Apr 26, 2019 | Supernatural
A US soldier died of sudden cardiac arrest while on training but was miraculously revived after prayer! The heartbreaking news On April 10, 2015, Clint Lopez died of sudden cardiac arrest during his army training in Germany. It was such a devastating moment when...
Apr 25, 2019 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
I had a very interesting dream just before the changing of the new year from five, seven, seven, eight to five, seven, seven, nine. I was actually in Norway at the time, but I believe that this dream actually has great relevance to the people and the body of Christ....
Apr 24, 2019 | Spiritual Growth
Iused to tell my wife and friends that I needed a “non-small-group small group.” Then I began to wonder if I just needed an AA group. I am not an alcoholic. Alcohol just doesn’t do it for me. But Alcoholics Anonymous does. I attended an AA group while writing a book...
Apr 24, 2019 | Spirit Life
Joan Chittister is en fuego. The Benedictine sister and social justice advocate has just released The Time Is Now: A Call to Uncommon Courage—and it’s what the impatient among us need right now. We’re living in the days when “dumpster fire” has been used so often in...
Apr 24, 2019 | Holy Spirit
It is my prayer those of you reading this not only love Jesus but thoroughly enjoy studying His Word! I hope you will learn a simple step through this article, applying it to your life and begin reading the Bible. And while studying Scripture using this one simple...
Apr 24, 2019 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Does God always answer our prayers? Jesus said, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks, it will be opened" (Matt. 7:7-8).He even...
Apr 24, 2019 | Spirit Life
Difficulties or troubles in life are inevitable; no one is exempt from them. Sometimes we try to outlast the problems, forgetting to call on the One who can calm them. We are too focused on our issues, our pain, and even on the people that surround us, but...
Apr 23, 2019 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Worship warfare is a very delicate subject for the battle wages and is strong against us when we are pressing in to worship the King! The enemy wants us to keep our eyes on the battle and because it is so strong it feels like we are not making headway even into His...
Apr 23, 2019 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Are you a prayer warrior? Are you ready to labour with the Lord in the birthing room of prayer? Has the life of Christ the Intercessor taken hold of your heart and compelled you to put your hand to the plough? Expect sweat and tears if you heed the call, and joy...
Apr 23, 2019 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
I want to personally endorse and recommend this book by Yolanda Stith. I believe the insight and revelation you will receive in Invisible Battlegrounds will be a major tool for your life. Yolanda has unraveled truths concerning the invisible battleground through her...
Apr 23, 2019 | Supernatural
In a vision, Jesus took me to Hell. It was like a terrible, life-changing accident. You know how when an accident happens, you keep replaying over in your mind what you could have done differently? I have replayed August 28thover and over at least 1,000 times, if not...
Apr 22, 2019 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
An octopus. The immediate visual gives me the creeps – I picture a gigantic squid glaring at me with its one massive eye and swirling its eight legs with all those slurping suckers in my direction, perhaps to eat me (whew – glad that was just a nightmare). This...
Apr 16, 2019 | Missions
Apr 15, 2019 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
It was a Saturday morning, and I was driving to my office to catch up on some work. I had music playing on my media player. As one song came to an end and another began to play, capturing my attention. It was a song I have listened to many times before, but today, God...
Apr 14, 2019 | Supernatural
Kentucky toddler beats stage 4 neuroblastoma (cancer of the adrenal glands above the kidney). Little Molly was diagnosed at 5 months old and the family has been fighting the disease for over two years. In that time they created a hashtag of #mollystrong, gaining...
Apr 13, 2019 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Apr 12, 2019 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Apr 11, 2019 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Three years ago, I had most of my prophetic words come to pass. I prayed and sought the Lord and asked Him to release more prophetic words into my life so I could expand His kingdom further and glorify the name of Jesus in a greater way. In the Bible it says,...
Apr 11, 2019 | Spiritual Growth
Out of 39 years in this fleshly tent on planet Earth, 18 of those years have been spent pursuing the Lord and knowing Him more. Jesus Christ found me at 21 years old because I was lost, and He was not. Over the years, I have suffered my fair share of personal blows...
Apr 11, 2019 | Faith that Overcomes
Life is much like climbing a mountain and we can learn a lot from those who aspire to reach the highest peaks. During our life’s journey, we will often ask the question, “Why God?” It seems as if we want Him to give us an itinerary in advance, with a heads up on any...
Apr 11, 2019 | Spirit Life
One day I had a breakthrough experience that changed my life forever. I was reading the Bible and noticed that Mary Magdalene went to Jesus’ tomb on Sunday morning, after He was crucified and buried. The stone in front of the tomb was rolled aside, so she knelt down...
Apr 11, 2019 | Spirit Life
Having coached leaders for over 15 years, I have gotten that question so many times. Through experience, I have observed three foundational traits that set elite leaders apart from all others. In our coaching at CourageToLead.com, we work with leaders to become what...
Apr 10, 2019 | Spirit Life
It’s well chronicled in my messages, books and articles that much of my early years were scarred by the wounds of rejection. Childhood timidity led to being painfully left out of social groups. Then my born-again experience at 16 years old caused great tension in my...
Apr 10, 2019 | Supernatural
Throughout my years in Christianity, I’ve witnessed numerous miracles that were breathtaking in nature: blind eyes and deaf ears opened, paralyzed walking, pain from herniated discs and metal rods dissolved and radical deliverance from strongholds. Sadly, I’ve also...
Apr 10, 2019 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Apr 9, 2019 | Awakening & Revival
Have you ever been able to worship God in public? Watch hundreds of people gathering to encounter the Lord in a busy shopping mall in the Philippines recently and be inspired to be more bold in your faith. Worship at the Mall Victory Alabang is a church in Muntinlupa...
Apr 9, 2019 | Spirit Life
Our day could be going well from the start. Our routine is set and we have a momentum. We’re feeling accomplished. But then the unthinkable happens. There is a phone call. Or an unexpected visit from the authorities. A news flash on the TV. Our world could feel like...
Apr 9, 2019 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
The Serenity Prayer is said in support groups across the world each day. Perhaps in this age of rising addiction it is said more than any other prayer, even the Lord’s Prayer… so what is it and why is it so powerful? The Serenity Prayer was written by the American...
Apr 9, 2019 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Gazing at creation, all around we see the results of the power of God, which flung the stars into place, the planets into alignment and brought about life—all out of nothing. Reading our Bibles, we see stories of dramatic encounters with God and His miracle-working...
Apr 8, 2019 | Faith that Overcomes
For the Christian, there should be an overwhelming and pervasive sense of wellbeing and peace, no matter what goes on in our world. Let’s take time out to step outside the chaos of politics, work, disappointments, stress, discouragement, and any burdens we might have....
Apr 8, 2019 | Spirit Life
One of the vital keys to your success on this earth is to know the will of God for your life and then to stick closely to what He has revealed to you. If you hold fast to the plan as God gave it to you, you position yourself to access a continual supply of His power,...
Apr 8, 2019 | Spirit Life
It’s well chronicled in my messages, books and articles that much of my early years were scarred by the wounds of rejection. Childhood timidity led to being painfully left out of social groups. Then my born-again experience at 16 years old caused great tension in my...