
Get ready Church of Florida!

By Stephanie Dillon

This week I had a prophetic dream for the body of believers in Florida, in which a huge fire had broken out in the church.  Many people had escaped the building & submerged themselves neck-deep into surrounding waters to keep from being consumed by the fire.

As I sought the Lord, I was led to Numbers 31:23 which reads, “anything that can withstand the fire must be put through the fire, and then it will be clean. But it must also be purified with the water of cleansing”.  Backtrack a few verses & we see that the reason for the purification was that the Israelite army had become defiled by contact with the dead during war (v.19).

To the Church of Florida, GET READY!  Heaven is making manifest the Word of the Lord.  Defilement disguised as the spirit of religion & the spiritually dead among you have hindered a move of God throughout your state.  But Jesus is sending the fire of his Holy Spirit to purify His bride.  This is why He gave Himself up for you, “that he might sanctify & cleanse you with the washing of water by the word, that he might present you to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that you should be holy and without blemish” (Ephesians 5:25-27).

There are many among you in Florida who are afraid of the refining fire of the Holy Ghost.  You have been resisting & operating in unbelief; but in His great mercy, He has caused you to run into the deeps of His Healing waters!  I was reminded of the river from the temple in Ezekial 47:  “And it shall be that every living thing that moves, wherever the rivers go, will live” (v.9).  The word “live” here is the Hebrew word “chayah” – to live prosperously, to be restored in life or health, to be quickened from sickness or discouragement, & to cause to grow again.  Hallelujah!

Florida, God will not stop at PURIFYING & CLEANSING you.  In His great love, He will prepare you for Him & then RESTORE the years that the locusts have eaten!  Once you are cleansed & purified of SPIRIT, a newness of LIFE will overtake you!  Pray for His fire.

Stephanie Dillon is a new prophetic voice in Louisville, KY. She is a teacher, intercessor & aspiring writer with a desire to see sons & daughters enter into the fullness of Christ. She leads an Awakening Blaze prayer spoke in her city & serves as a missionary to Acts Church, Jamaica. FB: @awakeningblazelouisville

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