Aug 13, 2019 | Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit was given to prepare [the disciples] for revelation at a whole new level. He would take them where Jesus couldn’t. Perhaps this is part of the reason Jesus said, “It is to your advantage that I go . . .” The indwelling Holy Spirit enables us to bear...
Jun 20, 2019 | Holy Spirit
I have a Pentecostal background, for which I am very thankful. My forefathers paid quite a price to preach and defend that the baptism in the Spirit and speaking in tongues is still for today. I owe it to them to do nothing to take away from their accomplishments, but...
Jun 6, 2019 | Holy Spirit
When the anointing comes, it will affect every part of your being, “like oil into his bones” (Psalm 109:18). That anointing from on high brings power. Remember when the Holy Spirit’s power came on the apostles? They became giants for God and took their world for...Apr 28, 2019 | Holy Spirit
*1JOHN1:5-7. And this is the message [the message of promise] which we have heard from Him and now are reporting to you: that God is LIGHT, and there is no darkness in Him at all [no, not in any way].[so] if we say we are partakers together and enjoy fellowship with...
Apr 24, 2019 | Holy Spirit
It is my prayer those of you reading this not only love Jesus but thoroughly enjoy studying His Word! I hope you will learn a simple step through this article, applying it to your life and begin reading the Bible. And while studying Scripture using this one simple...
Apr 4, 2019 | Holy Spirit
Can the Holy Spirit truly be found in every book of the Bible? The answer is yes! How could it be otherwise? How could the One who inspired every word written in both the Old and New Testaments not be found in the same? I love the Holy Spirit, and I never tire of...
Apr 3, 2019 | Holy Spirit
Yes, it is, and I’ll tell you why it is. But before I can present the “why”, I must define the “what”. There are many different terms coined for the manifestation of which I write: Slain in the Spirit, Falling Under the Power, overwhelmed in God’s presence, etc. Many...
Mar 26, 2019 | Holy Spirit
Our day could be going well from the start. Our routine is set and we have a momentum. We’re feeling accomplished. But then the unthinkable happens. There is a phone call. Or an unexpected visit from the authorities. A news flash on the TV. Our world could feel like...
Mar 15, 2019 | Holy Spirit
How confident do you feel right now in your ability to hear and know God’s voice? God wants each of us to hear and know His voice for ourselves. But many times, we don’t always know what to listen for. God makes it clear that He has confidence in our ability to hear...
Mar 12, 2019 | Holy Spirit
Can the Holy Spirit truly be found in every book of the Bible? The answer is yes! How could it be otherwise? How could the One who inspired every word written in both the Old and New Testaments not be found in the same? I love the Holy Spirit, and I never tire of...
Mar 8, 2019 | Holy Spirit
Much of the Body of Christ today merely thinks about renewal, revival, awakening, and manifestations of God’s power when they think of the Holy Spirit’s function. Although we would all love to speak about revival and renewal in the church, we have to realize that the...
Mar 8, 2019 | Holy Spirit
“Let anyone who is thirsty come. Let anyone who desires drink freely from the water of life.” (Revelation 22:17b) Parched The hurried pace of life can leave us all feeling this way. I know I have been there. Whether it’s a busy calendar week that runs us ragged, or a...
Mar 4, 2019 | Holy Spirit
General William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army, told those who worked with him: “The tendency of fire is to go out; watch the fire on the altar of your heart.” A fire left to itself usually goes out. What a profound statement and challenge to every pastor: Watch...
Mar 1, 2019 | Holy Spirit
Having a relationship with God in this life is an extraordinary thing. It changes how we see the world and see ourselves. Comedian Michael Ray Kingsbury had this life-changing revelation recently. Michael is a self-described “Comedic Storyteller” from Vermont. If you...
Feb 27, 2019 | Holy Spirit
In this powerful interview, author and worship leader, Jenny Weaver talks about the miraculous restoration that is possible through the Lord. She shares the story of her journey from a broken home, drug addiction, violence, and witchcraft to a completely renewed life....
Feb 24, 2019 | Holy Spirit
As My children, there are desires, there are passions that are yet to be realized as a sure and manifested part of who you are in Me. These desires, these passions spring up in you from knowing Me, spending time in My Presence and being saturated with Me in the glory...
