Awakening Will Sweep Through America

Awakening Will Sweep Through America

Very recently, I received a series of profound and encouraging dreams for America. In the first dream I saw multiple lines of people who represented different “mountains of society,” and other lines that represented different callings and positions in the...
Gospel Music Has More Impact Than Secular – Ebube

Gospel Music Has More Impact Than Secular – Ebube

The name Samuel Oluwaseun Akinyemi may not ring a bell in the music industry but mention Psalm Ebube, the name is synonymous with the gospel genre as his hit songs like Kabi’osi of more than a decade still reverberate in the gospel genre. In this chat with SAMUEL...
Get Ready to Move From Survival to Revival!

Get Ready to Move From Survival to Revival!

One of the exciting things that the Lord has said to me about this year is that it’s a year where we’re going to go from survival to revival. Now, in order to do that, we’re going to have to learn how to enter into prayer on a whole new level and in...

The Promises To Israel

Today, many Bible-believing pastors ascribe to replacement theology, which asserts that God has replaced Israel with the church. They preach that Israel no longer has a place in God’s prophetic program for the future. Is this true? No! This doctrine contradicts the...
3 Simple Steps to Basic Dream Interpretation

3 Simple Steps to Basic Dream Interpretation

A Unique Opportunity to Hear from Heaven As your body sleeps, your mind is quiet. Things that normally distract you are absent. God has this moment and your full attention. Jesus, the ultimate Storywriter, spins a tale that interweaves details from your life including...
Come Out of Hiding

Come Out of Hiding

The Lord showed me something interesting today. There are several men and women in the bible who hid from Gods calling. There’s a prophet in the Old Testament named Jonah. The Lord told Jonah to go to the city of Nineveh to prophesy against it because of their...
Global Missions through the Bible: Jeremiah

Global Missions through the Bible: Jeremiah

Jeremiah’s prophecy displays God’s global redemptive mission from beginning to end. The book starts with a focus on the nations when the Lord told Jeremiah that he consecrated him as a prophet to the nations before his birth (Jer. 1:5). Moreover, the Lord placed...
The Often-Overlooked Key to Get the Devil to Flee

The Often-Overlooked Key to Get the Devil to Flee

Though temptation may be extremely enticing, falling to it isn’t automatic. We can’t avoid personal responsibility by claiming, “The devil made me do it!” No, the Bible assures that we are never tempted beyond our abilities to overcome. In fact, it promises that with...
Jane Hamon: This Is a Year of Resurrection Life

Jane Hamon: This Is a Year of Resurrection Life

We have entered into the Hebraic year 5779, and of course, the Roman calendar year 2019. As we were coming into this new season, I really began to seek the Lord about the times and the seasons that we’re in. When we set our heart in agreement with what God’s doing it...
The Book of Revelation Explained in 3 Paragraphs!

The Book of Revelation Explained in 3 Paragraphs!

The emphasis of this book is Jesus Christ, not judgments, tribulations, and persecution. This book is “The revelation of Jesus Christ” (1:1). We see a threefold picture of Christ. First, His eternal nature; “who is and who was and who is to come” (1:8 NKJV). Second,...
“You Are Destined to Live in the Palace!”

“You Are Destined to Live in the Palace!”

This is a season of great transition and movement. It’s important that we allow the process to take place for the Lord to shut doors, change relationships, and shift the things in which we’ve been involved. The Lord is truly doing a new thing, both...
5 Words of Wisdom All Mature Prophets Need to Hear

5 Words of Wisdom All Mature Prophets Need to Hear

I have been deeply entrenched in the training, equipping and fathering of prophets and prophetic people for the last 10 years of my life. I’m talking about spending 15-20 specific weekends every year around the world with hundreds and at times thousands of...
Jane Hamon: A Season of Transition and Birthing

Jane Hamon: A Season of Transition and Birthing

You know we’re in the year of 5779 on the Jewish calendar and in the year 2019 on the Roman calendar. Of course, we all use the Roman calendar here in America and in Western civilization but both of these years actually end with the number nine. It’s very interesting...
What is Jesus Returning For?

What is Jesus Returning For?

What is Jesus Returning For? When I was growing up, I attended a fundamentalist evangelical school.  While I am grateful for many aspects of my Christian-based education (middle and high school), I have to say, it did not provide me a solid theological foundation for...
A Strong Prophetic Warning About Baal Bondage

A Strong Prophetic Warning About Baal Bondage

I am issuing a stronger prophetic warning than I ever have. I wrote in VISIONS OF THE COMING DAYS in 2011 that the U.S. was not yet under wrath. I differentiated judgment from wrath by saying that judgment is the pressure brought to bear by a loving and patient God to...
How Prophets Help Us Today

How Prophets Help Us Today

For those who feel isolated, cut off from the rest of the body of Christ, or worry about what’s ahead for us, we’re here to tell you that God still speaks to His people, and He has good things to say to you. This week could be a week filled with the voice of the...
Power and the Church: Recovering a Biblical View

Power and the Church: Recovering a Biblical View

The Billy Graham Center recently hosted a conversation at the GC2 Summit about sexual assault and abuse, harassment, legal issues, consent, responses to abuse, the important role of governmental authorities, the rule of law and additional topics vital and urgent to...