May 21, 2015 | Holy Spirit, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
If you read my column and want more details about Robby Dawkins' claims of raising a man from the dead, here they are. In this uncut interview, Dawkins, author of Do What Jesus Did: A Real-Life Field Guide to Healing the Sick, Routing Demons and Changing Lives...
May 21, 2015 | Holy Spirit
Robby Dawkins claims he raised a man from the dead in England—and it changed his life. Dawkins, author of Do What Jesus Did: A Real-Life Field Guide to Healing the Sick, Routing Demons and Changing Lives Forever, now has faith to do it again. The question is,...
May 21, 2015 | Holy Spirit, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
Paul the apostle didn't want us to be ignorant of spiritual gifts. In his first letter to the church at Corinth, he explained that there are various gifts of the Holy Spirit (see 1 Cor. 12:4). He goes on to list them: “To one is given by the Spirit the word...
Jul 19, 2014 | Holy Spirit
Last week, Lee Grady shared his “10 Top Misconceptions About Pentecostal Christians.” I found the column enlightening and I agree wholeheartedly that Oxygen network's Preachers of L.A. and National Geographic Channel's Snake Salvation help forward...
Apr 4, 2014 | Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is described in many ways in the Bible—from Breath of the Almighty (Job 33:4) to Eternal Spirit (Hebrews 9:14) to Spirit of Grace (Zechariah 12:10; Hebrews 10:29). Although there are many characterizations of the Holy Spirit in Scripture, there...
Apr 4, 2014 | Holy Spirit
As I pen a prophetic devotional that will be released early next year, I’ve been spending hours upon hours in worship and prayer. The Holy Spirit has been speaking life-changing words to me that I believe will also be life-changing for those who read them in the...
Mar 20, 2014 | Holy Spirit
I want to introduce you to my best friend on earth today. I want to introduce you to the Holy Spirit. He is the Spirit of Grace, the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Liberty. He is the Spirit of the Lord. Jesus sent Him to me as a gift, and He wants to give you this...
Aug 23, 2013 | Holy Spirit
I’ll admit it. The first time I saw people praying in tongues, it completely freaked me out. It actually scared me! It was 1993. I was interning at a Christian television station. Before going live on the air, the producers, cameramen, on-air talent and others...
Nov 12, 2009 | Holy Spirit, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare, Prophetic Insight, Spiritual Growth
If the Prophet Isaiah were with us today, he might repeat a declaration from the 43rd chapter of the prophetic book he penned. Since he’s among the great cloud of witnesses, I’ll make this Spirit-led declaration instead. Behold, the Lord is doing a new thing! We need...
Oct 29, 2009 | Holy Spirit, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Are you experiencing spiritual frustration? Someone e-mailed me this question: “Is there such a thing as spiritual frustration. If so, can you explain and what would you suggest as a solution?” Here’s my response: Yes, I believe there is. You first...