Prophetic Prayer: Walking with the Holy Spirit

Escaping the Raging Floodwaters (Prophetic Prayer & Prophecy)

Sharpening Your Discernment

When the War Rages in the Heavens (Prophetic Prayer & Prophecy)

It’s Time to Wake Up

Prophetic Prayer: I DECREE That You are a Walking SIGN & WONDER!

Entering Into Governmental Intercession

Prophetic Prayer: If You Cry Out He’ll Pour Out!

Someone Goes to Hell Every Second
I’m saved today thanks, in large part, to a great grandmother who prayed for me. I was on a highway to hell, but she wouldn’t let go of my soul in intercession. Thank God for harvest-minded intercessors like Mama Norris. The truth is, the intercession of the saints...
Deliverance from Lying Spirits (Prophetic Prayer & Prophecy)

Prophetic Division: What Can We Learn?

Prophetic Prayer: When Life Is a Mad Rush

Prayers That Rebuke Demonic Whirlwinds Against Your Life

School of the Prophetic | Get Equipped to Release Your Voice Accurately

Prophetic Prayer: Access Granted

Prophetic Prayer: What a Difference a Day Makes

Don’t Miss This Seer Impartation & Activation

Prophetic Prayer: When Your Battery Is Dead

School of the Prophets: Be Careful How You Listen

Seer Activation: See the Angel in the Room

An Epic Vision of the War Room in Heaven

Prophetic Prayer: The ANOINTING Breaks the YOKE of Bondage

Signs You Are a Seer | Part 1

Prayers to Crush the Heads of Leviathan

How You Can See More Accurately in the Spirit Realm

Seeing into Times | Issachar Prophets Arise

Why Seers Must Pay Attention to Natural Surroundings

Is Social Media Defiling Prophetic Culture with Ear-Tickling & Judgment?

Deliverance from the Devil of Death

I Decree Double Fire on Your Enemies!