Fervent Faith: Discover How a Fervent Spirit is a Defense Against the Devil- Kindle
Get a new perspective on spiritual warfare and make the devil flee every time. Are you tired of spiritual highs and lows? Weary of the devil’s attacks? You don’t have to walk in emotional or circumstantial defeat for a single moment if you maintain a fervent spirit. That’s because a fervent spirit is a defense against the devil.
In Fervent Faith, Jennifer equips you to:
Maintain a fervent spirit at all times
Receive a fresh anointing from the Lord
Get prayer answers in the face of spiritual warfare
Wield your secret weapon against the enemy
Walk in intimate fellowship with God
And much more!
We aren’t wrestling against flesh and blood – but we are wrestling. I can guarantee you this: The devil is fervent about his ministry and he’s managed to impassion thousands of evil spirits – spirits that once enjoyed the very presence of the God who created them – that rejoice when your zeal wanes.
Listen, you can’t wait until the war is raging to get prepared. You need to get and stay prepared at all times because you may not always know when the enemy is going to attack your finances, when he’s going to attack your health, when he’s going to attack your relationships–when he’s going to attack whatever.
If you aren’t prepared when the attack comes, the enemy is likely to get in a few blows before you are fully dressed for battle. That’s not God’s will for you. He already defeated the devil, but we need to enforce that victory in our own lies. If the devil can deceive us, he can gain a foothold in our circumstances.
Defeat the devil with fervent faith!
Get a new perspective on spiritual warfare and make the devil flee every time. Are you tired of spiritual highs and lows? Weary of the devil's attacks? You don't have to walk in emotional or circumstantial defeat for a single moment if you maintain a fervent spirit. That's because a fervent spirit is a defense against the devil.
In Fervent Faith, Jennifer equips you to:
Maintain a fervent spirit at all times
Receive a fresh anointing from the Lord
Get prayer answers in the face of spiritual warfare
Wield your secret weapon against the enemy
Walk in intimate fellowship with God
And much more!
We aren't wrestling against flesh and blood - but we are wrestling. I can guarantee you this: The devil is fervent about his ministry and he's managed to impassion thousands of evil spirits - spirits that once enjoyed the very presence of the God who created them - that rejoice when your zeal wanes.
Listen, you can't wait until the war is raging to get prepared. You need to get and stay prepared at all times because you may not always know when the enemy is going to attack your finances, when he's going to attack your health, when he's going to attack your relationships--when he's going to attack whatever.
If you aren't prepared when the attack comes, the enemy is likely to get in a few blows before you are fully dressed for battle. That's not God's will for you. He already defeated the devil, but we need to enforce that victory in our own lies. If the devil can deceive us, he can gain a foothold in our circumstances.
Defeat the devil with fervent faith!
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