
Rejection once had a tight rein on my soul—and I didn’t even know it.

All I knew was I always felt like there was something wrong with me. I often felt like nobody really cared. I felt misunderstood most of the time. I often felt like people were talking about me behind my back. If I walked into a room or down the aisle in a store and people were laughing, I was sure they were laughing at me.

Maybe you can relate. If you feel rejected, you are not alone. Rejection is common to man—and the spirit of rejection is roaming around like a roaring lion seeking someone’s soul to devour.

Jesus identifies with the pain of rejection. Isaiah 53:3 prophesied this about the coming Christ: “He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not.” But Jesus didn’t it ruin His life. You don’t have to let the spirit of rejection ruin your life either.

You need to gain perspective. Jesus said, “If the world hates you, know that it hated me before it hated you” (John 15:18). But Jesus overcame the spirit of rejection. He was on a mission as the stone that the builders rejected that became the chief cornerstone (see Psalm 118:22). Remember, God has a plan for your life and rejection is inevitable, but you don’t have to let the spirit of rejection get the best of you.

Indeed, rejection is common to man. It’s what you do with it that defines you. You can reject the spirit of rejection. You can sever the roots—and you have to. Many people try to pluck the weeds of rejection, but the spirit rejection will keep manifesting in your life until you see how the spirit of rejection got in and seek deliverance from the spirit of rejection, then healing from the wounds that opened the door.

Remember, the spirit of rejection is dangerous. Rejection works subtly to destroy your self-esteem and your purpose. Rejection causes you to feel sorry for yourself and play the victim. Rejection opens the door for other spirits, especially Jezebel, to build strongholds in your mind. Rejection spurs you to reject other people before they have an opportunity to reject you. Rejection wants you to base your worth on what you do instead of who you are in Christ.

Like fear, rejection is not a once-and-for all battle—but you can root the spirit out of your soul for good if you reject rejection and guard your heart with all diligence. In other words, you may still at times hear the voice of rejection but you can combat that by standing against it and embracing who you are in Christ.

I've walked this way before. I know how to sever the roots of rejection. Now, I want to help you break free from this enemy strategy to steal, kill and destroy your relationships, your career and ultimately your life!

Do you want freedom from rejection? Check out the Freedom From Rejection Master class!


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