Bill Johnson: You Have the Same Spirit as Jesus

Bill Johnson: You Have the Same Spirit as Jesus

The Holy Spirit was given to prepare [the disciples] for revelation at a whole new level. He would take them where Jesus couldn’t. Perhaps this is part of the reason Jesus said, “It is to your advantage that I go . . .” The indwelling Holy Spirit enables us to bear...
What’s Blocking Your Healing?

What’s Blocking Your Healing?

One night at an Ohio home church, a lady asked for prayer for an impossible situation. As the result of an accident, her jaw was deteriorating; she’d grown fearful about her doctor’s report. As we prayed, we took authority over fear and commanded a creative miracle to...
9 Ways Ungodly Soul Ties Form

9 Ways Ungodly Soul Ties Form

The bad choices we make concerning companionship bring us into bondage through the soul ties that form through agreement. Jesus came to set us free, but the bonds formed by ungodly associations take us captive. However, when we know how the devil works to enslave us,...
The Vertical Aspect of Worship

The Vertical Aspect of Worship

Have you ever asked the question, “Why do we spend so much time in our services on worship?” What is the reason for all the present emphasis on worship? It is insufficient to think of our worship services as merely ‘the preliminaries,’ something to ‘condition’ the...
Dutch Sheets: Finding Purpose in Your Pain

Dutch Sheets: Finding Purpose in Your Pain

What an appropriate title for this wonderful book: Expect God! One cannot help but be inspired to believe while reading Rachel Shafer’s moving story. Life has thrown numerous knockout punches her way but she has withstood them all, stayed in the ring, and overcome....
My Answer to Critics of the Prayer Movement

My Answer to Critics of the Prayer Movement

If God ALREADY KNOWS everything we need, then WHY DO WE PRAY?  I believe, and am sure you do as well, that: ·         God is Sovereign!!! ·         God is all-knowing ·         God is all-powerful ·         God is a loving Father ·         God knows all my needs!!!!...
If You Could See Your Words in the Spirit…

If You Could See Your Words in the Spirit…

In an age and culture of social media where everyone says what they think without restraint, let’s explore the power behind words and why they matter.  The Bible says our words carry either blessing or curse. Period. Like, that’s it. It kind of scares me and makes me...
Derek Prince Answers the Riveting Question: Why Tragedy?

Derek Prince Answers the Riveting Question: Why Tragedy?

Why do tragedies happen to God’s people, especially those who have lived an exemplary life of faith and service? If God is good, why is there so much misery, suffering, persecution, and injustice in the world? These are questions that, if you and I are honest, have...
What to Expect When God Promotes You

What to Expect When God Promotes You

There are some prophetic words that just need to be reposted again and again. Don’t forget this one. Print it out and put it in your journal. Remind yourself of the process and don’t bail out. “…Things are going to happen so fast your head will...
God’s War for America

God’s War for America

Did you ever wonder why God isn’t doing something? You see America being torn apart, battered into submission, and molded into some ugly weak version of her former self. All in the name of progress. When the moral bottom society becomes the loudest voices of...
Tattoo Goes Viral and Proves That Heaven Is Real!

Tattoo Goes Viral and Proves That Heaven Is Real!

This is the story of a tattoo that has gone viral on Facebook and it’s both strange and beautiful! It has also sparked a chain of near death testimonies on the existence of Heaven. A “Special Tattoo” Suede Silver is the tattoo artist from Los Angeles, California who...
Seducing Spirits, the Last Days, and the Anchor of Truth

Seducing Spirits, the Last Days, and the Anchor of Truth

We are living in messy times. I’m sure you would agree that it seems the world has gone crazy on many fronts. For those whose thinking is biblically based, it is shocking to see how far society is drifting from what was once held precious in terms of morality and...
How To Break Chains Of Addiction Off Your Life

How To Break Chains Of Addiction Off Your Life

Not everyone who is bound wants to break chains of addiction off their life until they finally come to terms with their situation and call out for help. The good news is that with God it is possible to break chains of addiction and be completely set free. No matter...
Bring Peace Into Your Broken Soul

Bring Peace Into Your Broken Soul

Peace isn’t easy When living with depression or just flat out self-doubt, it can be hard to find peace in your everyday lifestyle. Whether you’re out with friends, putting in hours at work or simply reading an article online… you can still feel the pain in your heart....
God Is Calling All Gideons Out of Hiding!

God Is Calling All Gideons Out of Hiding!

During one of the darkest times in ancient Israel, Midianite invaders began a campaign of terror. Everybody was hiding in caves and mountain strongholds. They had seen the Lord do miracles in the past to deliver Israel, but this time, they lost all faith. But then the...
Teen Prays And Miraculously Survives Shark Attack

Teen Prays And Miraculously Survives Shark Attack

This teen was involved in a shark attack in June. During the attack, the teen called out to God in prayer then she miraculously survived. Shark Attack Paige Winter, a 17-year-old girl from North Carolina, lost her leg and two fingers after a shark attacked her at Fort...
3 Important Habits Of A Joyful Heart

3 Important Habits Of A Joyful Heart

A joyful heart is something that everyone desires to have, and according to Proverbs; having a joyful heart is like good medicine. But sometimes, life will throw things on us that will steal away the joy and peace we have. So here are three important habits that we...
Can Witches Curse Christians?

Can Witches Curse Christians?

The idea of witches and Satanists corporately uniting to cast curses on the people of God is not a new idea. In 1 Kings 18:17-40, the Bible tells us that 400 prophets of Baal corporately assembled to release their demonically energized power against the prophet...