Jan 6, 2022 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare, Spirit Life
I PRAYED Late in 2020, the Lord told me expressly, “2021 will be a replay if we don’t pray.” Clearly, we didn’t heed the warning. I prophesied again on New Year’s Eve 2021 that 2022 would be a replay if we don’t pray. Do we really want more death, disease, inflation...
Jul 14, 2021 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare, Spirit Life
I PRAYED When I went to Cuba in 1997, I cried myself to sleep every night over the conditions of the people. I was staying in the home of a Cuban family, and we spent many days together as they taught me about their nation. A year ago, I prophesied about a...
May 4, 2021 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Spirit Life, Spiritual Growth
I would like to share a story with you concerning someone who came to me desperate for help. This account is written in his own words: I had heard about it before—and what I thought about it wasn’t good. I am talking about deliverance. My mind went to some...
Feb 18, 2021 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare, Spirit Life
Awakening Prayer Hubs, a global prayer movement under the Awakening House of Prayer banner, has joined with OneHope in a commitment to cover global missions in intercession. This strategic intercession and missions partnership will help raise up intercessors to bring...
Jan 6, 2021 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare, Spirit Life
Late in 2020, the Lord told me expressly, “2021 will be a replay if we don’t pray.” Some people respond to that glibly with, “Well, my 2020 was great.” Maybe so, but it wasn’t great for the people who lost loved ones, houses, jobs, businesses, their mental health and...
Dec 14, 2020 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare, Spirit Life
Russian hackers working for the Kremlin are believed to be behind an attack into U.S. government computer systems at the departments of Treasury and Commerce that likely lasted months, according to an NPR report, but the Kremlin has denied the allegation. “We...
May 22, 2020 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare, Spirit Life
“You don’t have to repeat the same cycles this year that you walked in last year. You can break demonic cycles in your life. You don’t have to walk in the same vicious, painful, distressing circles this year. You can interrupt the enemy’s plans, but first you...
Mar 9, 2020 | Featured, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare, Spirit Life
From Lent until Resurrection Day every year—then again in May, the month of Mary—we see believers around the world suffering from the wicked effects of spiritual witchcraft. That’s because many sincere people around the world—and probably in your city—are exalting...
Jan 17, 2020 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Depression is an emotional ailment that attacks millions worldwide. It can be referred to as a serious mental illness that inflicts a person’s mind and emotions. It is a good thing, in the name of overcoming this problem, this topic is hitting the news and...
Jan 9, 2020 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
“Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin.” (Hebrews 12:4 ASV) This scripture can be taken literally because in bloodline prayer we declare war and strive against sin unto the blood. We release the redemption of Jesus Christ in our blood and our DNA...
Dec 9, 2019 | Spirit Life
Reinhard Bonnke, one of the greatest generals of evangelism the world has ever known, has gone home to glory—but not without leaving us many lessons for life and ministry. Bonnke told me he went from “zero to hero,” which is an accurate portrayal of the youngest son...
Nov 14, 2019 | Spirit Life
Every illustration of faith throughout the Bible reveals that faith is the belief in God’s Word and character despite circumstances or situations. To put it another way: faith is believing God when things look, sound or feel the opposite of what He says. While faith...
Nov 13, 2019 | Spirit Life
The following is an authorized transcription of a live teaching by Bill Johnson… Open to the Gospel of Luke if you would please. The Gospel of Luke. I’ve been looking forward to this day for a number of reasons. The Lord really stirred my heart actually a couple...
Nov 12, 2019 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
The Spirit of the Lord would say to you this day, “In this world you will have tribulation, you will pass through difficult times, but I say to you, “I created you to win, to be victorious in every situation. I have equipped you with resurrection power, and that same...
Nov 11, 2019 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
“And when the devil had finished every temptation, he departed from Jesus until an opportune time.” Luke 4:13 When we are serving and sharing Christ, the Enemy will be carefully planning his next and most effective attack on our lives. He does not sit...
Nov 10, 2019 | Awakening & Revival
Just like Paul (Saul) in the Bible, Micah Wilder was a very zealous believer of religion. He was a Mormon missionary who came to know Jesus after being challenged by a Pastor to read the Bible like a child. Micah grew up in a very strong and faithful Mormon home. He...
