
Is There An Orphan Within?

For many individuals it is something that we don't want to acknowledge, but there is a reality in which many people struggle, both in the Body of Christ as well as in the world, and that struggle is rooted in an Orphan Spirit. By “orphan”, I am referring to a struggle...

VIDEO: Keeping the Prophetic Word in Mind

Have you ever received personal prophecy that just didn't make any sense at all to your natural mind? Maybe it didn't even bear witness to your spirit. Perhaps the prophetic promise was so exceedingly, abundantly above all you could ask or think that you dismissed it without even praying it through. It may be time to dig it out and pray it through.

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Why It May Be Time to Dig Out Those Old Prophetic Words

Why It May Be Time to Dig Out Those Old Prophetic Words

Have you ever received personal prophecy that just didn’t make any sense at all to your natural mind? Maybe it didn’t even bear witness to your spirit. Perhaps the prophetic promise was so exceedingly, abundantly above all you could ask or think that you dismissed it without even praying it through.

I believe in judging prophecy before receiving it as Holy Spirit-inspired truth, but as I explain in my book Did the Spirit of God Say That? judging prophecy isn’t always an exact science. Sure, if it violates Scripture, you should immediately toss it out the window. But sometimes you should just put your prophetic word in a drawer, so to speak, because it might begin to ring true years—maybe even decades—later.

That was certainly the case with Sarah, who laughed out loud—and then denied it—when she heard the Lord prophesy to Abraham that she would have a son (Gen. 18:10-12). It was also the case when Jacob heard Joseph’s prophetic dreams. Jacob actually rebuked Joseph for sharing a dream in which his brothers bowed down to the young lad.

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Jennifer on the Radio: Is America Too Spiritually Sick to Recover?

On last week's Dose of the Ghost on Chosen Generation Radio, I sat down with Pastor Greg Young and Ken Thornberg of Freedom Encounter Ministries to discuss a pointed question: Is America too spiritually sick to recover? That's a question that's on the minds of many people as some prophets are prophesying judgment and others are prophesying revival.

Click here to listen to the broadcast.

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Why You Should Remind God of Your Prophetic Words

Why You Should Remind God of Your Prophetic Words

Remember how excited you were when you got that prophetic word five, 10 or even 15 years ago? You set your heart to prepare yourself to walk it out. You confessed it out of your mouth. You declared it shall come to pass. You prayed it through.

You did everything you were supposed to do, but that prophetic word still hasn’t come to pass. In fact, it may even look like the exact opposite is happening in your life. It may look like to enemy has already robbed your prophecy. It may seem like the prophetic word will never come to pass.

Now is your moment of decision. Will you give up on that tried-and-tested prophetic word that you know that you know that you know is from God? Or will you go back to the author of that prophecy—Jesus—and remind Him of the prophetic word?

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VIDEO: Reminding God of His Prophetic Word

Remember how excited you were when you got that prophetic word 5, 10, or even 15 years ago? You set your heart to prepare yourself to walk it out. You confessed it out of your mouth. You declared it shall come to pass. You prayed it through. You did everything you were supposed to do, but it still hasn't come to pass. In fact, it may even look like the exact opposite is about to happen. It may look like to enemy has already robbed your prophecy. It may look like the prophetic word will never come to pass.

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Jennifer on the Radio: Is God Judging America or Bringing Revival?

Is God bringing judgment to America or sending revival? That was the topic of discussion between myself and Pastor Greg Young on Chosen Generation Radio's Dose of the Ghost segment on Friday. Many have spoken of the impending judgement of God on America for her embrace of the things God has called an abomination and for her removal of God from the public sphere. From abortion to same sex marriage to greed and fornication of all types to a refusal to allow God in any government facility, America has seemed to tell God that she does not need Him.

Granted this is not a true majority opinion but is the expression of its executive, legislative and judicial branches. Books like Jonathan Cahn's The Harbinger have detailed the coming judgement of God. In contrast Reinhard Bonnke in ealry February 2013 said he saw a great awakening, a harvest of souls in America. Can a nation which seems to have embraced a position in opposition to God see a great harest of souls? Both prophecies indicate a time of darkness, is it possible that God is requiring a true heart of repentance before He opens up the gates for the flames of revival? Do the pulpits of America need to first burn with callls to repentance? Does not judgement begin first at the house of God?

Click here to listen to the broadcast and weigh in below.

