Nov 6, 2016 | Apostolic, Awakening & Revival, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
There's a rich root of revival in Los Angeles—and women were a key part of it. Assemblies of God history tells us the Azusa Street Revival brought women's ministries to the fore. Indeed, Jennie Evans Moore who married Daddy William Seymour in 1908, was a...
Aug 7, 2016 | Awakening & Revival, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
I'll always remember the night I stepped into a Florida Panhandle church in the midst of full-blown revival. Rick Curry invited me to check out what was known in 2014 as the Gulf Stream Revival. Being a journalist by trade, I stood back and watched as revivalist...
Jun 27, 2016 | Awakening & Revival, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
Intercession broke out. Travail ensued. Groanings too deep for utterance seemed to echo throughout the church—and then the spirit of the fear of the Lord fell on the entire congregation (Is. 11:2). Everybody froze. The intercession stopped. The travail stopped....
Jun 24, 2016 | Awakening & Revival, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
In 2012, I released a prophetic word that essentially declared God is waiting on us. God is not holding revival tightly in His fist, refusing to release it. I'm convinced that many of us are waiting on God to move when in reality He's waiting on us...
Oct 1, 2015 | Awakening & Revival, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
Jesus assured us that signs would follow us if we believe. So why do so many believers come up short when they try to cast out devils? Why do they lay hands on the sick and the sick stay sick? Why do they long for miracle-working power but continue to struggle day in...Sep 28, 2015 | Awakening & Revival, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
We've moved from peacetime Christianity to wartime Christianity. It's time to wake up and run to the battle line to take out the giants in our land! It's time to WAR for awakening and revival. Join Ryan LeStrange, Joe Joe Dawson and Jennifer...
Aug 6, 2015 | Awakening & Revival, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
I've never fallen into a trance but I know people who have—and it's totally biblical. We only see people falling into trances a few times in the Bible, but there is enough evidence from the Word of God and from modern expressions to back up this...
Jul 30, 2015 | Awakening & Revival, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Before Azusa Street in 1906, there was the Welsh Revival in 1904. It was one of the greatest revivals ever and perhaps the one with the most tragic end. That's because the spirit of Jezebel cut off the voice of Evan Roberts, a young man God used to set a nation on...
Jun 26, 2015 | Awakening & Revival, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
I never would have guessed that so many different leaders from so many different camps in the body of Christ would agree on this. I mean, we argue and fight over so many things. We get in silly disputes over praying in tongues, whether God is still healing today, if...
Jun 26, 2015 | Awakening & Revival, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
There's been a lot of talk this week about the Confederate flag. Indeed, I got some pretty nasty responses to my Wednesday Watchman on the Wall column about the prophetic significance behind the Confederate flag backlash. Now, another flag is under fire: the...
Jun 26, 2015 | Awakening & Revival, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Watching old videos of healing evangelists like Kathryn Kuhlman, A.A. Allen, Jack Coe and Oral Roberts is one of my favorite things to do. In the last few months alone, I've consumed hundreds of hours of videos showing the miracle-working power of God and bold...May 14, 2015 | Awakening & Revival, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
THIS INTERVIEW ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN GOSPEL TODAY. The Bible outlines stories of various prophets, such as Isaiah, Jeremia, and Ezekiel, who were called by God to do ministry in His kingdom. Today, prophecy still exists and Christians carry on the ministry and...Mar 21, 2015 | Awakening & Revival
I was radio Friday with former Congressman Tom DeLay and Kerville, Texas Mayor Jack Pratt and Pastor Greg Young talking about an #appealtoheaven for spiritual awakening! God is moving! DeLay says, “Things are not going to change unless we...
Jan 29, 2015 | Awakening & Revival, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
While writing The Next God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual Awakening, I traveled to many cities to witness pockets of revival breaking out. What the Holy Spirit showed me is there are many expressions of revival. Of course, they are all marked by a fervent hunger...