Nov 6, 2019 | Awakening & Revival, Culture & Society
Kanye West has been the hot take in news headlines today after his public conversion to Christianity. And just recently, he released his newest Gospel album “Jesus is King” that led millions to search for faith-based topics in Google. According to Bible Gateway, since...
Nov 4, 2019 | Awakening & Revival, Culture & Society
Eight years ago, my wife Sharon and I were at a crossroads. We were leading a church in the suburbs of Los Angeles and running a House of Prayer steps away from the old historic Azusa Street Mission. We had seen the Lord move in some significant ways as we prayed for...Nov 4, 2019 | Awakening & Revival, Culture & Society
James Corden says he is “starting to feel closer to God” during an interview with Kanye West on “The Late Late Show.” James Corden The Late Late Show, hosted by James Corden, is an American late-night television talk and comedy show on CBS. Recently, James had Kanye...
Nov 2, 2019 | Awakening & Revival, Culture & Society
Kanye was the last guy anybody expected to give his life to Jesus. But things started changing a few years ago. In 2014, during one of his concerts, he referred to himself as a Christian. That same year, his flamboyant wife, Kim Kardashian, made the announcement more...
Oct 31, 2019 | Awakening & Revival, Culture & Society
Kanye West just dropped his album: “Jesus Is King.” We went to see his first concert post-album, which was at the Forum in Los Angeles, California. What we got was a hybrid of a gospel choir concert and a Billy Graham type of outreach. My wife, Cherie, and...
Oct 26, 2019 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Father, holy is Your name. We pray that Your kingdom would come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. “This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven…”...
Oct 25, 2019 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Lord Jesus Christ, we boldly and unashamedly pray in Your name for the protection of President Trump and the overthrow and canceling of every curse spoken against him. Your prayers are needed in a spiritual battle raging nationally. The Washington Examiner reported...
Sep 24, 2019 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare, Prophetic Words
For the last year or so, the Lord has been speaking to me about the fear of the Lord being restored to the Church, which has led me to believe the fear of the Lord will be and is being restored to the Church in this new era. Recently I heard the Lord say, “A...
Sep 24, 2019 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
I woke up from a dream on September 16, 2019 and heard these words: “This is the Day of Intercession.” I could feel the weight behind it and the substance of the words which thundered through my spirit. I knew in the spirit realm that we were entering into...
Sep 22, 2019 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
The Voice of God Breaking into the Earth Ezekiel 43:2, “And behold, the glory of the God of Israel came from the way of the east. His voice was like the sound of many waters; and the earth shone with His glory.” God’s voice is powerful. When God...
Sep 20, 2019 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare, Prophetic Words
In the beginning of July, I sent out a word that I was very concerned that the situation in Iran could potentially escalate into a third world war – or at least a Middle Eastern regional war – which we and our allies could get pulled into. Some of you know what...
Sep 19, 2019 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Recently, I read about the life of Jacob and walked away with a greater understanding of the workings of God. One of the most intriguing and insightful passages of Scripture is discovered in Genesis chapter 32. Jacob meets a man in Genesis 32:24 who...
Sep 17, 2019 | Awakening & Revival, Prophetic Words
A New Era of Voice and Vision As we posture ourselves at the doorway of the Hebrew New Year of 5780, we can learn a lot from its numerical value. In the most prophetic sort of way, between the year 5780 is sandwiched the number 78.This relates to the Hebrew...
Aug 22, 2019 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
We are made for worship! True worship. From the beginning, the enemy has worked to pollute pure worship with idolatry, and his tactics really haven’t changed much, have they? Satan knows that if our hearts are divided then we will be powerless, fruitless, and...
Aug 16, 2019 | Spirit Life
We receive God’s precious and magnificent promises so that we will be partakers in His divine nature (2 Peter 1:4). God wants your life to look like His. God is Spirit. God is love. God is peace. God is light. God is perfect. God is a concealer of matters and a...
Aug 15, 2019 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Dear friends, please pray for the peace of Hong Kong. I am now in HK (Hong Kong) heartbroken and praying. I can’t begin to describe the urgency of “global intercession needed” right now for the city of Hong Kong, for the peace of its government, and...