WATCH: 2015: The Year of New Beginnings

Every year we set out hearts for a new beginning of some sort—but 2015 is different than 2014, 2013, 2012 and the years before. That’s because 2015, as the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart, is the year of new beginnings. Let this video encourage you. I'll...

LISTEN: Do You Bear Witness to This Prophetic Word?

I was traveling last week, so Pastor Greg Young played a teaching on a prophetic word I released in January and offered his commentary on it. Do you bear witness to this prophetic word? CLICK THE HEADLINE to get to the page with the audio. Click here to access the...

Jennifer on the Radio: What Is God Saying for 2014?

After our discussion on God's judgment versus revival on last week's Dose of the Ghost segment on Chosen Generation Radio, Pastor Greg Young asked me to stay overtime for a special recording and teaching on what the Lord was showing me for 2014. This is an...
A Prophetic Word for 2013: Return to Antioch

A Prophetic Word for 2013: Return to Antioch

I was taking a long drive from South Florida to Orlando, praying in the Spirit, and asking the Lord to reveal some prophetic direction for 2013. I must have prayed in the Spirit for two hours before I heard these three words: “Return to Antioch.” With a...