
Prayer costs us. When I interview people at IHOPKC, it is the thing I tell them that will annoy them most at the six-month mark. Both private and public prayer cost us. We could be spending time doing stuff and planning on how to be more effective, but God says, “Speak to Me”. We could be preaching (even about prayer) so that others “get it”, but God says, “Seek My face” instead.

Expressing our utter helplessness before a Holy God preaches well, but it is hard to do. I am so thankful through the years when I have been in big planning meetings with Mike Bickle, that at prayer time, no matter where we are in the discussion, we go to prayer. It seems humanly foolish, but there is a heavenly wisdom to embracing such weakness.

Not eating food and telling God what he tells us to tell him is another discipline that seems strange, but not in the upside down Kingdom that we read about in Jesus’ teaching. It is another way of God showing us that his power does not come through our plans but through our fuzzy headed weakness, so there can be no doubt about who should get the glory.

Here is another discipline that Jesus tells us to do in secret. Giving financially is not reserved for the wealthy (although the wealthy should give more), but it is the kingdom way of saying you will achieve more with the portion you have left after giving. It is another declaration of dependence upon the resources of heaven. It is another way of us joining with Paul to say, “When I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Cor. 12:10).

Sabbath Rest
Taking a one-day rest from work is challenging, especially when you have that feeling of urgency concerning the latest project that needs your attention. Rest is another way of declaring our dependence on the creator. This biblical principle is backed up by science, but it still seems so counterintuitive to our “get it done” approach.

The way to success in the Kingdom is really upside down from success before men. It’s simple, but it is challenging and there are no shortcuts, but the glory is that if we embrace weakness we really do find His grace and ultimately that’s all that matters.

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