
Maturing comes from having the wisdom to learn from experience.

Jeremiah Johnson is one who I think has a maturity far beyond his age. I think much of this can be attributed to how he got engaged at a young age in building a church and helping to raise up other prophetic ministries. There is a wisdom and a maturity that comes from building something that reading a multitude of books cannot duplicate.

I was a pilot by profession. I liken the way some are given influence in the body of Christ to accepting someone as the pilot of a commercial jet even though they have never actually flown a plane, but they have read a lot of books on the subject. Would you get on such a flight? No, because your life would certainly be in jeopardy if you did. Should we not be just as concerned for our spiritual life? We must heed the biblical exhortation to “know those who labor among us.”

What Jeremiah Johnson has written in this book can be helpful in evaluating those who claim to be prophets and their messages. This is not all-inclusive but provides a good foundation to start with. It comes from one who is actually engaged in the work, has been for some time, and already has fruit that can be measured. He is one prophets can look to and say “He’s one of us.” He’s also one pastors and church leaders can look at and say, “He’s one of us.”

What Jeremiah Johnson has written in this book can be helpful in evaluating those who claim to be prophets and their messages.

Even a skillful carpenter sometimes must tear down a faulty foundation before a good one can be built. There are mindsets and even teachings in some prophetic circles that need to be torn down, and Jeremiah does not shy away from them in this book. There are others that are off, but just need adjusting. I’m impressed by how he already seems to have the wisdom to know the difference and address them accordingly. That is the sign of one whom I believe will emerge as one of the true “master-builders” in these times.


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