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Jennifer on the Radio: What Is God Saying for 2014?

After our discussion on God's judgment versus revival on last week's Dose of the Ghost segment on Chosen Generation Radio, Pastor Greg Young asked me to stay overtime for a special recording and teaching on what the Lord was showing me for 2014. This is an encouraging word, but also a challenge to go deeper and higher in God.

Click here to listen to the prophetic word and teaching.

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Prophetic Word for 2014: The Righteous Will Never Be Shaken

Prophetic Word for 2014: The Righteous Will Never Be Shaken

For many years I’ve heard prophecies proclaiming “Whatever can be shaken will be shaken.” Indeed, I’m sure I’ve prophesied along those lines in years past. These types of prophecies are in line with Hebrews 12:27, which promises “the removal of those things that are being shaken, as of things that are made, that the things which cannot be shaken may remain.”

To be sure, the shaking is underway. There have been more earthquakes, famines, wars and volcanoes in the first 13 years of this century than the entire 20th century. At the same time, we’ve seen economic collapses, rising turmoil in the Middle East, the redefinition of marriage in a growing number of U.S. states and foreign nations, and a decline in church attendance. Clearly, the shaking is intensifying, just as many have prophesied.

A Mighty Promise From God
But there is yet good news. The Lord spoke these words to my heart, “The righteous will never be shaken.” This is in line with a mighty promise in Psalm 112 (NKJV):

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Did 2013’s Prophetic Words Ring True?

Did 2013’s Prophetic Words Ring True?

In the days and weeks ahead, prophetic voices around the world will release prophecies for 2014. You’ll read a handful of them on the “Prophetic Insight” section of charismamagazine.com.

But before we charge ahead to weigh prophetic mandates, directives and warnings for 2014, let’s take a minute to look back at the prophetic words declared over 2013. After all, you can’t always limit God’s words to a 12-month timeline. Indeed, it’s possible that some 2013 prophecies won’t be relevant for years and others will remain relevant for years to come. So, again, before we move on to the next new word, let’s review what the Lord said last year and respond according to His Spirit.

The Spiritual Avalanche That Could Kill Millions

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When False Prophetic Voices Merchandise the Saints

When False Prophetic Voices Merchandise the Saints

Last week—for the second and third time—some nefarious false prophetic voice hijacked my photos, my name and my very words and set out to do serious damage to believing saints in the name of Jesus. The experience got me thinking about how false prophetic voices are actively merchandising sincere believers looking for a breakthrough online, on TV and radio, and in churches.

Here’s the background: Some hijacking merchandiser created two fake Facebook accounts with my face, name, books and prophetic words plastered all over them. This false prophetic voice then started sending friend invitations to people who were commenting on my real page. (Click here to see my real Facebook page.) One woman—we’ll call her “Sally” to protect her identity—shared her experience with me:

“Just today I ‘shared’ one of your posts only to get a ‘friend’ invitation on FB. I was thrilled to think I could be in touch with you. Could you pray for me, as God was about to do something big in my & my family? Then you ultimately started asking, demanding, and were manipulative with spiritual abuse to solicit for money for the orphanage. It smelled like a rat. Surely this is not Jennifer & was about to ask. But I had already emailed back my suspicions, my disappointment, my sick feeling—and the person knew I was onto them … Oh, it truly was such a time waster, such a disturbing, distressing issue. It really did get me at first because I very much relate to your writings & keenly follow—made me feel very vulnerable & regretful for opening up as much as I did. Such a warning to be more alert, more cautious—have a prowling enemy seeking to devour.”

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Prophetic Word: Spirit of Babylon Infiltrating the Church

Prophetic Word: Spirit of Babylon Infiltrating the Church

Recently, I came under attack from a spirit that I hadn’t battled at a high level before. I was extremely ill, completely exhausted to the point that I could not stay awake, and felt like giving up.

I knew it was a spiritual battle and I had all my weapons drawn but I was still under a heavy oppression. Finally, I got up and walked half a mile and sat in the sun and fresh air and prayed. I asked the Holy Spirit to show me what was going on… what did I bump up against without knowing it? What was attacking me and why?

See, when you set out to do spiritual warfare you can’t make assumptions. Sometimes we have a knee-jerk reaction and start binding and loosing in our normal flow. And sometimes that works. But sometimes making assumptions can leave you oppressed as you battle the wrong enemy and the real culprit keeps attacking.

