8 Habits Of Healthy Spiritual Leaders

8 Habits Of Healthy Spiritual Leaders

God calls, prepares, and empowers spiritual leaders to lead His Church. Spiritual leadership is not a job for everybody. While every Christian is called to follow Christ wholeheartedly, and make an impact on the world around them – some are called to equip the Body of...
The Cure for Spiritual Boredom

The Cure for Spiritual Boredom

But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.” (James 1:22) Do you ever get bored with church or with your spiritual life? If you say, “Yes, I get bored with my spiritual life all the time,” I want to help you understand the root of...
Does the Apostle Paul contradict himself?

Does the Apostle Paul contradict himself?

Paul is so confusing! Why is he always contradicting himself? In Romans Chapter 2, Rabbi Saul, Paul the apostle is emphatic that circumcision only has value if you keep the whole law. If you break the Torah, it is as if you were never circumcised. And in Galatians he...


I am thin-skinned. I do not like criticisms. Perhaps many of you can say both of those statements with certitude. I know exactly how you feel. As one who has received criticisms over the years, I want to share with you personally five perspectives that have helped me...
The Ongoing Invitation to Know Him

The Ongoing Invitation to Know Him

“When God reveals a portion of His character to you, don’t move on! Sell everything you have and buy that field.” Corey Russell said this during the 2016 Onething conference, and it is still guiding my pursuit of the Trinity today. He was explaining the incomparable...
Are Nominal Christians ‘Enemies of the Cross’?

Are Nominal Christians ‘Enemies of the Cross’?

Enemies of the cross. It’s a phrase Paul used with weeping in a letter to the church at Philippi. Who was he talking about? Was it the dogs—the religious Pharisees of the day who wanted to see Christ hung on a tree at Calvary? Was it unbelievers? Was it nominal...
12 Scriptures That Will Position Your Heart to See God

12 Scriptures That Will Position Your Heart to See God

For many years, I’ve asked God to create in me a clean heart. Purity of heart is critical for believers. God wants us to love Him with all of our heart, all of our soul, all of our mind and all of our strength (see Luke 10:27). Without a pure heart, we’ll have a heart...
Why You Should do More Than Pray for Miracles

Why You Should do More Than Pray for Miracles

I EXPECT miracles from God. I don’t just hope for them. I don’t just pray for them. I believe in faith that God can do anything, remove any roadblock, and turn any situation around, even things I would never think of! I’m defining a miracle here as “an intervention in...
10 Ways to Raise the Level of Your Influence

10 Ways to Raise the Level of Your Influence

Many people desire to have a lot more influence than they currently have. Unfortunately, most people do not understand how this can take place. Some Believers have a mystical approach and think that just because a spiritual leader prays over them or gives them a...
7 Signs Your Pastor is Preaching Heresy

7 Signs Your Pastor is Preaching Heresy

Not long ago it was reported that another prominent Protestant pastor now advocates a pluralist belief that there are many roads to God and salvation (Michael A. Walrond Jr. of Harlem’s 10,000-member First Corinthian Baptist Church.) Among other things he said was...
7 Signs Your Pastor is Absolutely Toxic

7 Signs Your Pastor is Absolutely Toxic

Is your pastor toxic? If so, you’ll experience church hurt in his/her ministry if you haven’t already. Borrowing from Thom S. Rainer’s list of toxic leadership signs, I’m expounding on seven characteristics of unhealthy apostles, prophets,...
7 Prayers for Mega Spiritual Growth

7 Prayers for Mega Spiritual Growth

We all need to press into spiritual growth. A strong spirit man prepares us to stand in the storms of life.Spiritual growth sets the stage for spiritual breakthrough. Here are seven prayers for spiritual growth—Scriptures modified to pray in the first person. “So that...
13 Breakthrough Declarations You Should Decree Every Day

13 Breakthrough Declarations You Should Decree Every Day

Revelation 1:6 says, God “has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.” Kings decree a thing and it is done. Here are 13 breakthrough declarations you should decree each day—Scriptures modified in the first...
20 Favorite Verses About Our Faithful Heavenly Father

20 Favorite Verses About Our Faithful Heavenly Father

Our heavenly Father is just that—heavenly. The world and the religious spirit often paint our heavenly Father as a mean man with a beard ready to clobber us with a hammer when we stumble. But Father is love. Meditate on these verses to renew your mind about your...
29 Reasons to Celebrate the Work of Your Redeemer

29 Reasons to Celebrate the Work of Your Redeemer

You are redeemed. You were bought with the blood of Jesus—your Savior, your healer, your provider, your everything. Meditate on these verses to renew your mind to the reality that you are redeemed from the curse of the law and so much more. Colossians 1:12-14 12...