“I Saw the Demons Plotting”

“I Saw the Demons Plotting”

In the early hours of the morning on September 26, 2016, I was still asleep when a light in my bedroom caused me to open my eyes, and standing next to me was an angel. I had certainly been aware of angelic activity in a few instances before in my life, but I had never...
Are You Taking the Enemy’s Bait?

Are You Taking the Enemy’s Bait?

I really want to encourage those who have been feeling overwhelmed with doubts, despair and the feeling of giving up. The Lord has been speaking so strongly to me, saying, “DON’T DOUBT! DON’T GIVE UP! I HAVEN’T given up on you, so DON’T...
Six Ways to Foster Fervency in Prayer

Six Ways to Foster Fervency in Prayer

In Scripture we continually see that prayer precedes power. But not just any kind of prayer. Prayer that moves the heart and hand of God is heartfelt and fervent. It is meaningful and passionate. It is not lukewarm or filled with doubt. When the authorities commanded...
The Devil’s Dirty Secret about Fear

The Devil’s Dirty Secret about Fear

One of the first snares against humankind is an emotion that we all know all too well. It’s fear. In the beginning, fear of missing out (commonly referred to as FOMO) played a part in convincing the first couple to take Satan’s bait. Then, fear that God is mad caused...
How to Enter the Secret Place

How to Enter the Secret Place

Prayer is the most wonderful adventure on which you will ever embark. In the secret place of prayer, you will find forgiveness for all your failures and shortcomings and love that offers you a fresh start every day. You will find friendship and fellowship that far...
Prayer Always Precedes Great Things

Prayer Always Precedes Great Things

I believe one of the most encouraging biblical principles we discover through reading the Scripture is that prayer always precedes great things. Do you believe this? Do you pray like you believe this? Prayer Always Precedes Consider this brief list of moments when...
Confronting the Deaf and Dumb Spirit

Confronting the Deaf and Dumb Spirit

God wants you to hear clearly and declare the Word of the Lord freely. But there are forces of darkness that you must confront in order to be effective in your mission. Jesus told His disciples as recorded in Matthew 13:43, “Then the righteous will shine forth as the...
4 Defenses to Stop Torment in the Night

4 Defenses to Stop Torment in the Night

Satan isn’t creative, but he is predictable. He operates from a playbook of strategies, which he launches systematically on person after person. But don’t mistake predictability for stupidity: He’s certainly cunning and knows just when to attack. Many of his plays are...
How To Respond To a Financial Attack

How To Respond To a Financial Attack

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. — Galatians 6:9 One area where many people struggle is in the realm of finances. Financial stress is one of the most difficult pressures that can be experienced in life. If you’ve...
Shawn Bolz: The War is Over

Shawn Bolz: The War is Over

I know that in giving such a broad word as this, it will not apply to everyone individually, but it may help people see and find hope in what God is doing when He opens our eyes to see. I ask you to read this with an open heart and let God show what it means for you....
If You Need Freedom, Read This Three Times

If You Need Freedom, Read This Three Times

2018 brought an unusual prophetic revelation to me that I believe the Lord wants to birth in 2019. This revelation began at the city of “Gettysburg” during a Christian International City Tour.  The conference hosts, who are of African-American ancestry, felt that...
Dream: I Saw the Devil’s Digital Dossier

Dream: I Saw the Devil’s Digital Dossier

I saw the devil’s digital dossier with my name and mug shot splashed across the screen It was a highly organized computer file that ticked down a list of accusations with bullet points.The first points were milder words I recognized. Silly accusations about drinking...