15 Warning Signs You are Dating the Wrong Person

15 Warning Signs You are Dating the Wrong Person

We first started to converse one day in the cafeteria lunch line – Bible college students from the same hometown. It was not a star-struck “love at first sight” enamored moment, `a la Hollywood style, but over the weeks as we became friends, the attraction was in...
Top 5 Christian Movies You Should Not Miss This 2019

Top 5 Christian Movies You Should Not Miss This 2019

The Christian media is one of the most powerful tools that God uses for His children to be reminded about His wonderful love. And this 2019, you will be inspired by these upcoming Christian movies that will no doubt bless you no end. They are listed in according to...


The holiday season! And the Grinch inevitably shows his face. There are the PC police on the liberal side and the religious police on the religious side. Each one wants to tell us that we shouldn’t celebrate these holidays lest we either offend someone or engage...
A Boxer’s Story of Redemption and Resurrection

A Boxer’s Story of Redemption and Resurrection

As I write these words, Adonis Stevenson, a 41-year-old professional boxer (and longtime champion) lies in critical condition after being knocked out in a fight Saturday night. So, in no way am I minimizing the brutality or danger of the sport. But in the midst of...
10 Characteristics of (so-called) Christian Cults

10 Characteristics of (so-called) Christian Cults

There have been numerous off shoots of Christianity that have turned out to be heretical cults. Because of the lack of biblical discernment, many people fall prey to them. One of the most popular of the cults that have many of the following characteristics is...
Witches Rise Up to Hex Justice Brett Kavanaugh

Witches Rise Up to Hex Justice Brett Kavanaugh

Witchcraft season is upon us—a time of year where the world celebrates darkness and witches form demonic companies to celebrate dark forces. One example is making secular media headlines: Brooklyn witches are banding together for a rushed ritual to hex, vex and curse...
What’s the Rudest Thing People Do in Church?

What’s the Rudest Thing People Do in Church?

It doesn’t bother me anymore when I hear a phone ringing during a church service. Welcome to life in the 21st century. But I was shocked recently when I heard a blaring ringtone while I was preaching—and a woman on the second row pulled her phone out of her...
Do People Who Commit Suicide Go to Heaven?

Do People Who Commit Suicide Go to Heaven?

Last month, a successful young pastor, Andrew Stoecklein, ended his life at age 30 after suffering from months of depression. He left behind a grieving wife, three young sons and a baffled congregation in Chino, California. Just days before his suicide, Stoecklein...