Satan’s Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft- Kindle

(1 customer review)

You’re on your guard for the Jezebel spirit. But did you know that it doesn’t work alone?

Just as the holy Trinity works together to deliver, redeem and then guide us day by day, an unholy trinity is doing everything possible to put us in bondage, strip us of our God-given identity and derail our Kingdom purpose.

Satan’s abominable threesome–the spirits of Jezebel, religion and witchcraft–is coordinating its attack. Are you?

Veteran spiritual warrior Jennifer LeClaire pulls back the curtain on the calculated and systematic strategies of the enemy while offering practical biblical tactics to combat this deadly trio. Her Spirit-anointed discernment will help you understand the hidden schemes of these spirits and, with God’s help, to resist them.

Here is the plan of attack that will allow you to take back your Kingdom purpose, claim freedom from Satan’s deadly trio and live in victory.

“Few people connect the dots between these three with the insight Jennifer LeClaire offers in this book. She equips mature believers to combat and overcome darkness through the power of God.”–Marcus Yoars, former editor, Charisma magazine

“Jennifer clearly exposes the root of pride, self-righteousness and legalism that desires to manipulate and control. The candor and directness by which she unpacks the message in this book is commendable.”–Doug Stringer, Turning Point Ministries International; Somebody Cares International

“I could hear the bells of freedom ringing as I read every page.”–Ron Phillips, senior pastor, Abba’s House; author; television and radio host

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You're on your guard for the Jezebel spirit. But did you know that it doesn't work alone?

Just as the holy Trinity works together to deliver, redeem and then guide us day by day, an unholy trinity is doing everything possible to put us in bondage, strip us of our God-given identity and derail our Kingdom purpose.

Satan's abominable threesome--the spirits of Jezebel, religion and witchcraft--is coordinating its attack. Are you?

Veteran spiritual warrior Jennifer LeClaire pulls back the curtain on the calculated and systematic strategies of the enemy while offering practical biblical tactics to combat this deadly trio. Her Spirit-anointed discernment will help you understand the hidden schemes of these spirits and, with God's help, to resist them.

Here is the plan of attack that will allow you to take back your Kingdom purpose, claim freedom from Satan's deadly trio and live in victory.

"Few people connect the dots between these three with the insight Jennifer LeClaire offers in this book. She equips mature believers to combat and overcome darkness through the power of God."--Marcus Yoars, former editor, Charisma magazine

"Jennifer clearly exposes the root of pride, self-righteousness and legalism that desires to manipulate and control. The candor and directness by which she unpacks the message in this book is commendable."--Doug Stringer, Turning Point Ministries International; Somebody Cares International

"I could hear the bells of freedom ringing as I read every page."--Ron Phillips, senior pastor, Abba's House; author; television and radio host

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1 review for Satan’s Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft- Kindle

  1. Joy Robert

    Am interested. I am going through a lot of mind battle with fear of all kinds f thoughts especially through the night. Pray for complete healing physically spiritual and mentally for me and my parents help pray for me and am really interested in your books and teaching. I truly need information and help
    Thank you

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