The Limits of Social and Political Activism

The Limits of Social and Political Activism

Richard Beck’s continuing series on his journey to becoming “post-progressive” includes a critique of progressive Christianity’s priority of political activism and social justice. Beck knows that there is a great deal of support in the biblical story for this...
Women as Pastors? Not All Baptists Say No

Women as Pastors? Not All Baptists Say No

Like their sisters and brothers in the Southern Baptist Convention this week, Cooperative Baptists will gather in Birmingham next week. We will wrestle with many of the questions that our SBC friends are as we seek to be faithful to the call of Christ in a changing...
Jesus and the Way of Compassion

Jesus and the Way of Compassion

Mere charity is a band-aid that cannot bring liberation. Neither can ardent calls for justice from those who live separately from the oppressed. Both fall short of true compassion. Paulo Freire wrote: “The generosity of the oppressors is nourished by an unjust order,...
Rachel Held Evans is with Jesus

Rachel Held Evans is with Jesus We grieve for her young family, and we feel the gap she leaves online. We grieve, but we do so with hope. As a believer in the physical resurrection of Jesus I am confident that she is with Jesus right now, awaiting his return. Perhaps my favourite...
One-on-One with Leslie Keegel on Prayer for Sri Lanka

One-on-One with Leslie Keegel on Prayer for Sri Lanka

As we followed along with the situation in Sri Lanka and while continuing to pray for our fellow believers suffering such great loss, I reached out to a friend from the area to hear what’s going on from his perspective. Leslie Keegel and I have spoken at several...
Holy Spirit: “That’s Enough Facebook!”

Holy Spirit: “That’s Enough Facebook!”

God’s not sitting up in heaven waiting to swat you every time you make a mistake. His eyes are watching over you like a protective, caring Father. He wants to help you make the right decision in every situation. First Peter 3:12 says His ears are open to your prayers,...
Hugh Jackman and A Revival Meeting at 13

Hugh Jackman and A Revival Meeting at 13

God is constantly weaving through history more than we will ever realize. When legend, Billy Graham, walked those stages and held his famous revival meetings, there was no way to know who would be impacted at that moment, or how it would spill into the generations...
American Idol Judge Luke Bryan Opens Up About His Faith

American Idol Judge Luke Bryan Opens Up About His Faith

Luke Bryan – A judge on American Idol and ACMA winner, is well-known for his Christian faith. Singer of “Country Girl” and “All My Friends Say”interviewed with ABC Nightline (video below) and spoke about many family tragedies over the last 20 years and how he and his...
Blind Contestant Brings American Idol Judges To Tears

Blind Contestant Brings American Idol Judges To Tears

Blind contestant, Shayla ‘Shayy’ Winn, brings American Idol judges to tears with her audition song ‘Rise Up’ by Andra Day. Her story brought inspiration to the judges and over 7.6 Million viewers on Facebook! Legally Blind Shayy, 17-years-old, was declared legally...
Dutch Sheets Makes Urgent Call to Church in America

Dutch Sheets Makes Urgent Call to Church in America

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German pastor, anti-Nazi dissident (he died in a German concentration camp) and author of The Cost of Discipleship poignantly stated, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak, is to speak....
Stop Dying To Be Married, Live Instead

Stop Dying To Be Married, Live Instead

Have you ever heard someone say “I’m just dying to be married”? Maybe that person is you. The trouble with that saying is that it sets a mindset that is desperate enough to either do anything to be married or accept anything just to say that you’re married. How often...