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When a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing Howls for Help

When a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing Howls for Help

Last week I penned a column that exposed a sinister plot to deceive the saints. In “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing Actively Working in Pentecostal Church,” I revealed that unbelievers pretending to be Christians are integrating themselves into Pentecostal churches only to feign falling away from the faith—just to see your reaction. Indeed, they are doing that and more.

My column uncovers that “Wolf” (that’s what I call him because he won’t reveal his true identity) and a friend are fully participating as conservative believers in a Oneness Pentecostal church. The overarching goal is to develop close relationships with members of the congregation and to begin ministering and speaking and doing ministerial projects for the church—all to see how the pastors and members react in a year or so “when [their] planned apostasy takes place.”

It turns out wolves don’t like to be exposed before their time—and this one is biting back. Wolf wrote two responses to my expose on his false plot: “So I Thought You Could Discern the Spirits? (A Response to Charisma News)” and “How the Church Brainwashes You With Threats (Continuing Response to Jennifer LeClaire).”

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Jennifer on the Radio: Does God Owe Us a Sign?

On Chosen Generation today we continued our discussion on the Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing Project, which I wrote about in my Watchman on the Wall column for Charisma magazine last week. The Wolf is howling, but clearly hurt. He wants God to show him a miracle to prove He’s real. We also discussed how Duck Dynasty’s Willie Robertson was dis-invited from a fundraiser for Free Will Baptist Church after he inked a deal for a line of wines to be sold for $10 a bottle at Walmart. Of course, we prayed for folks as well. If you missed the broadcast, you can listen to it here. Be sure to tune in next week!

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This Is What Heretical, Counterfeit Christianity in Action Looks Like

This Is What Heretical, Counterfeit Christianity in Action Looks Like

“We must now have the courage to take the final step and call homophobia and heterosexism what they are. They are sin. Homophobia is a sin. Heterosexism is a sin. Shaming people for who they love is a sin. Only when all our churches say that clearly and boldly and courageously will our LGBT youth be free to grow up in a culture that totally embraces them as they fully are.”

These aren’t the words of an outspoken gay activist at a rally. Or, well, maybe they sort of are. These words came from the lips of Rev. Gary Hall, the dean of Washington’s National Cathedral, in a recent Sunday sermon. Hall was speaking during a weekend that honored lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth and commemorated the 15th anniversary of Matthew Shepard’s death. Shepard was murdered in what gay rights activists call an anti-gay hate crime in 1998. Others claim it was gay propaganda.

But Hall’s sermon wasn’t an isolated instance or any sort of departure from his standard theology—and it wasn’t taken out of context. Earlier this year, Hall announced the Washington National Cathedral would start celebrating same-sex marriages.

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Rick Joyner Predicts Destruction of Republic, Third Great Awakening

Rick Joyner Predicts Destruction of Republic, Third Great Awakening

In his weekly Prophetic Perspective on Current Events broadcast, Rick Joyner predicted the destruction of America’s republic—maybe even during President Obama’s second term.

Joyner prefaced the Internet broadcast entitled “Has Democracy Failed?” by warning viewers that he would say some things that may be shocking. The segment was filmed on the day before the government shutdown.

From Joyner’s prophetic perspective, the republic of the United States of America is crumbling because of tyranny from the government and from the people.

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Just Because We Can Prophesy Doesn’t Mean God Likes How We Behave

Just Because We Can Prophesy Doesn’t Mean God Likes How We Behave

The anointing at the altar was strong. Words of wisdom were flowing. People were getting healed. We were seeing a genuine outpouring. The Holy Spirit’s manifest presence was undeniable. God was using Mark (not his real name) to set the captives free.

But Mark wasn’t free—and he wouldn’t admit it. Mark was like one of the Sons of Thunder who wanted to call fire down from heaven to consume the people who rejected Jesus (Luke 9:54). He frequently threatened to rebuke those who didn’t live up to his standards. He had dreams and visions of people dying because they wouldn’t come to church. His behavior was controlling, impatient and self-righteous.

When Mark’s co-laborers confronted him, he suggested they were the problem. He said they didn’t have enough faith to live on the edge like he was; that they weren’t sold out to God like he was; that they weren’t fasting and praying enough like he was; that they just weren’t holy enough like he was. So he cut off relationship with those co-laborers and took his spiritual gifts somewhere else.

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