Jan 2, 2020 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Insight
I’m not conspiracy theorist. Nevertheless, we do read about conspiracies in the Bible. There are demon powers that lay crafty plans against God’s people—who consult together against God’s treasured ones (see Psalm 83:3). A conspiracy is an agreement among...
Dec 31, 2019 | Daily Prophecy, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic
Listen in to this prophetic encouragement and prayer from Jennifer LeClaire. (Video is above.)
Dec 28, 2019 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Insight
I’ve seen a troubling trend in the prophetic movement—a spirit of divination is masquerading as the Holy Spirit. There’s such a fascination with the gifts of the Spirit in this hour—particularly the gifts that know something and the gifts that say something—that many...
Dec 27, 2019 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, National Prophecy, Prophetic
During the Let the Prophets Speak meeting, I had a vision of Cuban opening up. I saw the embargo lifting in the short-term. I’ve been to Cuba, so this touched me. Watch the video.
Dec 24, 2019 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, National Prophecy, Prophetic
It’s time for the intercessors to watch and pray. In December, we gathered for The Florida Prophetic Summit where prophetic voices in Florida shared what they were hearing from the Lord with regard to Florida (and the Body of Christ at large) in 2020. You can watch...
Dec 12, 2019 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Teaching
Many people want to hear a thrilling prophetic word from a prophet. Some sit in audiences hoping on the inside God will speak to them through the prophet on stage. The reality is, prophets don’t and shouldn’t always say what people want to hear. Find...
Dec 3, 2019 | Dreams & Visions, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic
With the rise of true seers, is it any surprise we’re seeing false seers? Maybe you haven’t seen one yet—or maybe you just haven’t discerned them yet—but they are rising with manipulative cunning. Jesus warned us about false prophets in Matthew 7:15. I think the...
Nov 22, 2019 | Daily Prophecy, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic
Bitter prophets are rising, and some of it is the fault of a church who rejected them. But regardless of the reason why we’re seeing more bitterness polluting the prophetic, it’s each individual’s responsibility to keep their heart clean. The Holy Spirit is issuing a...
Nov 21, 2019 | Daily Prophecy, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic
Prophetic panting, dancing, worship and scribing is nothing new, but I see a notable rise in schools to equip and train people in artful expressions that edify the church. Those who have anointings, knowledge and skill will be compelled to teach others their prophetic...
Nov 14, 2019 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, National Prophecy, Prophetic
It doesn’t take a prophet to discern Kanye West’s calling. It’s no wonder the spirits of religion and Jezebel persecute him with such a vengeance. Kanye West is a modern-day prophet on a social justice mission. He’s got a bolder and more accurate prophetic voice than...
Nov 4, 2019 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, National Prophecy, Prophetic
Some Christians are judging Kanye West’s “sudden” salvation. Others are rejoicing wildly and pointing to his Damascus Road experience as a fulfillment of prophecy. Meanwhile, I’m praying for Kanye because of what I am seeing in the spirit. As I was listening to his...
Oct 31, 2019 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Teaching
If you are a prophetic church, you’re attracting prophetic people. And prophetic people can be difficult to pastor. Get in on this prophetic teaching session with Jennifer LeClaire and Chazdon Strickland and get some answers (and a few...
Oct 9, 2019 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, National Prophecy, Prophetic, Prophetic Words
The United Kingdom is under spiritual siege.The enemy is deploying divisionary tactics across Europe to split the prophetic voice with volatile political issues. Strife is looking to land and bring confusion and every evil work. While I was flying over Scotland...
Oct 8, 2019 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, National Prophecy, Prophetic
“Berlin is the backstop.” I heard those words as I stood on a stage at a prophetic conference in Berlin in late September. In that moment, I had no real understanding as to what those words meant. As I prayed and studied, light came. A backstop can mean many things,...
Sep 19, 2019 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, National Prophecy, Prophetic
Brussels is known for many things, but currently the city is a strategic place for on-the-ground intercession. That’s because Brussels is home to the European Commission, the executive branch of the European Union. The European Commission, among other things, proposes...
Sep 18, 2019 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Words
I’ve been casting out devils for nearly 20 years, but recently the Holy Spirit spoke to me about a season of deliverance for Awakening House of Prayer. I taught for weekson freedom for the soul, held an inner healing event, a mass deliverance event and committed to...
