Nov 10, 2019 | Awakening & Revival
Just like Paul (Saul) in the Bible, Micah Wilder was a very zealous believer of religion. He was a Mormon missionary who came to know Jesus after being challenged by a Pastor to read the Bible like a child. Micah grew up in a very strong and faithful Mormon home. He...
Nov 6, 2019 | Awakening & Revival, Culture & Society
Kanye West has been the hot take in news headlines today after his public conversion to Christianity. And just recently, he released his newest Gospel album “Jesus is King” that led millions to search for faith-based topics in Google. According to Bible Gateway, since...
Nov 4, 2019 | Awakening & Revival, Culture & Society
Eight years ago, my wife Sharon and I were at a crossroads. We were leading a church in the suburbs of Los Angeles and running a House of Prayer steps away from the old historic Azusa Street Mission. We had seen the Lord move in some significant ways as we prayed for...Nov 4, 2019 | Awakening & Revival, Culture & Society
James Corden says he is “starting to feel closer to God” during an interview with Kanye West on “The Late Late Show.” James Corden The Late Late Show, hosted by James Corden, is an American late-night television talk and comedy show on CBS. Recently, James had Kanye...
Nov 2, 2019 | Awakening & Revival, Culture & Society
Kanye was the last guy anybody expected to give his life to Jesus. But things started changing a few years ago. In 2014, during one of his concerts, he referred to himself as a Christian. That same year, his flamboyant wife, Kim Kardashian, made the announcement more...
Oct 31, 2019 | Awakening & Revival, Culture & Society
Kanye West just dropped his album: “Jesus Is King.” We went to see his first concert post-album, which was at the Forum in Los Angeles, California. What we got was a hybrid of a gospel choir concert and a Billy Graham type of outreach. My wife, Cherie, and...
Sep 17, 2019 | Awakening & Revival, Prophetic Words
A New Era of Voice and Vision As we posture ourselves at the doorway of the Hebrew New Year of 5780, we can learn a lot from its numerical value. In the most prophetic sort of way, between the year 5780 is sandwiched the number 78.This relates to the Hebrew...
Jul 16, 2019 | Awakening & Revival, Prophetic Words
The Cloak of Courage: A Two-fold Promise July marks the second half of 2019, and as I was asking the Holy Spirit what He was saying for the remainder of this year, I saw a cloak of courage coming down from Heaven like a cloud, resting upon the Body of Christ. I heard...
Jun 20, 2019 | Awakening & Revival
For several years the Lord has been showing me how He is raising up radical Holy Spirit filled believers to bring an outpouring of His Glory to this nation. The past few weeks I have been seeing this coming to pass. There are thousands of millennials who are radical...
Jun 18, 2019 | Awakening & Revival
“There is a port of revival in Portugal.” The Holy Spirit whispered those words to me as I was heading to the European nation on June 4, 2019. When we landed in Lisbon after an overnight flight and set out for a walk, the first thing I saw was the Port of Lisbon, the...
Jun 14, 2019 | Awakening & Revival
I’ve heard it prophesied that revival is going to begin in our youth. I went through a season a few years ago when every time I would hear this word I would weep uncontrollably, but I had no idea why. Something was stirring in my heart that my head had yet to...
Jun 11, 2019 | Awakening & Revival
Recently, I’ve been consumed by a recurring theme. The Lord keeps speaking to me about how we are in a moment in time where He is DECOMMISSIONING and COMMISSIONING the people of God. There has been such an increase in angelic activity to both decloak the old...
May 31, 2019 | Awakening & Revival
Billionaire, Philip Ng Chee Tat, says that having money and material things but not having Jesus is empty. He also says that we all need Jesus in our lives. Philip Ng Chee Tat is the richest man in Singapore, worth an estimated $4.6 billion in net worth. He is the...
May 31, 2019 | Awakening & Revival
We all struggle with doubt. Never is that clearer to us than during periods of heavenly silence. Those times when we feel that God is so far away and our prayers feel futile. These usually occur after we have had a ‘mountain top experience.’ – when we get back to...
May 28, 2019 | Awakening & Revival
Church as usual is coming to an end—and prophetic churches must emerge to fill the void. Everywhere I go I hear people desperately crying out for the end of church as we know it. They can’t deny that the Spirit of God is creating a disturbance, a dissatisfaction...
