A Day of Mourning, A Day of Sending

A Day of Mourning, A Day of Sending

On Saturday, February 23, two major events took place, one in Orlando, Florida, and the other in Albany, New York. Both were sponsored and led by evangelical Christians, both events drew thousands, but the fact they took place on the same day was entirely...
Does Your Brain Have Too Many Tabs Open?

Does Your Brain Have Too Many Tabs Open?

Talking about their struggles with a stressful life someone said to me, ‘My problem is that I’ve got too many tabs open in my brain.’ At the time, I thought it was just another example of the increasing habit of using computer terms for ordinary life as when you hear...
5 Things A Man Needs Before A Woman

5 Things A Man Needs Before A Woman

Nowadays, people tend to enter in a relationship without a purpose. Often times they enter because of what they feel is right especially when they’re madly in love. However, did you know that there are things you need to consider before entering into a relationship?...
Is God Sending a Message of Hope to America?

Is God Sending a Message of Hope to America?

Although I am a believer, not a skeptic, I’m a thinking believer. I’m not impressed with the “discovery” of the face of Jesus in a piece of wood. Or the map of America appearing in a bowl of melting ice cream. My Ph.D. is in ancient Semitic texts and languages, and I...
10 Music Quotes To Rock Your World

10 Music Quotes To Rock Your World

As I write this article, the Grammy Awards are taking place, reminding us of the massive role music plays in our lives. That’s why I began my book The Power of Music with a chapter called, “A World Without Music.” It’s really hard to imagine what that world would look...
Why Abortion is a Gospel Issue

Why Abortion is a Gospel Issue

I found it interesting that recently a pro-choice governor, Ralph Northam of Virginia – who was quoted saying he approved abortion up until the time of birth – had pictures associated with him in his college yearbook depicted in BlackFace and another with...
Can A Christian Date A Non-Believer?

Can A Christian Date A Non-Believer?

It’s a big topic of discussion among Christian circles: Can a Christian date a non-believer? There’s a lot of perspectives but right now, let’s look at scripture. In biblical times, dating didn’t really exist and the Bible doesn’t mention the word. But the Bible has...
Exposing Golden Calves in Modern Church in America

Exposing Golden Calves in Modern Church in America

In the passage in Acts 7:39, we get a clue. Stephen is preaching to God’s people and reminds them of what happened on Mt. Sinai. Moses was on the mountain standing in the glory of God and receiving His commandments to His people.   At the same time, the...
15 Warning Signs You are Dating the Wrong Person

15 Warning Signs You are Dating the Wrong Person

We first started to converse one day in the cafeteria lunch line – Bible college students from the same hometown. It was not a star-struck “love at first sight” enamored moment, `a la Hollywood style, but over the weeks as we became friends, the attraction was in...
Top 5 Christian Movies You Should Not Miss This 2019

Top 5 Christian Movies You Should Not Miss This 2019

The Christian media is one of the most powerful tools that God uses for His children to be reminded about His wonderful love. And this 2019, you will be inspired by these upcoming Christian movies that will no doubt bless you no end. They are listed in according to...


The holiday season! And the Grinch inevitably shows his face. There are the PC police on the liberal side and the religious police on the religious side. Each one wants to tell us that we shouldn’t celebrate these holidays lest we either offend someone or engage...
A Boxer’s Story of Redemption and Resurrection

A Boxer’s Story of Redemption and Resurrection

As I write these words, Adonis Stevenson, a 41-year-old professional boxer (and longtime champion) lies in critical condition after being knocked out in a fight Saturday night. So, in no way am I minimizing the brutality or danger of the sport. But in the midst of...