Requirements for Successful Bloodline Prayer

Requirements for Successful Bloodline Prayer

“Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin.” (Hebrews 12:4 ASV) This scripture can be taken literally because in bloodline prayer we declare war and strive against sin unto the blood. We release the redemption of Jesus Christ in our blood and our DNA...
My Answer to Critics of the Prayer Movement

My Answer to Critics of the Prayer Movement

If God ALREADY KNOWS everything we need, then WHY DO WE PRAY?  I believe, and am sure you do as well, that: ·         God is Sovereign!!! ·         God is all-knowing ·         God is all-powerful ·         God is a loving Father ·         God knows all my needs!!!!...
What to Expect When God Promotes You

What to Expect When God Promotes You

There are some prophetic words that just need to be reposted again and again. Don’t forget this one. Print it out and put it in your journal. Remind yourself of the process and don’t bail out. “…Things are going to happen so fast your head will...
God’s War for America

God’s War for America

Did you ever wonder why God isn’t doing something? You see America being torn apart, battered into submission, and molded into some ugly weak version of her former self. All in the name of progress. When the moral bottom society becomes the loudest voices of...
The Power of the Secret Place

The Power of the Secret Place

What the Bible refers to as the “secret place” is where you get alone with God and spend time in fellowship with Him. The secret place is any private place; it could be an office, your house, your bedroom, or your closet. It is wherever you are alone with God. It is...
3 Tools for Spiritual Warfare

3 Tools for Spiritual Warfare

Today, our world is blessed to have the Internet, which connects us with God’s people from around the globe. There is one church in many locations. Seated together in heavenly places in Christ, the church prays in agreement with the intercession of Jesus! As the...