7 Characteristics of a Christian Assassin

7 Characteristics of a Christian Assassin

We are in the midst of a season of exposure the Lord spoke to me about toward the end of 2017. The Lord showed me in June that He was going to unmask the masked assassins. When I was growing up in the 1970s, my family spent a lot of time with another family whose boys...
Chuck Pierce: The Power Exchange Has Begun!

Chuck Pierce: The Power Exchange Has Begun!

“This is a time of watching. Watch carefully, for I am in the process of EXCHANGING POWER! Where dedications have been made that caused a power to be released in the earth and rulership to reign in the earth, I am coming down as the Ancient of Days to exchange those...
7 Wisdom Tips for Millennial Prophets

7 Wisdom Tips for Millennial Prophets

God is raising up Millennial prophetic voices with great clarity and accuracy. But no matter what our age we can benefit from wisdom in prophetic ambassadorship. In this video, I share far more than seven wisdom tips for Millennial prophets. In reality, these tips...
7 Wisdom Tips for Millennial Prophets

7 Wisdom Tips for Millennial Prophets

God is raising up Millennial prophetic voices with great clarity and accuracy. But no matter what our age we can benefit from wisdom in prophetic ambassadorship. In this video, I share far more than seven wisdom tips for Millennial prophets. In reality, these tips...
Prophetic Word: Enemy Darts Exposed

Prophetic Word: Enemy Darts Exposed

The warfare is not about you. The warfare is about your breakthrough and the breakthroughs of others. By Jamie Rohrbaugh The Lord showed me recently that some of you have been under attack, and this word is going to expose the darts of the enemy. Here is what Holy...
Where are the David’s?

Where are the David’s?

How many of us desire to be like David when it comes to repentance? By Ryan Johnson One of the more powerful words I have ever heard came from Evangelist Steve Hill when he preached a message asking the question, “Where are the Men of God?”. In the...
Prophetic Update

Prophetic Update

Edification, exhortation, and comfort through the use of modern media production. By WVLR DT 48 This is the SEASON FINALE of PROPHETIC UPDATE! This is your last chance to get a fresh word from this ministry this season! Are you following us on...
A Word For Some Women

A Word For Some Women

There are many single women and single mothers right now who God is about to show you that he is your Husband by meeting some needs that you have had for a long time! By Jo Ellen Stevens He wants you to know that Help is on the way! Trust Him like you would a parent...
Angels, Keys & the Power to Gain Wealth

Angels, Keys & the Power to Gain Wealth

The manifest presence of the power of God, the strength of angels, and the ability to obtain human strength and health through supernatural means—is our promised portion this year to gain wealth and divine supply. By Holly Watson I released a prophetic word recently...
The Fragrance of His Presence Is Being Released

The Fragrance of His Presence Is Being Released

There is a sweet fragrance that is being released from the fully surrendered lovers of God who have lingered in His presence. By Angela Stolba His splendor will be like an olive tree, his fragrance like a cedar of Lebanon. People will dwell again in his shade; they...
Check Your Focus!

Check Your Focus!

Are your eyes forward and looking at Jesus or are you looking around and distracted? By Michelle Stokley Sometimes, in this self-focused society, it’s so easy to get distracted. We can get our focus and perspective out of line. We go about our days pouring out into...
Can You Drink of This Cup?

Can You Drink of This Cup?

We are called to be in pursuit of Him and His greatness. By Marc Brisebois God raising up a generation of overcomers.  These ‘dread warriors’ will be distinguished by immunity to the works of darkness. Like any elite warrior they are qualified by training...
God’s Consuming Fire In A Season of Breakout

God’s Consuming Fire In A Season of Breakout

Everything that tries to stand in His way will get swept away by the force and velocity of His coming! By Anita Alexander A Fire to Burn Up Your Enemies “A fire goes before Him, and burns up His enemies round about.” (Psalm 97:3) HIS enemies are YOUR...
Scribe are Arising!

Scribe are Arising!

Begin to write. Write that song, write that poem, write that story, write that screenplay. By Amie Rogers I’ve been feeling pressed to share this dream I had back in April. I’m praying it leaves you encouraged as much as it did me.  In this dream I was standing in a...
(More Than) 4 Reasons God Hides Prophets in Caves

(More Than) 4 Reasons God Hides Prophets in Caves

Elijah’s recorded ministry began making declarations in to a king. But soon he found himself in a cave. While I have been vocal about prophets coming out of the cave, there are times when God hides prophets in a cave–and with good reasons. We find these...
Prophecy: Moving From Mega to Epic

Prophecy: Moving From Mega to Epic

I heard the Lord say “epic.” “We are moving into a season of epic. We’re moving from mega to epic. “My promises are epic. My thoughts toward you are epic. My plans for you are epic. The enemy has come to erode your hope and your dreams and your future, but...
To Women Who are Feeling Enslaved by the Enemy

To Women Who are Feeling Enslaved by the Enemy

God’s heart is on His daughters these days and many prophets have been giving words of encouragement to women. By Wanda Alger Several weeks ago, I had a series of four dreams in one night – like chapters of a book. They formed a message from the Lord, giving...
How to Be Re-Energized For Your Heavenly Destiny

How to Be Re-Energized For Your Heavenly Destiny

Listen and believe that you can still experience God. By James Goll and Doug Addison Doug Addison hosts James W. Goll on his monthly podcast. Together, they encourage us in the fact the God is doing a new work in each one of us. powered by podcast garden Are you...
When Childlike Faith Becomes God’s Standard

When Childlike Faith Becomes God’s Standard

When was the last time you found yourself trusting the Father wholeheartedly like a small child? By Dawn Hill “Listen to this truth: No one will enter the kingdom realm of heaven unless he becomes like one of these!”- Matthew 19:14 TPT As I was putting my...