Prophets Declaring a Glory Wave and Three-Month Purge

Prophets Declaring a Glory Wave and Three-Month Purge

We usually begin each New Year with 40 days of fasting and prayer. In early December, while seeking the Lord about our upcoming fast, the opening phrase of an old hymn suddenly sprung up from within my spirit.”Take my life and let it beConsecrated, Lord, to...
2019 Prophecies Over Africa, Korea and Other Nations

2019 Prophecies Over Africa, Korea and Other Nations

Africa is coming out of years of wars and poverty, and there will be a radical change in government and politics. The wealth of their recourses will find a new market, managed with character. The ravaging of their tribes and communities with disease, poverty and...
Ana Werner: 2019 is the Year of Illumination

Ana Werner: 2019 is the Year of Illumination

I have sat now with this word for a while, carefully praying through what I sense the Lord share with me that is coming to us all for the year of 2019. Know that every prophetic word I release, I bring before other prophetic voices I trust, respect and who bear good...
Prophecy: Supernatural Doors Are Opening

Prophecy: Supernatural Doors Are Opening

I recently had a vision where I was walking down a long hallway. I had a great expectancy as I keep walking down this hallway. I noticed that there were doors all along the sides of the hallway, some to the right and some to the left. Again, as I kept walking, I felt...
Sons of Samuel will be Exposed

Sons of Samuel will be Exposed

We are in a pivotal moment in the day of modern Apostolic and Prophetic Ministry. We have embraced the idea that God is not through with Apostles and Prophets, yet we have devalued the importance and value of the Pastor, Evangelist, and Teacher. We have become...
2019: A Year of Heavenly Vision and Perspective

2019: A Year of Heavenly Vision and Perspective

I recognize this is a longer word, but I encourage you to really take the time to read this through. I feel this word of the Lord so strongly for the Body of Christ. Matthew 4:1-11 has been burning on my heart recently—the story of Jesus tempted by the enemy. As I...
Prophetic Wheat and Tares

Prophetic Wheat and Tares

There are few things that can ignite passion and zeal for the Lord and His work like authentic prophetic ministry. In the Book of Ezra we see that the work of restoring the house of God ceased until Haggai and Zechariah the prophets started prophesying. It says in...
Michael Brown on True Prophets

Michael Brown on True Prophets

In 1988, after attending a leadership meeting where visiting prophets ministered to those in attendance, I returned home sensing something was wrong. Something was missing. Many of the words were quite accurate, that was true. But every single word was overwhelmingly...

Michael Brown on True Prophets

In 1988, after attending a leadership meeting where visiting prophets ministered to those in attendance, I returned home sensing something was wrong. Something was missing. Many of the words were quite accurate, that was true. But every single word was overwhelmingly...
2019 Prophecy: Marriages Will Strengthen in 2019

2019 Prophecy: Marriages Will Strengthen in 2019

God also showed me a strengthening of marriages in 2019. A heaviness has been on many marriages all the way through the end of 2018. Many couples have been challenged with the idea of divorce. But I believe God’s salvation for all of this lies within your mate....
2019 Prophecy: Business in America Strong in 2019

2019 Prophecy: Business in America Strong in 2019

The future will birth the new methods, connections, territories and strategies which are all changing. In some situations there will be additions placed alongside the old strategies, creating a merging of strategies. Nonetheless the old is going to pass away as we...
2019: A Year of Discovery, Release and Turning

2019: A Year of Discovery, Release and Turning

From the outset, I believe the Lord is encouraging us to focus on His perspective. The Bible says that our Father’s heart and intent toward us is good (see Jer. 29:11). God is for you; He is not against you. He is with you; you are not alone. Your Father knows...
Prophecy: Radical Deliverance and True Freedom in 2019

Prophecy: Radical Deliverance and True Freedom in 2019

In this season, we might be called to give away spiritual birthings and Kingdom territory that God requires in order for the full destiny and purpose of His territory to come to fullness. Put your vision on the water and let God prepare a kingly place to receive your...
Year of the Gentle Man

Year of the Gentle Man

As we prepare for this next year, God is laying the land survey before us of what we possess. Around town I have noticed multiple surveyors out with their tools taking surveys of land. Even this last week in a meeting God put me in front of a land survey. It was then...
Rick Joyner: 2019 is a Year of Unity and Shaking

Rick Joyner: 2019 is a Year of Unity and Shaking

2018 was a remarkable and wonderful year. 2019 will be even more so. Every year from now on will be more so, but key elements of a great spiritual critical mass will begin to come together in the coming year. This will begin a spiritual atomic-like explosion in 2020....
2019 Prophecy: The Year of the Decree

2019 Prophecy: The Year of the Decree

“I decree and declare…” These are four words we hear prayer warriors cry out in the heat of the battle—but often without an experiential revelation of the power of a decree. In 2019, God will demonstrate the power of a decree with rapid breakthrough following. He is...
2019 Season of Acceleration

2019 Season of Acceleration

We are entering into a season of acceleration and fulfillment. 2019 is going to be an exceptional year for the elect, especially for those who have been through tests and trials for the past few seasons. Things are moving and happening fast and if you are not rooted...