Jan 30, 2019 | Holy Spirit
Walk in the Spirit Daily The Holy Spirit is the child of God’s pipeline to the Father; it is the enabling power to fulfill the law of righteousness. All over the New Testament, we are exhorted to “live according to the Spirit” (Romans 8:5). Now, I am more of a...
Jan 10, 2019 | Holy Spirit
Its not popular—or easy—but slowing down is essential to hearing God’s voice. We must break free from our overstimulated culture. Phones buzz, screens flash, and distractions come at us almost constantly. There is almost no time to rest. In our busy world, there’s...
Dec 24, 2018 | Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit loves messes. How do I know? Because of the second verse of the Bible: “The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters”(Genesis 1:2, ESV). At the Creation,...
Dec 22, 2018 | Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is perhaps the most misunderstood member of the Triune Godhead. Many believers perceive and or treat Him as though He is nothing more than a force or a presence that emanates from God. (Reviving an ancient heresy called Pneumatomachian, which is a...
Jul 1, 2018 | Holy Spirit, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
The Holy Spirit is described in many ways in the Bible—from Breath of the Almighty (Job 33:4) to Eternal Spirit (Hebrews 9:14) to Spirit of Grace (Zechariah 12:10; Hebrews 10:29). Although there are many characterizations of the Holy Spirit in Scripture, there are...
Mar 30, 2018 | Holy Spirit, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
You need the Holy Spirit—and you have Him. When you got saved, the Holy Spirit came to live on the inside of you. But there’s a deeper immersion for you. There’s more. Jesus is the Baptizer and He wants to fill you with His Spirit to overflowing. And it’s not a one...
Mar 10, 2018 | Holy Spirit
I want to introduce you to my best friend on earth today. I want to introduce you to the Holy Spirit. He is the Spirit of Grace, the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Liberty. He is the Spirit of the Lord. Jesus sent Him to me as a gift, and He wants to give you this...
Mar 10, 2018 | Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is the most important person in the world—and He is with you all the time. It’s vital that we learn who He really is. Meditate on these 22 Scriptures about the person of the Holy Spirit, His anointing and His work in the lives of believers. John 14:26 ...
Aug 10, 2017 | Holy Spirit, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
The kingdom of God is not based on talk but on power (1 Cor. 4:20). But how do we tap into that power? How do you position yourself to move in God’s “dunamis”—the power for performing miracles that opens the eyes of the lost to the love of...
Oct 31, 2016 | Holy Spirit, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
How you ever missed it? Have you ever resisted God thinking it was the devil? Sometimes when our emotions get wrapped up in a thing, it's more difficult to discern His leading—especially when the flesh or soul doesn't like the way He is leading....
Oct 24, 2016 | Holy Spirit, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
Too many of God's people are led by fear, doubt, man-pleasing, presumption, assumption, idols in their heart, false prophets and fleeces. Romans 8:14 says, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God.” Every believer...
Aug 11, 2016 | Holy Spirit, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
Discernment is a vital gift in an age when false apostles, deceitful workers, demonic angels of light, false signs and wonders, false prophets, false teachers, false christs, false revivalists and other falsities are rising in the church. Some believers have the gift...
Aug 7, 2016 | Holy Spirit, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
We know Jesus and we know the Father but fewer know—really know—the Holy Spirit or have a relationship with Him in their daily lives. The truth is the Spirit of Truth—the Holy Spirit—will revolutionize our lives if we'll let Him. The Holy...
Aug 7, 2016 | Holy Spirit, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
I don't know about you, but sometimes I just don't know how to pray. Sometimes I don't know what the will of the Lord is in a situation. Sometimes my natural wisdom doesn't get the job done. And sometimes I need help in sticky situations. Thank God the...
Jun 27, 2016 | Holy Spirit, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
The charismatic world is known for embracing the gifts of the Spirit. Who doesn't like to get a prophetic word? See a miracle, sign or wonder? Receive a healing? Discern a spirit? Flow in words of knowledge and words of wisdom? Pray in tongues and hear the...
May 21, 2015 | Holy Spirit, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
Last summer, Robby Dawkins was bemoaning the fact that American Airlines would not allow him to pray for God to raise from the dead a passenger who died in-flight. Thankfully, no one at the church at which he was ministering in the United Kingdom put such restrictions...