Could ‘Kanye West’ be President in 2024?

Could ‘Kanye West’ be President in 2024?

On the back of his blockbuster Jesus is King album debut, Kanye West announced he is going to run for president in 2024. Actually, he said ‘I’m not going to run, I’m going to walk.” Kanye West seemed to bend conservatively even before news of his radical salvation,...
The 1 Thing The Devil Doesn’t Want To Hear You Say

The 1 Thing The Devil Doesn’t Want To Hear You Say

While we live in a world where it seems that anything goes, I’ve found that the majority of people believe God is mad at them. Burdened with guilt and shame, and reflecting upon life’s difficulties, too many believe what they’re going through is from the hands of a...
6 Ways To Overcome Self Doubt

6 Ways To Overcome Self Doubt

Self-doubt can become a persistent, powerful voice that holds us back from stepping into our legacy! In over 15 years of coaching leaders, I talk with so many about getting their “swagger” back or possessing a holy confidence. Every great leader possesses “it”! To get...
How to Hear God No Matter Where You’re At

How to Hear God No Matter Where You’re At

God is speaking all the time, but many people are either unaware or have not been shown how to hear God or recognize His still small voice. I want to share with you some tips I have learned the hard way while developing my ability to “learn to discern” the voice of...
Faith Moves are Needed Now

Faith Moves are Needed Now

On March 14, when I was visiting Israel and Jordan, God began to speak to me that He was going to move His people quickly because a shift was occurring in the heavenly realms, and we needed to cooperate by faith as He was getting ready to move people to change homes,...
The Spiritual Habit That Will Change Your Life Forever

The Spiritual Habit That Will Change Your Life Forever

Losing weight, getting more education and managing debt and stress top the U.S. Government’s list of most popular resolutions for a new year. Certainly, self-betterment in things like health or finances is a noble goal. But issues in these areas are often mere...
True Differences Between Apostolic and Prophetic Function

True Differences Between Apostolic and Prophetic Function

There has been much confusion regarding the difference between apostolic and prophetic function. Regarding these two functions, when we examine the Scriptures we find only a slight difference regarding ability in executive leadership roles, the main difference being...
Accurately Discerning God’s Timing

Accurately Discerning God’s Timing

When I choose the proper time, I will judge uprightly. Ps 75:2 NKJV It is time for You to act, O LORD, For they have regarded Your law as void. Ps 119:126 NKJV …until the Ancient of Days came, and a judgment was made in favor of the saints of the Most High, and...
Scripture Declarations for Physical Healing

Scripture Declarations for Physical Healing

Jesus entered this world for a single purpose: “to destroy the works of the devil” (1 Jn. 3:8). As seen all throughout the Bible, some of the main consequences of Satan’s influence on this world are sickness and disease. That’s why as a part of Jesus’ ministry to...
Holy Spirit: “That’s Enough Facebook!”

Holy Spirit: “That’s Enough Facebook!”

God’s not sitting up in heaven waiting to swat you every time you make a mistake. His eyes are watching over you like a protective, caring Father. He wants to help you make the right decision in every situation. First Peter 3:12 says His ears are open to your prayers,...
Understanding The Father Heart of God

Understanding The Father Heart of God

Most of our understanding of Father God comes from our experiences with our earthly fathers. If we had a kind, loving earthly father, we tend to see our heavenly Father the same. But if our earthly father was distant, unkind, or absent, we have a harder time seeing...
Six Ways to Foster Fervency in Prayer

Six Ways to Foster Fervency in Prayer

In Scripture we continually see that prayer precedes power. But not just any kind of prayer. Prayer that moves the heart and hand of God is heartfelt and fervent. It is meaningful and passionate. It is not lukewarm or filled with doubt. When the authorities commanded...
Discerning Truth In Perilous Times Of Manipulation

Discerning Truth In Perilous Times Of Manipulation

Heavenly Father, we indeed are living in perilous times and Your wisdom and help is most vital to our survival. Please help us! There is so much information available to us everyday that it is increasingly difficult to discern the truth. The big high tech firms are...
Our Prayers Can make the Crooked Straight

Our Prayers Can make the Crooked Straight

We declare that God's truth will go forth to untwist and untangle every obstruction and blockage to God's purposes, so that Kingdom order and alignment will reign, in Jesus' name. We are facing a spiritual adversary that seeks to twist and contort the ways of God and...
How to Get Beyond Your Shame to Love Yourself as God Does

How to Get Beyond Your Shame to Love Yourself as God Does

Many people wince when they catch their glimpse in the mirror. For some, it’s a reaction to physical features with which they have not yet found peace. You know, “this nose,” “those wrinkles” or “that belly!” But for others, the mirror isn’t merely a reflection of...
What to Remember When You Feel Rejected for Being Different

What to Remember When You Feel Rejected for Being Different

For too many years, I tried to be “normal.” But it never really worked out for me. Way back in my school days, it seemed I was always at least somewhat different from my peers. I was never as interested in PE and parties; I’d rather talk politics and religion. And...