Sep 17, 2019 | Daily Prophecy, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic
The Great Falling Away is underway. On top of high-profile Christian leaders falling into gross sin, we’re seeing notable authors, songwriters and others denying Christ as Savior. All the while, pastors continue committing suicide. The Holy Spirit told me several...
Sep 14, 2019 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, National Prophecy, Prophetic, Prophetic Words
On September 13, 2019 at Awakening House of Prayer South London, I saw a vision of a crown rotating. Then I saw a scepter. I heard the Lord say, “Pray for Queen Elizabeth to have boldness. She will need to make a bold move. One more bold move.” With Oct. 31 looming...
Aug 29, 2019 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, National Prophecy, Prophetic
The Washington Monument was illuminated, almost glowing. Natural light wasn’t causing it to shine and brighten the sky around it. Only a supernatural light could cause such a radiant sight. It was like the glory of God enveloped this national landmark. I saw this in a...
Aug 7, 2019 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, National Prophecy, Prophetic
In a vision, I saw the tower that houses Big Ben—what the British call the Great Bell of the clock at the end of the Palace of Westminster in London—and it was approaching 12th hour. As I kept on looking, I noticed the hand on the clock was closer to the 12 than it...
Aug 5, 2019 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Next-Gen Prophets, Prophetic
Isn’t there enough generic prophecy out there? Prophets, come up higher. Prophesying generic words to “somebody” that could be for anybody and everybody may be edifying but it’s not altogether prophetic. It’s time for prophets to press...
Aug 5, 2019 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Insight
A spirit of violence has been loosed. This is not my prophetic utterance, but a snippet from the pivotal prophetic word Cindy Jacobs released just weeks ago. While massacres are unfortunately nothing new, if you believe Cindy’s prophecy—and you should—it’s time to...
Jul 8, 2019 | Daily Prophecy, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic
If you’ve been living holy, but seeing little to no fruit—if you’ve been putting first the Kingdom of God but you’ve witnessed barrenness instead of abundance in your life, business, family or ministry—God is about to bring a supernatural confirmation of a...
Apr 16, 2019 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Words
One of France’s most historic and famous houses of worship burned on Monday. The devastating fire in the France’s capital made headlines around the world. Thankfully, the cathedral’s iconic twin bell towers are visibly intact, according to USA Today, but the...
Apr 13, 2019 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Words
Jennifer LeClaire releases a strong prophetic word at the School of the Prophetic. You can take this class online at http://www.schoolofthespirit.tv.
Apr 1, 2019 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Words
Jennifer LeClaire releases this encouraging prophecy in the School of the Prophetic. You can find this school online at http://www.schoolofthespirit.tv. You can align with Jennifer’s Ignite apostolic-prophetic network at http://www.ignitenow.org.
Mar 26, 2019 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Words
Mar 24, 2019 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Words
I believe we’re in a kairos moment in the body of Christ. We’re seeing major ministries shift all around the world. The Call, IHOP, YWAM, Christ for All Nations…You can add my ministry to that list. As some of you may know, I recently returned from Singapore and...
Mar 15, 2019 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Insight
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is calling it “one of New Zealand’s darkest days.” Forty-nine people were killed in shootings at two mosques in Christchurch and more than 20 others are seriously wounded. The tragic event marks the worst act of violence in the nation in...
Feb 1, 2019 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Insight
Mature prophets walk in a statesmanship, a diplomacy. I compare mature prophets to ambassadors who represent nations. In this video, Jennifer LeClaire and Johnathan Stidham share some heavy prophetic words and teach and train on how to deliver difficult prophecies...
Jan 8, 2019 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Insight
Can the prophetic stir up warfare? Jennifer LeClaire, founder of the Ignite prophetic network and Awakening Blaze prayer movement, answers. You can find out more about Ignite, a network where you can learn and grow in the prophetic with exercises, prayer support,...
Jan 7, 2019 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Words
As I was preparing to share the word of the Lord in Dallas in November, the Lord showed me five things to come. Some of this is the enemy’s plan and can be averted through spiritual warfare and prophetic intercession. Some of it is God’s will and we need to come in...