Mar 10, 2018 | Spiritual Growth
The Word of God is your sword. You need to know what that sword really does. Meditate on these Scriptures to renew your mind to the power and authority in the Word. Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is alive, and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing...
Mar 9, 2018 | Spiritual Growth
Everyone worries from time to time. There’s a worry that’s natural but there’s also a worry that’s demonic. Meditate on these 18 Scriptures to help overcome worry and anxiety. Philippians 4:6-7 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by...
Mar 8, 2018 | Spiritual Growth
God has authorized you—He’s given you authority. Take the time to meditate—really think about—these verses and take any advantage away from the wicked one. Mark 16:17-18 These signs will accompany those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will...
Mar 5, 2018 | Spiritual Growth
By Lee Strobel Recently I was chatting with a former colleague from my days as an atheist and legal editor at the Chicago Tribune. “You were the last person I ever thought would give up journalism to go tell people about Jesus,” he said. “You were one of the most...
Feb 8, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Spiritual Growth
A few weeks ago, I wrote an article called “John Piper Gets it All Wrong About Women in Ministry. I knew this article would stir a hornet’s nest, but I never imagined in a million years Jesus would condemn me to hell for writing it. In the article, one of my lines...
Dec 28, 2017 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Spiritual Growth
I wear a key around my neck. In fact, I have several different key necklaces. One says faith. One says dream wild. One says create. Some are silver. Some are black. Some are cooper. Call it a prophetic thing… I started wearing necklaces when I got the Isaiah 22:22...
Dec 12, 2017 | Spiritual Growth
There’s the Great Falling Away Paul the apostle prophesied in 2 Timothy 2, then there’s the Way of the Future. Could the two converge? Way of the Future, a new religion birthed with Artificial Intelligence in mind, is setting up church and making news media headlines...
Dec 7, 2017 | Spiritual Growth
In this season of exposure, I'm tackling spiritual abuse. Could you be a victim? Victims of abusive church authority structures may not even realize what they are enduring until they escape its grip. Spiritual abuse is often subtle. Christian cult leaders...
Nov 11, 2017 | Spiritual Growth
When I was a small child, my grandmother used to read me Bible stories—and not from books with large letters and colorful cartoons. I’m talking about King James Version stories from her tear-stained, oversized, white leather-bound Bible. As I was so young,...
Nov 7, 2017 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Spiritual Growth
“While we have come a long way in both the raising up of many people who prophesy, it is still difficult today to find what can be called the prophets to the nation.” So says Cindy Jacobs, and I agree with her. Many people ask me who are the prophetic...
Nov 6, 2017 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Spiritual Growth
The nudist movement has been preaching social nudity for ages and has made headway in beaches, campsites and pools. Now, nudists are invading local restaurants. Paris just opened its first-ever naked restaurant. Named O’naturel, the restaurant is publicly...
Nov 2, 2017 | Spiritual Growth
I saw a vision during my Mornings With the Holy Spirit prayer broadcasts. The Lord showed me people wrapped in cords and those cords said “past.” Holy Spirit revealed many people could not move forward because toxic soul ties and alignments were...
Oct 27, 2017 | Spiritual Growth
Natural situations can sometimes unlock spiritual revelations. As I walked into my office, I saw my driver license face down on the scanner, waiting to be duplicated. At that moment, the Lord spoke to my heart. He showed me He was giving out new names and...Aug 30, 2017 | Spiritual Growth
For all the talk about modern-day Pharisees, there are plenty of Saducees running around the church wreaking havoc on people who have faith to believe in the resurrection power of God at work in the lives of the saints. We get a glimpse into this mindset in Acts 2:6-9...
Aug 24, 2017 | Spiritual Growth
Have you ever walked into a room singing a tune and suddenly felt angry on the inside? How about walking into a lunch meeting feeling optimistic and finding yourself provoked, stirred or otherwise agitated?Paul teaches we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but...
Aug 21, 2017 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Spiritual Growth
Angel encounters are rising around the world. Even secular media—CBS, ABC and the likes—are covering human encounters with angels. While I don’t doubt the rise of angelic activity in this hour, I am concerned that some are encountering demonic forces disguising...
