Requirements for Successful Bloodline Prayer

Requirements for Successful Bloodline Prayer

“Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin.” (Hebrews 12:4 ASV) This scripture can be taken literally because in bloodline prayer we declare war and strive against sin unto the blood. We release the redemption of Jesus Christ in our blood and our DNA...
What I Learned From Reinhard Bonnke

What I Learned From Reinhard Bonnke

Reinhard Bonnke, one of the greatest generals of evangelism the world has ever known, has gone home to glory—but not without leaving us many lessons for life and ministry. Bonnke told me he went from “zero to hero,” which is an accurate portrayal of the youngest son...
The Single Spiritual Practice To Prepare To Face Anything

The Single Spiritual Practice To Prepare To Face Anything

Every illustration of faith throughout the Bible reveals that faith is the belief in God’s Word and character despite circumstances or situations. To put it another way: faith is believing God when things look, sound or feel the opposite of what He says. While faith...
Bill Johnson Tackles a Controversial Topic…

Bill Johnson Tackles a Controversial Topic…

The following is an authorized transcription of a live teaching by Bill Johnson… Open to the Gospel of Luke if you would please. The Gospel of Luke. I’ve been looking forward to this day for a number of reasons. The Lord really stirred my heart actually a couple...
14 Next Generation Challenges to the Apostolic Movement

14 Next Generation Challenges to the Apostolic Movement

The so-called “millennium generation” has seemed to develop certain presuppositions that are presently a huge challenge that can hinder the continuation of the present apostolic reformation in North America and beyond. The new apostolic reformation was a phrase coined...
God Is Resurrecting Hope for Promises Fulfilled

God Is Resurrecting Hope for Promises Fulfilled

We receive God's precious and magnificent promises so that we will be partakers in His divine nature (2 Peter 1:4). God wants your life to look like His. God is Spirit. God is love. God is peace. God is light. God is perfect. God is a concealer of matters and a...