May 25, 2019 | Awakening & Revival
For over three decades, prophets have spoken of the coming move…of the coming harvest. There have been many streams, but it’s the same message! It has been the most released, single note to the Church at large. It’s the Tekiah sound of the shofar, a...
Apr 9, 2019 | Awakening & Revival
Have you ever been able to worship God in public? Watch hundreds of people gathering to encounter the Lord in a busy shopping mall in the Philippines recently and be inspired to be more bold in your faith. Worship at the Mall Victory Alabang is a church in Muntinlupa...
Apr 3, 2019 | Awakening & Revival
Recently I had a dream where I saw the United States had been in a large womb, but now the nation was being pushed out of the birth canal. I watched as the nation was about to “come out” and the sense of “DELIVERY” was so strong. As I have sat...
Mar 29, 2019 | Awakening & Revival
Mar 21, 2019 | Awakening & Revival
Despite war and terror, the Kingdom of God continues to advance as Jesus becomes real in the unlikeliest of places. Leading The Way Ministries, led by an Arab believer, Dr Michael Youssef has shared the astounding testimony of a former ISIS leader who has turned away...
Mar 13, 2019 | Awakening & Revival
Austin Carlile, known best as the former frontman of metalcore bands, Attack Attack! and ‘Of Mice and Men’, is something of a trailblazer. Not only is he known as a singer / songwriter, Austin has faced some severe health challenges with Marfan syndrome and is a...
Mar 13, 2019 | Awakening & Revival
Here, Bryan Melvin tells his testimony of coming to know the truth of Christ and the reality of the after-life. Unfortunately, he made this realization only after he died and experienced Hell. The afterlife is a mysterious topic. There are many accounts of people...
Feb 21, 2019 | Awakening & Revival
While in prayer earlier this week, I was reminded of a quote by Edward Payson (1787-1823), known as “Praying Payson of Portland.” He said, “I do not believe that my desires for revival were ever half so strong as they ought to be; nor do I see how a minister can help...
Feb 21, 2019 | Awakening & Revival
Era: A period of time marked by distinctive character or events; a point in time from which succeeding years are numbered. We, the church, have entered a new era that will be the most exciting and fruitful season in church history. Our best days are ahead, not behind....
Feb 5, 2019 | Awakening & Revival
Our great God has been preparing for a glorious new era for nearly 70 years. It is not just a new season of refreshing; it is much larger than that—it is a time of entering into the greatest days in church history. I wrote in my earlier book, Angel Armies, that the...
Jan 31, 2019 | Awakening & Revival
Apostles are Revivalists I believe that what is commonly called the Lord’s Prayer should actually be called the Apostle’s Prayer, not the Lord’s Prayer. I’ve said this from the pulpit a number of times, and the reason is that Jesus never sinned. The prayer...
Jan 27, 2019 | Awakening & Revival
Dec 26, 2018 | Awakening & Revival
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda and the Christ for All Nations (CfAN) team just finished their last Gospel Outreach Campaign of 2018. Held in Owerri, Nigeria, the event was a truly remarkable conclusion to a truly remarkable year. In 2018, CfAN recorded more than 1.2...
Dec 13, 2018 | Awakening & Revival
I believe 2017-2018 will go down in history as “turning point years” for America. Certainly, there have been other crossroad seasons in our nation’s 240 years of existence, but these two years have been epochal. The exposing of the Deep State, certainly not complete...
Apr 5, 2018 | Awakening & Revival
Both scripture and church history give testimony to this truth — prayer always precedes revival. When a mighty outpouring of God’s Spirit is poured out resulting in a great harvest of souls and refreshing for the church, prayers have gone ahead to break open the way....
Feb 26, 2018 | Awakening & Revival
By Dr. Michael L. Brown For the last several years, there has been an increasing cry for a fresh move of God in our country, for a new spiritual awakening. Is it coming? Are the days of revival near? Could we see America shaken by the Word and the Spirit? In my recent...
Nov 7, 2016 | Awakening & Revival, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
The winds blew and the rains fell on TheCall Aszua Now, but that didn't stop tens of thousands of people from weathering the storms at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, the same venue where Billy Graham preached the gospel to over 134,000 in 1963. If...