Pray

God is calling forth a new breed of watchman in this season. But you need to stay strong in your watching, and you need to move accurately with what you see. Rather than get overwhelmed with your assignment, stay prayed up. Pray for yourself, not just the assignments...
5 Ways to Watch and Pray Effectively

5 Ways to Watch and Pray Effectively

In a world fraught with wars, terrorism, famines, pestilences, and spiritual challenges, the role of the watchman has never been more critical. Scripture calls us to be vigilant, standing guard over our families, communities, and nations through prayer and spiritual...
6 Ways to Break Evil Arrows

6 Ways to Break Evil Arrows

In the realm of spiritual warfare, the concept of “evil arrows” is both biblical and relevant to our walk with God today. Evil arrows are one of the enemy's devices, and we must not be ignorant of the enemy's devices. Understanding the nature of these...