The Link Between Your Money and Your Destiny

The Link Between Your Money and Your Destiny

“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” —Matthew 6:24 (NIV) Jesus made it plain when He said, “You cannot serve both God and money.”...
Cindy Jacob Shares Prophetic Vision of Massive Wave

Cindy Jacob Shares Prophetic Vision of Massive Wave

As I was praying, I saw a vision of a huge wave, and the Lord spoke to me that there is a momentum gathering of the power of the Holy Spirit. A wave gathers power and goes towards the shore, and I see that there’s going to be many, many people working together....
Prophecy: Lying Prophets Will be Exposed in Media

Prophecy: Lying Prophets Will be Exposed in Media

Just as the Lord has raised up watchmen and watchwomen in this hour to pray for this nation and report what they see in the distance, so are there secular prophets and watchmen who are broadcasting false information and biased predictions aimed at undermining the...
Lana Vawser: Provision is Coming From Every Direction

Lana Vawser: Provision is Coming From Every Direction

Recently, I had a vision where I saw lots of things coming at many people in the Body of Christ, from various different directions. I saw there were those in the Body of Christ who feel like they are “juggling” so much right now with issues and different...
Harnessing the Power of Dreams, a How-To Intro

Harnessing the Power of Dreams, a How-To Intro

Writing down 100 dreams is a well-known discipline, championed by many, including my hero Danny Silk. (Great listen here: But why write them down? Why should I bother? The power of written dreams (and...
What Does Prophetic Reformation Look Like?

What Does Prophetic Reformation Look Like?

I have been meditating on the changing role of the prophetic office in light of the reformation of the Church. I have been equipping prophetic people for 18 years, and suddenly I found myself reevaluating all that the Lord has so graciously entrusted me to do. It was...
Exposing Jezebel’s Influence

Exposing Jezebel’s Influence

We are in a Last Days battle for the true and pure prophetic to come forth. It is a battle between the demonic powers of Jezebel’s influence and the promised restoration of the spirit of Elijah. In the natural, Biblical setting, Queen Jezebel manipulated King Ahab and...
Prophecy: Get Ready for Early Births

Prophecy: Get Ready for Early Births

This month I received an update on the prophetic word and encounter I had last year on Yom Kippur, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar. It was September 19, 2018, and I had a very powerful prophetic dream and spiritual encounter with the Lord. I released this...
Beni Johnson: The Prophetic Act of Communion

Beni Johnson: The Prophetic Act of Communion

When I take Communion, I take it as a prophetic act, applying it to any situation that is weighing on my heart. A prophetic act is a Holy Spirit-inspired physical action that disrupts the atmosphere. Sometimes, I’ll feel as though God wants me to do something tangible...
Prophecy: North and South Korea Will Reconcile in 2019

Prophecy: North and South Korea Will Reconcile in 2019

Korea will be rescued from the threat of North Korea, and their dominant control. Intellectual gifts will be released bringing breakthrough in many disciplines and will greatly impact the world. South Korea will shift to a Sheep Nation, and Christianity will rise to a...
A Desperate and Urgent Prophetic Warning

A Desperate and Urgent Prophetic Warning

The prophets of the Old Testament were desperate to awaken Israel from spiritual slumber in order to prepare for or avoid the troubled days about to come upon them. Their desperation flowed from a depth of love for God and for His people. If you read the prophets as...
The Apostolic Role Demystified

The Apostolic Role Demystified

Ché Ahn has been a dear friend of mine for about 20 years. One of the great privileges of being in covenantal relationship with people is that you get to know them both in and out of their ministry setting. In our case, we have ministered at each other’s churches...
Prophecy: A Fresh Seer Anointing Revealed

Prophecy: A Fresh Seer Anointing Revealed

A new breed of the seer anointing is coming forth, invading spaces (realms) and places (geographical locations) with heavenly revelations and Kingdom solutions.  Kings and leaders of different spheres of society will lend their ear and give attention to what the...
Steven Springer: Birthing Bells Are Ringing

Steven Springer: Birthing Bells Are Ringing

As we’ve entered 2019, there is a deep work of the Spirit happening, cultivating and birthing something so great this year that we will “only begin” to see the fullness of all God is bringing forth. From the birthing will come extreme acceleration—a...
Prophecy: Don’t Crack, Attack and Take it All Back

Prophecy: Don’t Crack, Attack and Take it All Back

Political correctness, new cultural norms and social pressure is trying to reshape the very fabric of the church to be conformed to this world instead of being the transformative force we are called to be by the renewing of our minds by God’s word. (Romans 12:2) ...
Prophecy: Make Up Your Mind!

Prophecy: Make Up Your Mind!

Recently I had a powerful encounter with the Lord where I heard His voice thundering over His people, “Make up your mind!” It wasn’t an angry “make up your mind,” it was a strong decree and invitation to partner with faith and to move...
5 Prophetic Words for 2019: Fresh Bread from Heaven

5 Prophetic Words for 2019: Fresh Bread from Heaven

What is the Word of the Lord for the New Year? Is there Fresh Bread coming down from Heaven today? What is the Holy Spirit been speaking to you about, James Goll? I am asked these questions very often. But sometimes I need to push the pause button first and ask people...