Dec 15, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Words
During my School of the Prophets, the Lord have me a revelation of false intercessors rising. You’ve got to watch this! You can find the school of the prophets at You can find Jennifer online at ...
Nov 30, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Insight
Nicolaitan apostles are rising. It’s a new breed, but then again, it’s not a new breed at all. Jesus warned us about Nicolaitan leaders in his letter to the church in Pergamum. “So you also have those who hold the teaching of the Nicolaitans. Repent,...
Nov 21, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Insight
Whether you are a seer or a seeing person, you need to understand the realities of the supernatural realm. There are gates, pitfalls and more in the spirit world. You also need to understand legalities so you don’t tap into familiar spirits. Get in on this video...
Oct 30, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Words
It’s been nearly a year—it was November 15, 2017 to be exact—that I blew the trumpet on the Christian witch movement brewing in the spirit. I issued a strong, bold prophetic warning about Christian witches rising using the name of Jesus. Now, here’s another one. I am...
Oct 10, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Words
On October 1, the Lord spoke to me clearly: “Things that need to come to a head are going to come to a head this month.” According to Cambridge Dictionary, coming to a head means things have reached point where strong action has to be taken. It means something has...
Sep 25, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Words
Every time I visit Singapore, I get a renewed worldview. It’s as if the spirit realm opens up to me and I see with greater clarity. Last year, the Lord released angels of fire to accompany me—and they haven’t left me. This year was a little more intense. I woke up on...
Sep 18, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Insight
Join Jennifer as she takes you on a journey during an Ignite prophetic network meetings. Most of all, catch this: You have a prophetic voice. You can join Jennifer’s Ignite network at http://www.ignitepropheticnetwork. You can find out more about...
Sep 8, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Insight
In this episode of Surge, Jennifer takes you on a trip through Atlanta where she spontaneously prophesies over the staff at Atlanta Live during an interview about the Awakening Blaze Prayer movement ( You can learn more about...
Aug 9, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Insight
Do you want to flow in a greater prophetic anointing? Tired of seeing all the copycat prophetic words? Jennifer LeClaire, author of The Making of a Prophet, and Ryan Johnson are going live in a no-holds barred broadcast. Register and you’ll get a link even if...
Aug 3, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Words
I love prophesying into destinies. In this season, I’ve been prophesying “limitless!” In my latest SURGE vlog, I go behind the scenes with me at the Limitless conference in Atlanta with. Don’t miss the infamous ride to the airport and my...
Jul 5, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Words
The Lord gave me a prophetic word about unusual partnerships and multiple births in June. I felt led to unpack this and activate it in the Body of Christ in July. Let this word encourage and challenge you to keep pressing and keep discerning. You can find...
Jul 3, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Words
On my Mornings with the Holy Spirit prayer broadcast (, the Lord gave me a word for Millennial prophets. I share it here, along with teaching to edify, comfort and exhort, Millennials and Gen Z. The Lord told me in 2016...
Jun 29, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Words
In this broadcast, Jennifer unpacks a prophetic word about seers that includes an invitation from the Lord, a warning, and more. The first time she tried to do this, the sound ominously was missing and it was not a technical error. All equipment tested out fine....
Jun 25, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Insight
What is a New Testament prophet’s primary function? Jennifer LeClaire, founder of the Ignite Prophetic Network and Awakening Blaze prayer movement, answers. You can find out more about Ignite, a network where you can learn and grow in the prophetic with...
May 25, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Insight
God is raising up Millennial prophetic voices with great clarity and accuracy. But no matter what our age we can benefit from wisdom in prophetic ambassadorship. In this video, I share far more than seven wisdom tips for Millennial prophets. In reality, these tips...
May 10, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic
When I interviewed Shawn for the cover of Charisma magazine last year, I had no idea the tables would turn and he would interview me about a year later for my latest book, Dream Wild: Ignite Your Faith to Defy Impossibilities. Shawn also wrote the forward to Dream...
May 10, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic
Check out this teaching video and get inspired if you are in a season of hiddenness. By Jennifer LeClaire I was reading 1 Kings 17:1-4 when the Lord showed me five reasons He hides prophets in caves. You can learn more about the prophetic at
May 8, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Words
I heard the Lord say “epic.” “We are moving into a season of epic. We’re moving from mega to epic. “My promises are epic. My thoughts toward you are epic. My plans for you are epic. The enemy has come to erode your hope and your dreams and your future, but...
May 7, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic
Identifying your flow helps you function more accurately. You can’t be someone God has not called you to be. By Jennifer LeClaire No two prophets or prophetic people are alike. You can’t put a prophetic person in a box because you can’t put God in a...
May 3, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Insight
Jennifer LeClaire, founder of the Ignite prophetic network and Awakening Blaze prayer movement, answers this question. You can find out more about Ignite, a network where you can learn and grow in the prophetic with exercises, prayer support, dream interpretation,...
May 2, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Insight
In this episode, Shawn Bolz interviews Jennifer LeClaire. Jennifer is an internationally recognized author having written 25+ books including “Dream Wild.” She is the founder of the Ignite Network and Awakening Blaze prayer movement and an activator and...
Apr 30, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Insight
Do prophets exist today? Jennifer LeClaire, founder of the Ignite prophetic network and Awakening Blaze prayer movement, answers your question. You can find out more about Ignite, a network where you can learn and grow in the prophetic with exercises, prayer support,...
Apr 21, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic
Sometimes a small shift makes all the difference. By Jennifer LeClaire I call them “baby dreams”—and these prophetic encounters have been a running theme in my life over the past decade. It seems God has been laboring with me to birth a new thing for nearly that long....
Apr 17, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic
Sometimes a small shift makes all the difference. By Jennifer LeClaire I call them “baby dreams”—and these prophetic encounters have been a running theme in my life over the past decade. It seems God has been laboring with me to birth a new thing for nearly that long....
Apr 13, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic
Don’t let your calling put you ahead of your commissioning. By Jennifer LeClaire Are you following us on...
Apr 10, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic
There’s a right and wrong spirit in doing this. By Jennifer LeClaire When do you rebuke someone? What about a leader? What about someone who is just in deception? How do you rebuke them? You can find Jennifer’s ministry online at
Apr 9, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Words
I heard the Lord say, “The season of realignment is upon you, but there is a purpose in the realignment. I am bringing My people into a realignment for a reassignment. “I am re-assigning people in My body–repositioning them for maximum impact. In past seasons,...
Apr 4, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Insight
There are eagle prophets and vulture prophets. You want to soar with the former and soar with the latter. Eagle prophets and vulture prophets manifest in much different spirits. In this teaching video, I explain some of the key distinctions. You can find more...
Mar 30, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic
Be careful who you let in your inner circle. By Jennifer LeClaire Are you following us on...
Mar 28, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic
Enter into a season of prayer and a season of prayer answers. By Jennifer LeClaire God hears and answers prayer. There is hope for you to see a better tomorrow.Listen to what Jennifer heard the Lord say, “You will enter into a season of prayer answers when you...
Mar 23, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic
It doesn’t surprise me to see these types of activities in a Babylonian world. By Jennifer LeClaire When I was a business and technology journalist, I wrote my fair share of articles about corporate espionage, cyber-spying and violations of intellectual property....
Mar 16, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic
Do you feel like a rubber band ready to snap? By Jennifer LeClaire I spend several days a week lifting heavy weights and doing all sorts of crazy new exercises in the gym. Sometimes, I forget to stretch and end up with muscles so tight I can barely walk two days...