23 Truths You Need to Know About the Word of God

23 Truths You Need to Know About the Word of God

The Word of God is your sword. You need to know what that sword really does. Meditate on these Scriptures to renew your mind to the power and authority in the Word. Hebrews 4:12  For the word of God is alive, and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing...
13 Scriptures on Your God-Given Authority in Christ

13 Scriptures on Your God-Given Authority in Christ

God has authorized you—He’s given you authority. Take the time to meditate—really think about—these verses and take any advantage away from the wicked one. Mark 16:17-18 These signs will accompany those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will...
A Skeptic Examines Miracles

A Skeptic Examines Miracles

By Lee Strobel Recently I was chatting with a former colleague from my days as an atheist and legal editor at the Chicago Tribune. “You were the last person I ever thought would give up journalism to go tell people about Jesus,” he said. “You were one of the most...
False Religion Rising With ‘Robot’ Messiah

False Religion Rising With ‘Robot’ Messiah

There’s the Great Falling Away Paul the apostle prophesied in 2 Timothy 2, then there’s the Way of the Future. Could the two converge? Way of the Future, a new religion birthed with Artificial Intelligence in mind, is setting up church and making news media headlines...
Prophetic Insight: Burn the Bridges to Your Past

Prophetic Insight: Burn the Bridges to Your Past

When I was a small child, my grandmother used to read me Bible stories—and not from books with large letters and colorful cartoons. I’m talking about King James Version stories from her tear-stained, oversized, white leather-bound Bible. As I was so young,...
Breaking Toxic Soul Ties and Alignments

Breaking Toxic Soul Ties and Alignments

I saw a vision during my Mornings With the Holy Spirit prayer broadcasts. The Lord showed me people wrapped in cords and those cords said “past.” Holy Spirit revealed many people could not move forward because toxic soul ties and alignments were...