
This winds of His Spirit are blowing!

By Amanda Smith

This week, as I was flowing in a prophetic worship time on Facebook Live I began to see a fresh wind blow and I began to sing and prophecy about the wind blowing. As I began to sing this over the viewers watching I knew that heaven was breathing upon this word.

That evening, I pressed in to the Father greater, as I knew there was more that He wanted to reveal. As I pressed in, I began to see the wind blowing again and it was full of seeds and they were landing upon hearts of the ones who were hungry and standing for righteousness and purity in this hour.

These seeds were seeds of revelation, seeds of encounter, and seeds of change. As these seeds landed I began to see that the time of maturation was very quick. The fruit of these mature plants was increase and multiplication. (1 Corinthians 9:10- “Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness”)

Many have sensed the dawning of a new day in their lives and ministries, as though they have stepped into something brand new. On the flip side, others have been waiting for the time of transition to come to a fullness in their lives. The winds are blowing upon the church and the wind is full of seeds, seeds that will take root very quickly, and mature and multiply at a rapid pace.

Beloved, we are in an hour of increased revelation, encounters, and visitations. The father is desiring to release greater realms of revelation, encounters, and visitations to His bride. (Eph.1:17 -” that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him,”)

If you are hungry to walk and experience greater things in Him. He says, “Press in, for you will not be disappointed.” (Matthew 5:6 – “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they will be filled.”)

The father is ready to release more of who He is to you and through you. The Lord says, “watch in this hour as I my winds blow upon my faithful ones, as I am bringing great increase to my body which will result in great multiplication of my Kingdom in the earth.”

The wind is blowing! Receive the seeds in this hour and you will not be disappointed!

Amanda Smith
is a prophetic psalmist and writer. Her passion is to equip people to step into their true identity in the Father and walk in the fullness of all that He has ordained them to be from the beginning. Another one of her main passions is to equip people to release their own unique sound from heaven into this earth and impact the culture around them. Amanda and her husband are the founders of Zenith Ekklesia Ministries and reside in Arkansas with their four daughters. Her website and prophetic blog is: zenithekklesiaministries.com

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