10 Signs You Have Bowed Your Knee to Baal

10 Signs You Have Bowed Your Knee to Baal

Baal was a false god the feckless Jewish King Ahab and his wicked wife Jezebel attempted to force upon the nation of Israel during the time of Elijah the Prophet (see 1 Kings 18). Consequently, during this tumultuous time – most Jews kept their faith and identity...
The Power of the Secret Place

The Power of the Secret Place

What the Bible refers to as the “secret place” is where you get alone with God and spend time in fellowship with Him. The secret place is any private place; it could be an office, your house, your bedroom, or your closet. It is wherever you are alone with God. It is...
3 Tools for Spiritual Warfare

3 Tools for Spiritual Warfare

Today, our world is blessed to have the Internet, which connects us with God’s people from around the globe. There is one church in many locations. Seated together in heavenly places in Christ, the church prays in agreement with the intercession of Jesus! As the...
Family altars key to spiritual development

Family altars key to spiritual development

In the divine order of creation, families are the production factories for the society. Whatever we produce in our homes are what societies will become in the coming years. Therefore, the most important work we will ever do in life is within our own homes. It is...
My Bible Don’t Work No More!

My Bible Don’t Work No More!

Someone I know was given the “Wonder Bible” (As Seen On TV). This battery-operated device reads God’s Word to you; or at least it’s supposed to. This one however had a problem; something in the battery-charging portion didn’t work, so try as you might, the device did...
It’s all about God! Well, is it?

It’s all about God! Well, is it?

You may have heard the cliche, “It is all about God!” Well, is it? On the other hand, the evolutionists claim it is all about nature and evolution; with man now at the top of the food chain. Then, the multitudes who suffer daily and believe there is a devil likely...
The Israelites – Desire

The Israelites – Desire

The Bible claims that the root of the destructiveness in this world is caused by desire, and we can only escape from that destructiveness by participating in the divine nature (2 Peter 1:4). Many English versions speak here of “evil desires” or “lust”, but the Greek...
The Lord is Handing Out Scrolls for America

The Lord is Handing Out Scrolls for America

While in Branson, MO, praying with the amazing community at Morningside Church as they dedicated their new Prayer Mountain Chapel, the Lord gave me a vision. I believe this vision has everything to do with an assignment He is extending to prophets, intercessors and,...
What is your profession?

What is your profession?

We’ve all heard that phrase before, the triumphant chant of a Sunday worship service, celebrating the confidence of God’s protection for His people. I personally have repeated it multiple times in the context of prayer, a prophetic word, examining a Bible verse or...
14 Kinds of Suffering in the Bible

14 Kinds of Suffering in the Bible

Even though I’m out of town on vacation with our family and largely offline, news of the horrific attack in Orlando got to us quickly. Seemingly everyone we encountered was checking the latest news updates, and processing how they were feeling about the tragedy. In...
The Role of an Apostle & the Rise of Apostolic Women TODAY

The Role of an Apostle & the Rise of Apostolic Women TODAY

The following prophetic word is being presented in the form of a teaching rather than direct proclamation, because I believe that what the Lord is releasing needs some foundational, Scriptural and historical understanding to accompany it. The Lord has been revealing...
While You Are Grieving

While You Are Grieving

They say you’re never supposed to start a story with “The phone rang,” but the phone did ring, waking me from an exhausted sleep at 2:00 a.m. My husband’s son had stayed with him at the hospital to allow me a few hours at home. Now I heard this...
It’s Going to Be a Summer of Saturation

It’s Going to Be a Summer of Saturation

I believe this is a summer where God is calling us to saturate ourselves in 4 things: prayer, praise, purpose and people. Saturation is when no more of something can be absorbed, combined, or added. What if God not only met your expectations, but He maximized...
Over 4500 turn up to hear the gospel in Hoima

Over 4500 turn up to hear the gospel in Hoima

Multitudes in Hoima district, western Uganda have heard the gospel, encountered God’s healing power and received Christ as their personal Lord and Savior as a result of a 4-day crusade organised in the area. From 13th-16th June, 2018, preachers from LIFT Evangelistic...
Doug Addison: Embracing the Winds of Change

Doug Addison: Embracing the Winds of Change

Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. Colossians 3:2 NIV It is time to renew your mind through the Holy Spirit and not think logically. The Lord is moving beyond your natural thoughts, and your solution is already being released from Heaven. It will...
When You Feel Like An Absolute Failure

When You Feel Like An Absolute Failure

“Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not.” (Lamentations 3:22) In the verse above “consumed” = “finished”. At times we may fail in several areas. We can’t guarantee that we will be successful at all times. However, there’s...

Who Will Rise Up in Great Boldness?

Boldness for Realignment I heard the Lord say, “I am bringing great realignment to My Church and to the nations. I am bringing a cleansing, refining and a shaking. I am raising up many who will release My strategies to see realignment come back to My Church....
Vision: ‘A byproduct of a close encounter with God’

Vision: ‘A byproduct of a close encounter with God’

Waiting is typically not a something most of us handle very well! But the truth is, vision comes in the waiting, and at just the right time. This isn’t merely a standing around waiting, and it’s not the simple passing of time. This waiting is when you suspend all...
Why Did God Create the Devil?

Why Did God Create the Devil?

When my grandchildren were younger, they each asked me this question: “Why did God create the devil?”  Of course, the answer is simple. God did not create the devil. God created Lucifer, who was perfect in every way. The Bible tells us from the day of his creation,...
5 Steps to Help You When God Says ‘Go!’

5 Steps to Help You When God Says ‘Go!’

It is easy to trust the Lord when everything is predictable and all is under your control. The real test comes when you don’t understand everything that is going on. The fact is, God does not let us know everything. He is the only one who knows it all, otherwise...
Exposing Two Extreme Identity Deceptions

Exposing Two Extreme Identity Deceptions

Working with people (especially Christians), I see that these two extreme types of identity deceptions are prevalent. I see them both very often. 1. The depraved sinner who is hyper-focused on their shortcomings, failures, mistakes, and faults. They’re all to...
Remnant of Millennials Ripe for Mighty Revival

Remnant of Millennials Ripe for Mighty Revival

For several years the Lord has been showing me how He is raising up radical Holy Spirit filled believers to bring an outpouring of His Glory to this nation. The past few weeks I have been seeing this coming to pass. There are thousands of millennials who are radical...
Words of the Week – You Look Like a Christian

Words of the Week – You Look Like a Christian

You get up, get dressed, and sit in the pew and say, “Amen,” “Praise the Lord,” “Hallelujah” and all the other appropriate responses Christians give during the worship service. You go to Sunday School or Sabbath school; you stay for the main service or go to all of...