
3 Reasons Why You Should Not Fast in January

Every January, without fail, we see leaders all over the Body of Christ calling for fasts, abstaining from food or some activity to focus on God. There’s the perennial Daniel Fast, based on the prophet of the same name refusing the king’s delicacies and living on...
How to Use Essential Oils Safely and Effectively

How to Use Essential Oils Safely and Effectively

Everyone has a different “essential oil style.” Some people use essential oils as natural remedies while others use them to fragrance the air. Some use them to replace toxic personal care products. Finally, other people use essential oils for everything—it becomes...

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3 Simple Questions for Those Who Need Pain Relief

3 Simple Questions for Those Who Need Pain Relief

I’ve often heard it said, “From the hardest struggles come the greatest gifts.” This has certainly been the case in my own life. My son was recently diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, a potentially life-threatening type of lymphatic cancer. There’s no way you...

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A healthy christian life – Part 2

A healthy christian life – Part 2

Have you ever wondered about changing your life for the better? Maybe you have tried to shed some weight, become more active and improve your health. There are varieties of measures to ensure we maintain a healthy lifestyle, and irrespective of our busy schedules, it...

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