Aug 17, 2017 | Spiritual Growth
The Lord spoke to me clearly when I was in Singapore: “Expect the unexpected.” When I meditated on this, He showed me many things, including sudden encounters with God.In this season, we're going to see God move in extraordinary ways. Of course, we...
May 31, 2017 | Spiritual Growth
I'm a trusting person. I don't throw discernment out the window when I encounter new people, but neither do I enter into new relationships with suspicion. Essentially, I choose to believe the best; to take people at their word; and to give people the benefit...
May 16, 2017 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Spiritual Growth
I heard the Lord say: Mega grace and mega faith equals a mega movement. The prophecy continues: “My grace is sufficient for you and I’ve given you the measure of faith. I will move on your behalf when you step out in faith and rely on My grace to obey the words I have...
May 11, 2017 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Spiritual Growth
We’re still pressing into payback, the word of the Lord in April—and it’s not over. As I said last week, prophetic words don’t expire unless the Lord dates them. We’re in a season of payback and we need to keep contending until we see it manifest!...
May 4, 2017 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Spiritual Growth
Payback. It was the word of the Lord in April—and it’s not over. Prophetic words don’t expire unless the Lord dates them. In other words, we’re in a season of payback and we need to keep pressing into it. Part of pressing in is positioning your heart for the payback....
Apr 5, 2017 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Spiritual Growth
Most Americans believe in guardian angels. In fact, more than half of all adults—including 20 percent who say they are not religious—absolutely believe a guardian angel has protected them during their life. That’s according to a Baylor University for...
Mar 8, 2017 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Spiritual Growth
There are many myths circulating the body of Christ about angels these days. You can trace the root of most of them back to the New Age movement and various false religions, as well as pop culture’s influence on society and the church. But there’s one...
Jan 25, 2017 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Spiritual Growth
Every morning, I gather with hundreds of people to pray prophetically in our Mornings With the Holy Spirit prayer calls. This was birthed out of a week-long prayer series for my devotional by the same name over two years ago. These calls have grown increasingly...
Jan 10, 2017 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Spiritual Growth
Angels have many functions, from protecting to providing, but angelic watchers are roaming the earth on assignment—and have been through the ages. Angels don’t often carry names in the Bible, but they are called out by function, purpose or operation. The Book of...
Nov 29, 2016 | Faith that Overcomes, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Spiritual Growth
It’s still the year of shifting seasons and suddenlies. When I prophesied those words earlier this year, I had no idea just how many shifts and suddenlies I’d see! My entire ministry shifted in a dramatic way. My personal relationships saw...
Nov 8, 2016 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Spiritual Growth
When I got the news that our worship leader’s son was diagnosed with cancer, it knocked the wind out of me. I was already fighting four or five other spiritual battles and this was a major blindside. I grieved in my spirit for this family. And then I got up and...
Nov 7, 2016 | Faith that Overcomes, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Spiritual Growth
I prophesied earlier this year that 2016 would be marked by shifting seasons and suddenlies. Part of those shifting seasons and suddenlies includes promotions and demotions. God is going to raise up the humble, hardworking saints and humble the prideful ones with...
Nov 6, 2016 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Spiritual Growth
Before 2016 even began, the Lord told me 2016 would be a year of shifting seasons and suddenlies. That means transitions. Many are reporting shifting seasons, suddenlies and transitions—or feel one coming on. Others are frustrated because they bear witness...
Nov 6, 2016 | Culture & Society, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Spiritual Growth
Over 200 intercessors gathered in Orlando recently to praise, worship, pray, prophesy and wage war against anything that opposes God's will. Honestly, it was one of the most powerful six hours of intercession I've ever experienced. I'm hoping to see this...
Oct 13, 2016 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Spiritual Growth
Some of you are looking back, back, back when you should be looking up, up, up. Those words rolled off my tongue on one of this week's Mornings With the Holy Spirit prayer calls and it's a right-now word for the body of Christ. As the Jewish New Year...
Sep 21, 2016 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Spiritual Growth
Discernment is ever so vital in this hour, but discernment can turn into a critical spirit if it's not bound by love on both sides of the river banks. Indeed, whether you have a discerning heart or the gift of discerning of spirits, there's always the danger...