The Lord Will Shatter Your Enemies (Prophetic Prayer & Prophecy)

Is There a Satanic Curse on Your Household?

When God Brings You Wealth (Prophetic Prayer & Prophecy)

Deliverance from the Bitter Water (Prophetic Prayer & Prophecy)

Why Should We Pray in the Name of Jesus?

When There’s a Thorn in Your Side (Prophetic Prayer & Prophecy)

A Prayer That Ignites a Wall of God’s Protecting Fire Around Us

What the Enemy Doesn’t Want You to See (Prophetic Prayer & Prophecy)

Is This Why the Enemy is Not Fleeing?

Exposing & Destroying Stubborn Satanic Weapons

From Trial to Triumph! (Prophetic Prayer & Prophecy)

Breaking Generational Mountains (Curses) to Bits (Prophetic Prayer & Prophecy)
Are generational mountains (curses) in your way? Let’s break them. Join Jennifer for this prophetic intercession broadcast and get a strategy and encouragement....
Seeing the God Opportunities (Prophetic Prayer & Prophecy)

Are You Releasing Witchcraft at Yourself?
We’re in the midst of what I call witchcraft season. That means there’s a tight spiritual climate and many people are feeling the effects, including exhaustion, forgetfulness, and wanting to quit. But it doesn’t have to be witchcraft season for you...
A Prophetic Word for Desperate Job Seekers
Are you desperately seeking a job? God can give you favor and grace to land in the right place. You don’t have to settle for a job that’s not designed for you, but you do need to be persistent in prayer and knocking on doors until God opens one. I heard the Lord...
God’s Fist is Poised to Strike the Enemy! (Prophetic Prayer & Prophecy)

Should I Battle Principalities?

The Decree That Can Never Be Revoked! (Prophetic Prayer & Prophecy)

How to Stop the Roaring Lion Dead in His Tracks

The Key to Standing in Adversity (Prophetic Prayer & Prophecy)

Prayers That Move Mountains | Desperate Prayer for Desperate Times

Breaking Toxic Soul Ties That Keep You Bound (Prophetic Prayer & Prophecy)

Warfare Prayer that BREAKS Nocturnal Warfare

A Prophetic Word for Those Who Feel Completely Crushed
Sometimes, it feels like life is crushing you. And sometimes that’s because the enemy has targeted you for a crushing. When you feel like your walking through demonic crushing, take heart. God won’t let more come upon you than you can bear (1 Corinthians...
Finding Peace with God: Step 4

Imagining the Possibilities (Prophetic Prayer & Prophecy)

Finding Peace with God: Step 3

Prophetic Prayer: When Your Mind is under Massive Attack!

Finding Peace with God: Step 2

Prophetic Prayer: Forewarned Is Forearmed!