
I was attacked in my sleep two nights in a row—restlessness and strange dreams abounded. When I woke up, I was unsettled but couldn’t put my finger on the problem.

I did the wise thing: I sat before the Lord and waited. I read the Word. I engaged in strategic spiritual warfare. I still heard nothing.

Then, about an hour later I heard the Lord say, “It’s a coup.” That got my attention.

A coup, also known as a coup d’etat is a forceful seizure of power. It’s a violent overthrow or alteration of an existing government by a small group.

I knew immediately that this was not a flesh-and-blood coup but a spiritual coup by principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness, spiritual wickedness in high places and blood-thirsty demons. So I went to the Word for wisdom.

Satan loves a good coup. He tried unsuccessfully to organize a coup d’etat in heaven.  He said in his heart, “I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.’ Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, to the lowest depths of the Pit” (Isaiah 14:13-15).

Of course, Jesus saw Satan fall like lightening (see Luke 10:18).

So how do we shut down a coup in the spirit?

Understand Your Authority

Start with the foundation of who you are in Christ and remember you are warring from a place of victory—seated in heavenly places with the one who always leads you into triumph. A spiritual coup can be unsettling and time-consuming.

The enemy wants you to forfeit the good fight of faith. Don’t do it. Stand and withstand in the evil day of the brewing coup. God is able to make you stand. Declare you are standing in a Kingdom that cannot be shaken. The enemy that came at you one way will flee seven ways (see Deut. 28:7).

What People Are Involved?

Although we’re not wrestling against flesh and blood, flesh and blood—people—are often involved in a coup. Their words give the enemy something to work with. Just as angels came for the prophet Daniel’s words in prayer to God, demons come in response to carnal witchcraft prayers people release against you. If you must confront people in the natural, do so.


Break False Accusations

Coups are often based on false accusations. In order to drive away the demons, come against the false accusations people are making against you. Break the witchcraft associated with false accusations, character assassinations, and reputation murders. You’ll often notice a slew of false accusations coming against you in the natural.

Also keep in mind, these accusations may have started in the spirit. The Accuser of the Brethren may be inspiring people to twist the truth about you. You can confront accusations in the natural when necessary, but if the Accuser of the Brethren is behind it you’ll be playing whack-a-mole until you shut it down in the spirit.

Discern Any Specific Demons

Demons move in gangs. You don’t want to shadowbox with the devil. You don’t want to beat the air. You want to swing the sword and cut off the head of the snake. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you what spirits are part of this coup. More than likely, there are several tag teaming against you. Thankfully, you can put 1,000 to fight and your comrades can put thousands more to flight when you unite in prayer.

Decree, Condemn and Reverse

A decree carries the force of law—God’s law. Decree the no weapon formed against you—no false accusation, no coup, no witchcraft—can prosper. Condemn every demonic tongue that has risen up against you. Reverse the curses and send them back to the demons that inspired them. Break the powers of the witchcraft all the chatter in the spirit has released against you. Dismantle the coup, and praise God. You win.

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