Sometimes Following Jesus Means NOT Being Neutral

Sometimes Following Jesus Means NOT Being Neutral

Some of you know that I work for the synod office – the regional outpost of the national ELCA. And maybe you also know that we recently concluded the annual synod assembly, our yearly gathering of voting members representing many of the congregations of our synod. One...
The Limits of Social and Political Activism

The Limits of Social and Political Activism

Richard Beck’s continuing series on his journey to becoming “post-progressive” includes a critique of progressive Christianity’s priority of political activism and social justice. Beck knows that there is a great deal of support in the biblical story for this...
Jesus and the Way of Compassion

Jesus and the Way of Compassion

Mere charity is a band-aid that cannot bring liberation. Neither can ardent calls for justice from those who live separately from the oppressed. Both fall short of true compassion. Paulo Freire wrote: “The generosity of the oppressors is nourished by an unjust order,...