Nov 4, 2021 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Teaching
The Seer’s Dictionary is a prophetic reference book that is not only valuable for learning and growing your spiritual vocabulary but there are lessons peppered within many of the definitions to help guide you in the proper—or improper use of the gift. Although...
Nov 2, 2021 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Teaching
What is seer acuity? How about seer guard or the seer continuum? Or what about a seer swirl? The Seer’s Dictionary, Your A-Z Guide to Understanding Seer Language, gives you definitions to these and other words that every seer and seeing person needs to...
Jul 22, 2021 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Teaching
When Charisma magazine asked me to start a column on its Charisma News online property, it didn’t take me long to determine a theme: “Watchman on the Wall.” During that season, I was heavy into reporting on the culture wars, which is one aspect of the watchman’s...
Mar 24, 2021 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Teaching
Have you ever heard someone talk about sixth sense? In the secular world, they are talking about paranormal phenomenon like Extra Sensory Perception. That’s not what we’re talking about here. That’s witchcraft. Knowing in the spirit is part of the seer’s...
Jan 22, 2021 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Teaching
Confirmation! It’s rare that I see anyone release a prophetic word on Facebook without scads of people typing out “confirmation!” What does confirmation mean, really? Merriam-Webster defines the word as, “confirming proof,” such as finding proof of a theory or “the...
Jan 5, 2021 | Dreams & Visions, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Teaching
Is God really speaking to you in your dreams? Could the Lord Almighty be warning you of things to come while you lie on your bed at night? Is it possible the Creator of the Universe would give you innovative ideas while you sleep? Simply stated, yes. God has spoken to...
Dec 7, 2020 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Teaching, Prophetic Words
The government of the earth takes place in the prayer rooms. And we’re not governing with politics but with prayer. God is looking for unbiased governmental intercessors who will stand in their regions and rule and reign with Christ. I heard the Lord say: “I am...
Apr 9, 2020 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Teaching
As I walked through the sanctuary, I saw someone staring blankly into the distance. At first glance, he looked sort of like a zombie but when I got closer his face was puffed up and bright red like, well, a blowfish. Immediately, I felt the witchcraft hit my eyes. I...
Mar 25, 2020 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Teaching
What are the prophets saying about the plague that is attacking the earth? While the doom and gloomers are celebrating the COVID-19 death and destruction with an “I told you so” attitude, the true prophets are releasing the voice of God in this hour. ...
Dec 12, 2019 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Teaching
Many people want to hear a thrilling prophetic word from a prophet. Some sit in audiences hoping on the inside God will speak to them through the prophet on stage. The reality is, prophets don’t and shouldn’t always say what people want to hear. Find...
Oct 31, 2019 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Teaching
If you are a prophetic church, you’re attracting prophetic people. And prophetic people can be difficult to pastor. Get in on this prophetic teaching session with Jennifer LeClaire and Chazdon Strickland and get some answers (and a few...
Nov 12, 2009 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Teaching
If the Prophet Isaiah were with us today, he might repeat a declaration from the 43rd chapter of the prophetic book he penned. Since he’s among the great cloud of witnesses, I’ll make this Spirit-led declaration instead. Behold, the Lord is doing a new thing! We need...
Nov 3, 2009 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Teaching
Medical doctors call it Usher syndrome. It’s a disorder that causes deafness and gradual loss of sight. You may have heard about it in the news recently. Jacob, the nine-year-old son of star horse jockey Kent Desormeaux, is suffering from the disease. Jacob is...
Oct 29, 2009 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Teaching
Are you experiencing spiritual frustration? Someone e-mailed me this question: “Is there such a thing as spiritual frustration. If so, can you explain and what would you suggest as a solution?” Here’s my response: Yes, I believe there is. You first have to discern if...
Oct 27, 2009 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Teaching
Jonah’s experience in the belly of a whale may be a kid’s church favorite, but there are serious warnings here for New Testament prophets. While the Book of Jonah tells a familiar story, deeper examination demonstrates two spiritual death knells for prophets:...
Oct 20, 2009 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Teaching
Are you building walls of religion or towers of prayer? Your answer could denote the difference between a woe-filled fate and a fulfilled destiny. Prophets obsessed by the fear of man or unholy desires will not fulfill God’s ultimate plan. We must be careful, then,...
Oct 17, 2009 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Teaching
About this time last year I had a somewhat perplexing dream. In this dream, I was about five months pregnant. Now, for starters, I’m not married and had no reason to be pregnant. I was trying to deny it, but my mid-section was clearly swelling and it wasn’t from too...
Oct 13, 2009 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Insight, Prophetic Teaching
Just like Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal, the time is coming when God’s New Testament mouthpieces will confront modern day merchandisers. The true will defy the false. The holy will challenge the unholy. Until that day, spirits of divination, with a little...
Sep 25, 2009 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Teaching
George Whitefiled was a man of God who lived from 1714 to 1770. Here is an excerpt from his classic sermon “The Duty of Searching the Scriptures.” As you read it, let the Holy Spirit you the importance of the Spirit and the Word working together in your...
Sep 21, 2009 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Teaching
Sometimes we never know why the Holy Spirit prompted us to pray. Other times, we find out as soon as we stop praying. That’s what happened to me today. I had a sudden urge to pray so I answered the call spiritually. Little did I know 15 minutes later I would...
Dec 12, 2008 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Teaching
In this final part of our series on the spirit of Jezebel, we’ll look at Jezebel’s demise. Jezebel is an enemy of the apostolic because she counterfeits true prophetic operations that lead hungry believers to empty their pocketbooks for false spiritual moves that work...
Dec 9, 2008 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Teaching
In Part III of this series, we’re looking at the damsel in Thyatira and how he handled this situation in the light of the Jezebel spirit and false apostles and false prophets. It was in Thyatira that Paul encountered a damsel possessed with a spirit of divination who...
Dec 5, 2008 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Teaching
We’re talking about the spirit of Jezebel, and false prophets. You’ll recall that the Apostle Paul spoke against false apostles who sought unjust gain, proclaiming: “I’d die before taking your money. I’m giving nobody grounds for lumping me in with those...
Dec 4, 2008 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Teaching
Jezebel gained her reputation as an enemy to the prophets of God in the Old Testament era. While dogs devoured the wicked Queen Jezebel, her spirit is alive and well in New Testament times. And this depraved principality has earned another reputation in the last days:...
Nov 25, 2008 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Teaching
The storm surrounding Todd Bentley, leader of the “Lakeland Revival” has quieted. Many people were hurt by the false prophetic operations and other strange happenings there. I met a young man just recently who God has called into prophetic ministry. The young man was...